
the same thing happens to me, thank you for commenting this i feel like finally someone put it into words. I will tell my therapist about it. It's the same for me, only when my dad begins being being abuse again and stops love bombing me I am finally functional. I actually become functional when I stop eating too, it's something I've been doing my whole life ''Oh exams are coming up? well nothing I can do, I have to stop eating''

I always thought this is bizarre and never understood why I did it, but I think it's because of this. I will trigger myself with videos about body image, and very strict societies, asians mostly, to tray to gain their mindset and feel like if I don't achieve those stuff I will die. I will even write myself notes like ''not studying=dying'' ''not following my skincare=dying'' it only works for a short amount of time because I know it's not real, and I'm the opposite of a materialistic person, I am bad at being delusional about reality.

I showered and cleaned my room. I was sick all day yesterday but I'm already recovered by today, which is pretty amazing! I could even have coffee today and I'm able to get out of my house and walk my dog later (:

I'm so sorry you went trough this. It's so horryfing. I wish I could do or say more than that. You deserved way more. What you said about your dad on christmas broke my heart. I know it's cliche but you are a survivor, you are better than all those fuckers who hurt you. Thank you for sharing this with me, it really means a lot.

I am 21, I've tried to leave but I can't keep a job, I managed to get strong enough to look for a job again this week, and I hope I finally find one I can keep and I am able to work at all, it's been hard to even get out of bed.

Could I ask you something, ? I hate if this is triggering. How do you continue living knowing this is true? it's just that life doesn't seem worth living if all the people around me are this shitty, shitty enough to not even help a CHILD ??. How do you still find value in life? Have you manage to build any meaningful relationship?

I ask myself these questions and the only answer I find is I have to fucking do something, how t f is this happening and no one does nothing?

Why did no one protect me from my parents abuse?

The neighbors knew, my teachers, my sisters, my extended family. No one did anything.

When I finally spoke up and asked for helped at about 16, my friend called me selfish and he left me. His family said if my parents kicked me out I could stay with them, and when it happened they said I couldn't move in. To this day my childhood friend doesn't talk to me and she's told me to not tell her about the abuse I'm going trough at home anymore because ''it hurts her'' (she hasn't tried to help me in any way, and the times she promised to she never actually did in the end)The only friend I have left says I need to be more disciplined and she also went trough abuse and she doesn't cry about it (unlike me) My sister who I realize now was also abusing me says I am unfair by expecting her to help me and my brother even though she's independent now and she even has a spare room.

My brother is 16 and suffered so much abuse he was pooping his pants until a couple of years ago, it stopped because I shamed my parents about not doing anything, he learned to read late and he doesn't leave the houses for weeks at the time, he's so thin from possibly and ed and my mother feeding him pure crap, he doesn't know how to do anything on it's own, I'm worried about his mental developing. My sister knew this.

I tried to be understanding, and not think abstractly like ''no one cares'' But I don't think I am being too abstract, I cannot deny the truth anymore.These people were able to help, I was absolutely desperate to the point I was ready to kill my dad to survive, and my friends knew how bad it was and they left me to rot.

How can I continue living knowing this? Knowing that I am alone and I'm the only one able to protect me but I am unable to. Knowing that this is the society around me. That this is people's true colors.


Totally. I woke up last night in the middle of the night to a mental breakdown (thanks brain, there was no need to wake me up but k) and I caught myself telling this to sooth myself ''If the abuse my parents said didn't happen truly didn't happen, then why am I feeling this way?''

lol I think I might be doing that with food. I have tons of problems around eating, and I think everything I'm actually eating it's because I'm disociated. It's like the food is then and I blink and it's not. And I have no memory of the taste or chewing it and I immediately brush my teeth because I hate remembering that I ate

as an escape, but this time I'm UNCOMFORTABLY AWARE that I'm doing it to cope

omggg I understand you completely. I think that might be a good thing, maybe the next step it's not wanting to using it as an escape anymore, and then quitting. Are you going to therapy?


my mid 20s after getting a bunch of therapy and I know it's not healthy but sometimes I really miss it. I used to get so

Same. I have been maladaptive daydreaming my whole life. Literally had multiple parents, brothers, boyfriends, people I truly had connection with. And I turned 22 and realized..I have been isolated my whole life, I have no real memories and connection with people, no experiences. All this people only exist in my head. I stopped doing it, I stopped playing videogames and watching shows and I became unable to study, I havent gone to class in almost a month now. All the shame and fear, all the memories I was supressing it's coming up and I cannot function this way

It's the same for me, I have been crying since I'm a child at the idea of becoming an adult and having to depend on myself because even then I acknolewdge I had no family and was going to fully depend on myself to survive.

I put my trust in someone this year and ended up in an abusive relationship :) of course. So that was my last hope.

I am (well was, before I came unable to leave the house) in about 5 different sports and activities, wanting to be the best at all of them to increase my chances of being succesfull and able to provide for myself and to be loved by all my teachers because then I could increase my chances of someone taking me as their daughter, someone realizing I deserve love and to be protected. Someone to share their family with me. Ugh. Man. Literally just a poor little kid trying to survive dude, none of us deserved this

Than you for sharing this. Reading your story made me tear up.

'' I can’t feel anything and I’m not really there, even when I want to be there. It’s hard to keep good memories bc I’ve been forcing myself to forget everything I experience since I was a child.''

I realized yesterday this is happening to me. I found myself in the ideal situation, I am finally reading again, I have the dog of my dreams, I am going to the park everyday and drinking cofefe for about 2hs everyday. My dog was traumatized by our living situation and it's always very protective of me and very alert but yesterday I was sitting down on the park reading and he laid down beside and put his head on my lap, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sun, he even started crying a little bit, he does that when he's extremely happy. He relaxed in public for the first time. And it's the most beautiful thing I ever experienced but I couldn't feel anything, and I couldn't generate a memory from it. That's why I tend to take a lot of pictures but I didn't have my phone.

