I (29F) work in a small family owned business. My boss hired a new office staff “Aly” (21F). She’s been working with us for about 2 months now. Everything seems to be going well with Aly. In fact, everyone in the office likes her. She’s does her job, no complaints. My boss orders food for us pretty often. Our senior manager treats us food often too. However, this is not part of our company benefits. They are just very kind enough to treat us. Then one day, Aly asked me “Hey, what are you having for lunch?” I said, “I’m having left over pasta from last night, how bout you?” She replied “I kinda wanted to have wings and fries” so I said “Go ahead and order from Uber Eats.” Then I was a little shocked when she said “No, I want them to buy it for me (referring to my boss/manager). I don’t have money. Can you buy me food?” In my mind, I would never ask someone I barely know to treat me food. So just said to her “Sorry, I have no budget to eat out. I just paid my daughter’s daycare for the week.” And by the way, my company provides food in the office break room. It is always filled with cookies, bananas, bread, instant noodles, coffee, sodas and etc. These are free for everyone. When I didn’t bring lunch, I just grab something from there. I don’t ask any of my coworkers to buy me lunch.

Then one week later, she came up to me and asked if I can pick her up from her apartment. She told me her boyfriend can’t driver her to work anymore because he started a new job. Aly doesn’t her own a car and a drivers license. Her boyfriend drives her to and from work everyday. I felt bad for her so I agreed. She lives 2 miles away from work. But I needed to leave my house early because I have to take a different route than usual.

So the next day, I picked her up, no problem. Then the following day, when I pulled up in front of her apartment, and I saw her boyfriend’s car. So I asked her “I thought your boyfriend started a new job? That’s his car over there right?” Then she replied “Oh he didn’t work today. But he’s tired and doesn’t feel like dropping me off to work. He’s still sleeping.” I was fucking dumbfounded! I have to leave my house 20 minutes early just to get you just for your boyfriend to sleep in? Dude are you serious?!

When I got home from work, I texted her I couldn’t pick her up anymore. It’s just too a bit much for me having to leave my house early. Meaning I also have to drop off my 5 y/o daughter early. And I needed that extra time in the morning to rest. Then she got mad at me saying why I couldn’t do it anymore when she’s just live literally 5 minutes away from work. Then the next day, she gave me a silent treatment. I just said to myself, maybe she’s young and immature. She’s only 21. So I didn’t take it personal. It’s been 3 days now she’s giving me a silent treatment at work.

EDIT: For those people commenting how come I needed to leave my house 20 minutes early just to drive additional 2 miles which is not too far. Here is the answer:

She lives 2 miles from work but I live like 20 miles away. So if I pick her up, I needed to take a different exit from freeway. More traffic lights and four way stops on the streets that I needed to get through. The traffic on where I live can be unpredictable. I normally give myself a time allowance just incase the traffic is bad. Plus there are some road works around where Aly lives. So picking her up requires me to leave 20 minutes early so we both make it to work on time. I hope that make sense.