That’s the pizza joint inside Great Wolf Lodge. Many wolf references.

I do a variation with minced fresh jalapenos instead of pimentos and a couple teaspoons of sriracha instead of cayenne. It needs at least 4 hours in the fridge for the flavors to blend.

Sometimes. But other times I find parenting books triggering because they point out something I'm doing badly at with my kid, albeit in a completely different direction from how my parents messed me up.

People always used to tell me "oh, you'll be fine, the fact that you're worried about turning into your parent means you'll be a good parent," and sure, that's a compact little soundbite of truth, but damn does it take a lot more effort than that to fill in the blanks.

A friend of mine wears one and people still ask him why he still has a pager.

The main thing I understand about being a parent after having been one for awhile is: it's important to question the nasty inner voice that says you must do something X way for the good of this child, that stuff tends to come from your own damage and not actual good parenting. My folks both critically lacked introspection. I can only imagine something in my dad told him that me refusing to eat tomatoes was a childlike intransigence that needed to be nipped in the bud, and not, like, a strong personal aversion which is a thing and can easily be accommodated, or at least not traumatized about. Some of the stories in this thread, you wonder if we'd like these foods if they hadn't been turned into traumatic memories. (Well, not me. I cook with tomatoes, I still despise the flavor of raw ones.)

Oh, and don't get me started on my mom making tomato beef chow mein (basically the Chinese response to spaghetti, but the tomatoes are barely cooked and the raw flavor is overpowering) and then questioning me every single time about why I wasn't eating it. Neither of them could truly comprehend that I had preferences that existed separate from their own.

This is an annoying quest made more annoying by the fact that several times now I have come back to the game and my character is just standing still in the middle of an empty field. When you move, the breakables regenerate, but I have no idea how long I was standing there wasting time.

This episode and Whistlespeak are both showing up as "live" on Paramount+ on the Apple TV app, and it keeps restarting the episode if you forget and rewind, and this is insanely annoying. I have to switch to another device because you can't fast-forward to where you were, in this case 42 minutes into the damn episode.

Corn bisque (soup) is delicious. I don't have a personal favorite recipe, but this looks reasonable if you ignore the blender ad.

I have a traumatic childhood memory of being forced to bite into a cherry tomato as a child. My dad held a stopwatch on me to make me do it. I finally did it and spat it out into the sink because I hated it so much, and he laughed.

I fucking hated raw tomatoes, I still hate raw tomatoes and I’m in my 40s. It’s a power trip, not parenting.

There was a “no shampoo” movement that went around Reddit awhile ago that I was always confused about. But I’ll say this, I stopped washing my hair as often during the pandemic because what was the point, and son of a bitch, my scalp did regulate its oil production and now I only wash my hair once every few weeks.

We had a living trust done through my legal plan at work. That knocked the cost down significantly, but we then paid more to handle a larger estate. This is really really important if you have kids, if you don’t have kids then it depends how much of an asspain you want surviving family to deal with if you get hit by a bus.

There will still be a huge pain in the ass once one of us goes, as our plan stipulates the surviving spouse must restructure everything to make sure our kid inherits her share and any possible shiftless stepsiblings or stepparents brought in by possible remarriage of the surviving spouse can’t touch it. This is possibly overkill but it made my spouse feel better about it.

For most applications yes, don’t get me started on blogs telling you to make pulled chicken out of breast, but the flavors and textures are different. I like a nice thin chicken paillard sautéed in butter, that’s not a thigh application.

F2P and no alts, and I play on an iPad so I don’t do anything overnight. I hatched three Huge Happy Computers during the world 2 event and a Huge Wizard Westie from crystal keys somehow (I’ve seen people here say it took them thousands but I pulled one one day with five pulls, the gods of RNG are fickle gods).

My kid appropriated two of my HHCs and then sold one of them when I wasn’t looking. Hmph.

Sometimes infertile means your gametes are a little fucked up and you keep getting pregnant and then miscarrying. That’s not good.

There’s a term in the infertility circle for an accidental pregnancy after infertility treatment, a “free sex baby.” Well, a “free sex miscarriage” is much much worse and people will use birth control or permanent sterilization to eliminate that risk.

Cotton candy is tiny threads of hot sugar. Milk powder does not possess the chemical properties of sucrose, in general nor at a high temperature.

Cleaning the cotton candy machine once you fill it with burnt milk goop would be quite the project, though.

I shuffle spreadsheets and pixels! Join the digital age!

Accurate. But if looking for marshmallow only, get giant flat one.

Around Christmas they sell small patties in a gift box. I wish they’d sell those year round.

God help me I’m caught up on this show. Did you enjoy last night’s episode featuring the perils of open chasms approximately eighteen inches off a hiking trail?

I only learned this about ten years ago and I'm half Chinese. :)

I was always confused how some places had very smooth, jello-like tofu when the tofu my mom bought was always the cottony kind. Now I use a block of extra firm silken to bulk up egg drop soup when we're sick.

Are they getting rare out there? I feel like I see Rocky Road at weird places like drugstores and gas stations. Hope you can source one!

We have one of these. I like it, but it has four separate parts and you have to hand wash it, and lately I’ve started mixing with, uh, a hand mixer with only one beater installed.

My husband has experienced what happens if you try that and don’t hold it still.

How do you rate a Rocky Road bar?

Personally I have a soft spot for the big flat chocolate covered marshmallows they sell at See’s. They’re seasonal in that they come in different shapes around different holidays.