I was talking to a boomer about not having kids. Her response: “It’s okay to be selfish!”

No ma’am. Selfish is having children that you don’t want, relying on them to fill your emotional void, complaining about all the shit that said child/ren then require, and acting like you are a messiah for half-assing (if that) a job that YOU SIGNED UP FOR.

My parents had too many kids because “Jesus told them to” and then they neglected us. My siblings are all drug addicts, alcoholics, and narcissists. Didn’t graduate high school. No pattern to be seen here according to my folks! They always blame someone or something else.

Most of my siblings have reproduced AND divorced and guess what? AIN’T SHIT CHANGED. My nieces and nephews are now acting out, in military schools instead of high school, are having drug problems, etc. Their parents are more interested in fighting each other than raising their kids.

But yes. I am the selfish one.