I've always struggled with self promotion and being a private person. Since the pandemic normalized remote work i've noticed that the ability to self promote oneself has been supercharged and now it seems that you are disadvantaged if you dont play this game. The people who are promoted always seem to be in group Slack chats posting several times each day.

This issue seems much worse in tech than other industries probably because everyone is in front of a computer and Linkedin, social media etc. in which everyone seems to be bragging about something in the strangest of ways. If you are in manual work, healthcare worker etc. then its not likely you are posting on Linkedin about how you saved x amount of lives today. It now also seems to be needed to get hired since a recruiter/hiring manager will think its strange if you dont have a monolog of posts.

I wondered if anyone else feels this way and if so how they have managed this. I'm personally considering leaving tech because I dont think I can change my personality enough to partake in the constant self promotion needed.