I've had a black capped conure for around 5 years now, and he's been my little baby. We've always been extremely close. Whenever I'm home he's on my shoulder or snuggled inside my shirt peeking through the collar. He's always been super good around people as well. I was always his favorite, but he loves people so much I'd bring him to my ex's office and he'd let strangers pet and hold him no issues. He never has been loud and even learnd to say a few words which I heard is fairly rare for these guys. He was literally the perfect parrot.

All that changed about 6 months ago. Out of no where he's become a menace and I don't know why. He attacks me when I get near his cage, he screams constantly, and he hates everyone. I can't even take him out of his cage because he'll fly at the nearest person and try to attack them. He seems to be terrified of people as well which I do not know why. He didn't have a bad experience, I never punished him (not that he ever needed it), he's never been a stressful environment, and I've says made sure to respect his space and cage.

I've been doing everything I can to try and rebuild our bond these past 6 months but I don't know what to do. I don't even feel comfortable about touching him let alone letting him out of his cage. My hands are scarred and bruised and I've cried so much about him. The other night I dreamt that he died and I replaced him. I woke up feeling so guilty, but kind of at peace too. I would never hurt him but it's getting to the point where some days I just want to open the window and let him go. It makes me so sad our bond is completely gone and it's starting to turn into resentment.

If anyone has any advice please help me. Is there any hope? Has anyone gone through this with their bird baby?