It's been almost 4 months minimal contact/grey rock. Blocked them a couple months back after some really breadcumby texts and attempts at contact.

I have to communicate with them at some point but I'm not sure I'm ready yet. These past couple months I have thought about them less and less and even the idea of them "moving on" is no longer a destructive thought, but a relief. I feel like I've been working hard core on myself, getting to the bottom of what happened and why. I'm almost ready to put on my armor and go to bat for myself.

After years and YEARS of walking on eggshells, nearly constant gaslighting and always taking the blame for anything that went wrong with absolutely zero accountability from the other side, being called defensive and dismissive for not wanting to be yelled at and telling him so... And so much more that I am seeing through different lenses and speaking out loud sometimes for the first time ever... Isn't it time I get to set some of the rules? If it was ok to yell over me and ignore my apologies and then humiliate me when I try to find other ways to relate to them and apologize again, then it's more than ok to say I have the right to call topics off limits and be able to end the conversation if that is not honored.

I have nothing more to say to them. It feels so fucking powerful to say that. I can sleep at night knowing I did everything I wanted to and needed to in trying to salvage the relationship. I was honest and steady, there was never a question what I was fighting for. I didn't pursue any hookups or date anyone but my own self (and fell in love). I know I have given grace and latitude well beyond what was warranted, because i see now how much it was at cost to my own mental wellness and emotional safety. Most importantly, I don't need anyone to believe a word I'm saying, because I know, and the people most important to me just know.

I may have lost a huge part of my family, but I've gained true connection and deeper love than I ever knew possible before they did me the biggest favor and finally spoke what I had not been willing to admit. Maybe they want me, maybe they don't, maybe they don't know what they want. I don't care, it's not my problem anymore. I cannot understate just how validating and freeing it is when you finally detox/deprogram from this person and you can tell yourself everything's ok and everything will be ok, and believe it.

I started this post feeling really anxious and fully ready to rant because of a recent contact attempt, but I actually surprised myself. Thanks for reading and hang in there ❤️