
What has surprised you about aging as a woman? What do you wish older women would have warned you about? It could be any kind of change -- physiological, physical, cognitive, societal, personal, emotional, financial, occupational, relational, etc.
  • things you had never even heard about & had no idea they would happen
  • things that were worse/better/different than you had anticipated
  • things that were weird or even concerning until you learned that it was a totally normal part of aging

As I've gotten older and have experienced all the "joys" and inevitable "changes" that come with aging, I have found myself woefully prepared or blind-sided by many of those changes.

  • For example, I didn't realize that even my eyebrows would start to turn gray! And why didn't anyone warn me about these pesky dark chin hairs?!
This also begs the question: Why don't us women talk about these things more openly? Why are we so embarrassed or hesitant to tell younger women what shit's really gonna be like?

As a society, we've finally gotten more comfortable talking openly about periods and tampons and even childbirth, but I feel like there is SO much more that is never talked about. So many of us women experience and handle these changes all on our own despite the fact that these changes are almost universal (to some degree). I think all young girls could benefit from having an older lady warn them about what's coming down the line, ya know?