Hello! So I've seen people say that people saying "me and X are going to the movies tonight", "me and the girls are going to grab lunch" means they're inviting you to go too.

But how does one respond to that? And what if they're not and you join them and is a burden?

Last year a classmate told me, on the very first time we talked, that his friend's band was going to play on the college's theater. I said "oh, that's cool! is it only today or they'll play more days?" and then he answered and the conversation went on.

At the time, I thought that he mentioning that could mean that he wanted me to go, but I wasn't sure so I didn't want to say anything. I thought that as the talk went on, he would then ask me to go. He didn't, so I just thought "yeah, I was right, he was not inviting me".

But watching autistic people's content, it seems to be a reoccurring thing that they say like "that's so cool" in response to the first sentence, and people will say something like "why didn't you wanna come?". So the right answer would be to invite yourself??

Perhaps the way I conducted the conversation after my classmate's first sentence told him somehow I didn't want to go? Like I was indirectly shutting his "request" off? I don't know if that possible or I'm thinking too much about it.

How do you even respond to this cue?