Awwh thank you so much!! :D This is my entire deck list. Maybe you find something to add.

Nope, just what I felt like would look good or to try around as they are my personal cards. So no fear of ruining it per se hahah. And what felt like would fit the theme of the card. Since I stick with "just" border extension, as they are my personal favorites.

That looks so badass! Stunning work!

No problem! :D

There is a checkbox on the side under the filter to search for it specifically :D So don't forget to mark it as such while listing and upload an image (think that is mandatory now when that box is ticked)

I get quite a few sales but there are slower times as cardmarket doesn't have an algorithm for this. Which arguably isn't a bad thing xD It is a waiting game, but people will look for it!


For first attempts, absolutely stunning! :D

In my experience cardmarket is the best in EU. Besides that locally! At your game store or while playing. eBay I guess works too, but I've mainly seen the more elaborate stuff up there. Etsy stay away. They take a massive cut and the website is so littered with resellers and drop shippers that it is hard to be seen. Not worth the effort anymore really.

Prices sound good! At the end of the day it is what you think they are worth. You will find a crowd :D I list mine from minimum 20 as high as 100. Depending on what is needed.

Good luck and happy painting!

Omg that is a brilliant idea! :D I will add that to the list 100%! Might as well go all the way! Thank you!

Hahah seems that if you run a Rhys deck it has to be a relic of starting magic! That is beautiful!

Thank you so much! :D I keep my website frequently updated. Should get a new look soon too.

Same actually! :D it is a rare sight for sure. I basically wall myself in, secure and then run ppl over with a ton of tokens. Or well that is the idea.

I have this deck now for about 12 years or so just advanced it over that time.

Thank you! :3


As I promised in a few comments, here is the update. A bit past the half way point but ey here it is! 61 Cards done. If I keep this pace up I will finish it this year!

Shameless Plug of my current stock and my website for my work:

Thanks for checking my stuff out! :D Hope you have a great day!

Haha thank you! :3 it will probably land on cardmarket if i do! :)

Awh thank you! :) - is my website for my work and commissions and that jazz. - and I list my available cards here.

Still haven't decided but I might put this one up for sale too :D

Thanks! :3 but that credit goes to a dear friend of mine! Who also loves both Genshin and mtg dearly. He keeps coming up with these perfect fits!

Awwh thank you! Looking forward to seeing what you would make of it!

Eyy welcome to the hobby! :D thank you so much! (They are called alters btw, for easier finding and looking them up! -some fantastic ones around)

That style is adorable! Also an incredible first attempt! Definitely curious to follow your journey! :D

Heheh thank you! Patron of this gorgeous idea! :D

Good day!
I hand paint onto Magic the Gathering cards for fun. And since I love Genshin a lot, I decided this was a perfect match. I hope this is okay to post and hope, who ever reads this, you have a good day and may the 50/50 be on your side! <3