I'm so sorry you had to go trough this and I'm so sorry there's so many people who relate to us, we didn't deserve to go trough all of that as children and we still don't deserve this to going trough this.

I feel you. I'm sorry you are going trough this.

hat's why I want to move out of my parents house, I feel like if I'm forced into fight mode I'll become functional again. But I moved out once and I was being financially supported by my boyfriend and the moment we broke up and he said he'd stop supporting me I went trough a terrible depressive episode, I never went into fight mode. So it's probably a lie. I'll just end up homeless if I move out

I'm still a teen then :``) that in itself help lol I have a ton of issues with being an adult, I don't feel like one.

Thanks for sharing.

Yeah honestly I have been thinking a lot lately and I think I came to the conclusion that even though I have many dreams I have to go easy on myself.

Like, I am sadly at a disvantage compare to other people, I will never be like them and that might mean that I will not achieve the same as fast.

It seems that all the dreams in my head are moving further into the future, like I was imagining myself being 25 but now I imagine finally getting a car and traveling at my mid 30's, or early 40's and like, I'm fine with that. Like damn that little girl survived and actually made it. She got a car AND survived 40 year?

Or like who cares if it took me 12 years instead of 6 to become a doctor, I did it. And all my classmates who are dumb 18 year olds have it easy (as they should, as its supposed to) because they didn't go trough what I did, they can't even beging to comprehend what the pain people who suffer childhood tauma go trough, so who cares. That it's the majority of society and honestly it's a good thing. But I exist even if I'm different, even if I'm the minority.

u are so right.

I suffer from maladaptive daydreaming and even the character I'm obsessed with that also went trough abuse had family to support him trough it lol. I compare to him a lot, I know it's fantasy but well

I totally understand what u are saying. For me it was the same my whole life until I just couldn't, like the fear is still there but my body doesn't react to it anymore, it just won't fucking move.

"I guarantee you that at some point, everything's gonna go south on you. And you're gonna say, 'This is it. This is how I end.' Now you can either accept that... or you can get to work. ""You just do the math and solve the problem. And then onto the next problem and solve that problem. And solve the next problem too. And if you solve enough problems, you get to go home."

sorry you went trough that. it does actually. Like, trauma is there it just shows up at different times. It might be a good thing mine is showing up now and not later

totally. when I hear of people who went trough abuse they always told me they at least had 1 person. It's so upsetting. I had anybody, and even my neighboors knew of the abuse and did nothing :(

achiever workaholic type until I burnt out and now Im frozen most of the time. I am also full of things I'm passionate about and worry about wasting my potential. I was reading the other day about a role model of mine, they were describing their work day and I was astonished about how

Honestly it's great you point that out. I actually wasn't able to walk my dog three months ago and it was also the first time I was living alone. It was horryfing. I kept insisting, and insisting, and kept my routine consistent (walking him at the same time) I kept walking him later, not walking him at all. But without realizing it, now I have a set routine and I naturally walk him at 10:30am, 15:30 and 18:30 everyday. It's great to remind myself of this and I believe you could do the same if I did it

the fact that it's describe as ''events from which escape is difficult or impossible'' was important for me to hear. It gives me a bit of compassion towards myself. I really did try to escape, it was just impossible

Why some people are functional after childhood abuse and others not?

I am going trough a moment in my life where I have been unable to study or work for about 6 months. I keep freezing, and just cannot get anything done. And I know I shouldn't but I feel guilty, embarrased and I feel weak.

Why do some people go trough childhood negligence and manage to turn 18 and leave? Why do they manage to work? Why don't I? Why can't I just get my ass up and do what I need to do to survive?

It's so infuriating. I am not depressed. I love life, I have so many passions but I just cannot fucking get up and do them. I've spent money in classes and I still don't go. I even put on clothes, get ready and when it's time to leave it's always the same. I get inside my bed and cover me with the blankets, and just freeze there for hours, until I have to walk my dog.

People tell me to be disciplined and I honestly want to rip their eyes out lol

I want a life so desperately. Why am I so weak? Why couldn't my trauma just manifested as being a workaholic or being extremely independent and a loner? I still live under my abusers roof and I've been trying to leave for years.

I need my daydreams to fit my real lifeVent

I keep sitting down and analyzing how can I make it so that my daydreams fit my real life. Example I have to study so I imagine how would studying fit into the life of my character in my daydream. If I have x interests I imagine how that would happen in my daydreams. The thing is that in my daydream I am on a zombie apocalypse or I'm rich, so stuff like working, budgeting doesn't fit in my reality, and I can't do them. I don't know what to do, I suppose I have to work in stopping this altogether, but I feel so lonely. In my daydreams I always have a partner, so everything I am everything I like it's just to be a match for my partner honestly. I keep needing someone to take care of me the way my parents didn't, so protect me from danger, ensure my financial wellbeing, or hunting scavenging for me I feel like everything I am it's just something that is there to be loved by a man, like I can't love myself or love my life, be independent, strong :( it's sad and I'm exhausted

Muchas graciass. Y pasando por la facu vi que hacen practicas con huesos, cadaveres, esas practicas comienzan antes?

Practicas en VeterinariaConsulta y/o preguntas generales sobre carrera/tecnicatura

Hola, queria consultar cuando comienzan las practicas en veterinaria? Hay desde el primer año? Me fije en el plan de estudios pero no lo encontre
