I am going trough a moment in my life where I have been unable to study or work for about 6 months. I keep freezing, and just cannot get anything done. And I know I shouldn't but I feel guilty, embarrased and I feel weak.

Why do some people go trough childhood negligence and manage to turn 18 and leave? Why do they manage to work? Why don't I? Why can't I just get my ass up and do what I need to do to survive?

It's so infuriating. I am not depressed. I love life, I have so many passions but I just cannot fucking get up and do them. I've spent money in classes and I still don't go. I even put on clothes, get ready and when it's time to leave it's always the same. I get inside my bed and cover me with the blankets, and just freeze there for hours, until I have to walk my dog.

People tell me to be disciplined and I honestly want to rip their eyes out lol

I want a life so desperately. Why am I so weak? Why couldn't my trauma just manifested as being a workaholic or being extremely independent and a loner? I still live under my abusers roof and I've been trying to leave for years.