This happened to me years ago with an old boyfriend. Day 1 of the trip, he was cranky and bedridden with a bug of some sort. Everyday I asked if I could get him anything, and then I would leave for the day. He was not happy and whined about my lack of care. I told him he was being ridiculous. It sucks to be sick, but he wasn't dying.

If we were at home he would have been completely on his own (we didn't live together) and I was not wasting precious time off from work (and $$ for the trip) to stay in a hotel room caring and fawning over a capable adult. He was not a child, he knew how to call room service, and he knew how to contact a doctor etc. If the tables had been turned I would not have expected anyone to sacrifice their holiday for me.

But it's only common in your circle. That doesn't make it universal or common in any other circle, including Jen's or MIL's circle. They might have completely different practices. I wouldn't take it as a slight, and I wouldn't say anything.

I have mental health and neuro issues that have been amplified with peri. I have always needed a lot of time to myself or I lose my mind and that is even more so now. Having someone sit quietly in the same space is not the same. I will mask without realizing and feel burdened and drained.

My partner is a dove and has always understood that my needs have nothing to do with him, and that having space is something I need (like meds) to feel "stable" and happy.

He often spends evenings/sleeps in the spare room during the work week when I have to go into the office (more stress, less time on my own after interacting with others all day, long commute, etc.). I don't need to ask him to do this, he just seems to be able to suss out when it's needed.

He told me once, "[me], I just want you to be happy. I don't want to do anything to make what you're going through worse, and I don't want to be one more thing that you need to manage/work around."

I love him more than anything.

I would lose my F'ing cheese if someone turned off the a/c! I essentially live in my bedroom from April - November, strapped to the portable a/c unit. I call it my robot boyfriend Danby! Hahaha (Danby is the brand).

I work remotely for the most part and would die if I had to go in everyday. The office is WAY too hot! I have a co-worker who is always freezing, and he wears a thick sweater and has a space heater in his office! Yesterday he was holding his coffee mug with both hands to warm them. I wanted to smack the shivering grin from his face! Haha

I'm in BC. I've never heard of charging guests to attend a wedding (although, I haven't been to one in a while).

I wouldn't go to a wedding if the couple charged a fee to attend. In my view, people should have the wedding they can afford instead of asking guests to subsidize the cost. Guests might already have significant costs to attend: childcare, travel and lodging costs, using precious time-off from work, clothing, the wedding gift, shower gifts, etc.

Me too, I bring it up in the same way I would a cold or the flu. I don't go on and on or vent about it, I just talk in a matter of fact way, "Ugh, I'm in peri and the night sweats are madness." I do get wide eyes of awkwardness from time to time, but I also get other women asking for more information. I want people to know that it's not just, "One day my period stopped and I was grumpy for a while."

Dealing with the impact to my mental health and how peri has amplified pre-existing neuro symptoms has been the hardest season of my life.

I would love consistency in my routine and I pre-plan as much as I can, but my brain will often throw a wrench into my pre-made plans/decisions (I'm also autistic). So, for example, the clothing set aside last night may be unwearable today (too itchy, feels too hot, or the seams are bugging me). Or, the planned hair routine (no wash, just use dry shampoo) goes out the window because my brain decides I can "feel" the oil on my scalp (it is an awful sensation that I can't live with all day), so now I have to wash my hair/blow dry/style it now. This sort of thing can happen at every teeny level of the process. It is constant management of changing whims/needs based on my sensory and other issues. I often have to bring a change of clothes to work in case something that was fine to wear the other day is unbearable today. It's all annoying! Haha

I think the feeling of being outside of your experience is precisely why you should listen to the charity/police. It's a good choice to rely on experts when we are outside of our knowledge and experience.

Even if you can't feel/connect with their urgency yet, I would proceed on the assumption that the charity/police are experts in this area, and that they only want what is best for you and your daughter ♥️

I do that, but for selfish reasons. The silent dance of "no one can be too eager for cake/no one can take cake first" feels irrational to me. I really like cake and I don't want to wait out the irrational thing, so I elect to bypass it all by being the first in line! Haha

I do that too! Hahaha If someone compliments my shoes I'm likely to screech,"They were only $9.99 at Value Village!!! Can you believe it? Crazy, right?!" while stepping around 🤦🏼‍♀️

I cackled out loud at, "Boom, helpful." I startled my dog! Hahaha

Thisssss, it's like trying to corral toddlers. I can work a complex job, but the little everyday decisions kill me. There is too much choice, it is overwhelming.

I'm immediately invested and need to know what happens!!!!! I LOVE this for her!!!! Her life is going to be fantastic!!!!

Same. I was sensitive and would cry at the drop of a hat. I couldn't help it, it was like a wave crashing on me.

The adults in my life were not supportive. People would roll their eyes at my upset, while also teasing me. My family had a "cute" sing-song rhyme (about going to the bathroom) that included my first and middle name. Hearing it never failed to bring me to tears, but they never hesitated to chant it. An aunt or my Gramma would usually hug me while I cried, saying, "Oh [me], such a sensitive girl," and everyone would chuckle and my cousins would call me a baby.

I am still quick to tears in many situations.

I'm really sorry this happened for you. I would have felt sick, by the shortage in the bottle and by being treated so poorly. Given what you've said, it seems likely that someone onsite dipped into your meds. I hope you push the issue. It's horrible enough to steal meds, but it's a whole other level of horrible to 1) allow someone to go without their prescribed medication, 2) treat the patient like a liar because they know the patient might not be believed when a controlled substance is at play, and 3) potentially interfere with your future ability to get meds in a timely way.

At the pharmacies I go to (BC, Canada), they show you the bottle and read out the name, the amount, and the number of refills from the label. I've never received a stapled bag.

It is so helpful. My pharmacy does automatic refills and lets you know by text message when they are ready for pickup.

I am 49, have been in peri for years - mood/brain fog/hot flashes/night sweats/all of it, and I still get regular periods. My doctor started me on HRT last week without issue - an estrogen patch and an oral progesterone. I'm in Canada.

I was just thinking this! I thought it was great that OP recognized the smile for the polite courtesy it was.

Unless he is a celebrity, a man in his 50's is "old" to most young women. When I was younger, I know it creeped me out/upset me to discover that men my dad's age viewed me in a sexual/romantic way.

This is way too much, way too soon. This is love bombing, a really big red flag. Everything feels really intense and swept away, as though life/love finally makes sense. Fate seems everywhere! I would also look up "limerence" (I went through that a few times when I was younger).

He is not the one. I have a mid 20's yo daughter, and I would advise her to break it off asap if she were in your shoes ♥️

No means No. It's shocking that he would dream up "points of argument" to try and debate OP out of her No. Too many men believe they have unconditional sexual access to their partners, and that badgering them to give in is allowed. "Why won't my toy just work and do as I say?!"

OP needs to leave this person. If my partner did this, I would leave in a heartbeat.

I'm sorry this happened, and agree that 3 weeks is an unfair trial period.

Maybe look into a boutique style bakery, where quality/design/art is the money maker (as opposed to swift product turnover)? Your experience/creativity might be really valued in that sort of environment!

That is the same for me too! I do not receive any energy boost! If I exercised in the morning before work, I would be a slug for the rest of the day. I need to exercise after work or on a day off, and I can't have any plans afterward.

I WISH it energized me!