I'm so old that reading those made me feel like I was having a stroke!


Same. It started happening at 46. Even though I started peri in my 30s, the exclusion and invisibility didn't start until 46.

There's a rainbow bridge that goes to heaven. That's where all pets go when they die to wait for their owners. It's just like when you come home from work and your doggo is sitting in front of the gate, waiting for you. This time, doggo and kitty are on the bridge, watching and waiting to greet you.

That's what I believe, anyway.


Hi, where is this study from because my GP (thinking of switching) insists that estrogen is the has a direct causal relationship to all cancers as women get older.

Thank you for reflecting. So many people don't reflect on their decisions.

My boomer parents told me that the purpose of being female is to have children. I don't have them, so I have no value... unless it is to care for the elderly.

The root of this mindset is misogyny. I have never seen men being pressured to procreate and take on care duties as much as women.

This makes me feel very differently about his marriage to Demi Moore. I feel now that he was taking advantage of someone very insecure, especially about her age and marketability in the industry.

I don't think there was as much a power difference in that relationship as some people might assume there is just from her being older. Unless there's something about her that I don't know about, it seems like she's used to being taken advantage of and never really grew out of it -- considering that her first marriage to Freddy Moore was at a very young age (Demi was 17 and Freddy was around 27 or 28).

I'm not a loud teacher. If a kid is acting up, I walk very close to them, speak to them even softer so that they have to be quiet to hear me.

I only use my "loud" voice sometimes. It is not necessary to be loud to teach well. I have had some very excellent soft spoken teachers in my lifetime. None of them ever had to yell because there were other ways of engaging the class.

Body language is a big part of communication.

If you are going to be loud, it is very important that you learn how to project your voice properly so that you do not end up damaging your vocal chords. I know a lot of PE teachers who have vocal damage.


I am with a menopause clinic at a hospital and I have appointments once every year. Unfortunately my GP is supposed to be responsible for my care most of the time, but the one that I was with retired. So I am looking for a new one.


The diet, exercise, and fasting made me feel faint, but I was still fat.

The HRT did not make a difference to my weight, but it has been and still is helpful for a lot of other symptoms. I would still have a chubby tummy if I was or was not taking HRT.


I have also asked for testosterone because of weight gain, lethargy, and lack of libido, but my GP said no.

I'm looking for a GP that will tell me why. Because I do think that most women need some and become deficient in menopause.


I am on HRT and have been for a while. Post 45, my body put on weight around my belly no matter what I did. Diet, exercise, fasting. Nothing worked. The only thing it did was make me feel faint and still fat. It is a real struggle.

I'm in Australia and I hate this haircut. It's giving eshay from Tarneit.

Maybe this is the number where we start to feel "old". 47. Damn it. I'm the same person. It's the great betrayal of my life. My body has betrayed me and I wasn't even mean to it.

If anyone asks me if I would ever like to be young again, I would say 100% yes. But "young" as in... I would like to be 40 again.

The second green drape is very nice. You are warm.

I have not read this, but I hope this says that because of brain plasticity, we become more awesome as we age. Not more stupid. I really hope it says that.

The walls become thinner, it shortens, and your clitoris shrinks. It's a thing. If you keep using it, it will help.

I think some women get this worse than others. I suspect.

I've not had sex in a while so I am hoping that the hottest sex of my life will be in my 60s and 70s or beyond. Because at the moment, I am just struggling with menopause symptoms.

I never expect to seen anymore. I'm 47.

I was hot for a moment between the age of 38 and 44. I mean, hotter than I was in my 20s. I got a lot of attention from men, particularly.

But after 46... definitely not. I look assuredly middle-aged. It can't be helped. I don't care about male attention anymore, but I just want my pants to fit right.

Late 40s. It hasn't gone away for me. It's become worse. I have to really watch my diet. High protein and fruit and veg. No sugar. No alcohol. No caffeine. No processed foods.

I fail repeatedly at this crazy diet even though it is the only way to feel better.

For the first time in my life, I am actually grateful for shapewear. It makes me feel supported.