you have deficiency. It's not 'nil' but close enough. It doesn't say what your phenotype is. do not drink or smoke with a1ad. It is a LIVER disease that can affect the lungs and/or liver.

nothing beats a pair of chucks

they try to take away rights that don't suit them but don't take away their guns

I put a cup of canned pineapple juice in a 32oz bottle for second ferment. It took about 2 days and it got a nice fizz to it. It does have a bit of sediment and 2 of the bottles grew a little pellicle type thing. More testimony to it's goodness really. =)

I'm going to try it with ginger in my next batch this weekend. <3

apple is my favorite. I used a red skin one lol

just made a pineapple batch and used dole canned pineapple juice and this is the sediment I got too but it's oh so good. When I juiced apples and added that, not so much sediment because the juicer removes all of it.

when they're jerks -> that's on them

when they have cptsd that may be on the parents

airplane seats had built in ashtrays. I smoked in the smoking section behind my high school.

and yet we are ruining our planet and killing each other and have nukes ready to go. the fact that we don't appreciate, at large, how amazing life is - is mind blowing.

weight bearing activity especially lifting weights. doesn't have to be in a gym, can just use hand weights and do sets. Walking is a great weight bearing activity. Bike riding is not lol

no just no. your wife needs to be the parent, not the friend. Set consequences, put foot down hard, do not tolerate. the child can make their own decisions about this when they're an adult. and where are they getting the vapes from? bring down the hammer on them too.

I respect you deeply for doing what you have to do.

I don't think you're overreacting because poop can make people very sick. he works where you work. he touches the same door knobs you do. It's probably a normal reaction if you're not me. I'd be wiping the door handles and everything that guy touches with bleach wipes and I'd be passing out bleach wipes to the other employees but not say why just muttering you never know what's on door knobs...

beet root juice: 3 raw beets, 1 thumb size ginger, 1 half an apple. wash, peel, core and juice everything. Drink 2oz every 4 hours until you get relief. That will tell you how many ounces you need. Like say you find relief after 4 ozs then you know next time to drink 4ozs daily or every other day. It really doesn't take that much. I hope this helps.

he's hormonal and perhaps he thought you were his mate.

Egahds! Painting over those should be a crime. I have these on all my doors. Took one to a locksmith, cost $8 to make a skelly key. Good job on the impressive clean up! 👏