thank you, I'll check these out! :) I wish there were more mature games for women. Rinamaru is indie games studio working on a spicier otome game and has interactive minigames/VNs (available on patreon). They're awesome, and women run. Their anime-style cgs are gorgeous.

Any spicier recommendations...asking for a friend 🌶️

If you had to sleep outside through rain and snow, if police threw out your belongings every day, you can't get food and a hot shower at the end of each day. You don't think you'd turn to alcohol or drugs when offered? The amount of non homeless people on drugs to numb themselves out is about the same as the amount of homeless people ON drugs most of the time. Lol.

Thank you. Im sure it means a lot to them. I've been close to homeless and so I appreciate this.

Sorry to hear that. Wishing you the best on your journey.

no but many are- and corporate bailouts + loans are easier to get than you think.

yeah. However, you can get by with being less influencer-y about it. I keep my profile up-to-date but I don't post daily.

This. Drop them or distance yourself. Your house is on fire and they're telling you to pt out the fire instead of giving you a hose.

You are enough. I promise you.

Holding onto the properties and/or writing it off the project as a loss might be more tax effective in the long run, so it really depends.

It's can be uncomforatble but just trying to talk honestly with her about it and explain that when it comes to cohabitating, it's hard for you to stim and unmask, but that you still love her and want to find solutions. For brainstorming, two heads are better than one, that's what partners are for.

Once I did that, it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It didn't always work out but I've been upfront about it every since.

Influencer culture gone universal unfortunately. Just keep your profile updated with projects and when the team does something impactful, make a post to cement your presence. I've found being strategic about it all means I don't need to do as much of it.

My profiles have always resonated way more when I list activities I want to do with someone. That's a good place to start.

All of this stands regardless of gender. Part of being an adult is learning to be confident and manage your insecurities in a healthy way!

Just replace the lenses for proper quality and you won't run into this again. Have done this for many designer lenses.

Personally, once the person acts resentful or upset about my boundaries around physical trust and intimacy, it's already over. If you aren't ready to call it, as for some space apart. If you fee less stressed when he's not around, then you have your answer.

(This is assuming that you've had conversations with him about it and have stayed those boundaries.)

Did you find any solutions to this. I had the same problem. It was fine in the beginning but as the targets got more advanced and we switched to online, I haven't been as successful.