"You are MY mother. You are supposed to help ME"


Kick that parasite out. Life will raise her now.

Time to roll coal in front of a Prius and disband the EPA. Fuk yeah!


I’ve seen a family of 5 or 6 wipe out samples all over the store. It’s so trashy in my opinion. Is that how you feed your family?

Some have never seen a country where free shit is just handed out, so yeah...they take all they can get. That's what my fam did when my parents emigrated here. Thank god my kids grew up here and we don't do that.

Ugh....more values & ethics training incoming for all of us instead of for the dirty wankers using public money like it was their own.

I would push everything cloud based and get rid of any "server" you have in the building.

OP didn't say the church wanted to outsource everything, so that's why they're trying to improve what the church has.

I've never flushed any of my transmissions but I do remember when it was really a thing back in the early 90s. I'm too lazy to f*k up my transmissions like that so I've always done a drain/fill regularly.

I've been trying to report a dude and his ads for 3 days now and Zuckerberg doesn't give a shit. There are no community standards. Unless of course you post something there relating to a topic that "they" don't approve of.

First they experimented with frogs. Now it's Hulu subscribers.

Because it's 2 separate issues.

  1. Biden needs to be replaced immediately. There's still time to quickly sell to the public a Harris-Whitmer team, get everyone excited and win. If the Dems don't do that then start saying "President Trump" for the next 20 years.

  2. Trump - felon. That person shouldn't ever go near the White House again unless he's part of a tour group of prison inmates in a rehabilitation project.

I haven't used usenet in years for eye patch activities but what frustrated me at the end was completion. There would be just enough parts missing that you wouldn't be able to assemble the parts into what you were looking for.

Agreed re: gold mine part tho.

Is thereAny job that requires 0$ investment

Yes, many. In my city there are even janitorial companies that provide the uniform for free, but I know a few fast food places that do require you to buy the black shoes and pants. They provide the shirt.

i really want to have a job that i can work online

Oh, well as some people here suggested - look at Upwork and Youtube.

$400 bag in like-new condition being sold on FB marketplace for $45.... from a smash & grab?

'I know nothing': Trump claims

Indeed. Nice to see him tell the truth about something for once.

Russia will win because they know that the west is too dumb to install an internet kill-switch like Russia did a few years ago (to protect itself from this very thing) or a Great Firewall of China like China did. The west would lose it's mind and scream "But MuH FrEEdOms!!!", and so Russia's access to peoples' minds continues unfettered.

We don't get many international Asylum seekers coming to Canada, so I question why Ottawa alone would spend $11M on this:

In 2022, a total of than 16,415 refugee claimants in Canada came from Mexico, the most out of any country. Haiti, Turkey, Colombia, and Iran rounded out the top five countries for refugee claimants in Canada in that year.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/549366/top-10-origin-countries-of-refugee-claimants-in-canada/#:\~:text=In%202022%2C%20a%20total%20of,in%20Canada%20in%20that%20year.

Now what we do get is a crapton of Migrants. Millions of people migrating around to see if it's easy and full of free giveaways here. Totally separate issue from Asylum seekers.

why is only the 'injured' guy running while the others are just walking a bit faster

Because he knows what it was like to be really injured and he doesn't want to be like that again.

Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine

That's a really misleading headline. The actual information is:

Le Pen told CNN that Kyiv’s permission to use French-supplied long-range missiles inside Russia would also be rescinded.

Which is still very shitty, and will ensure the conflict is very prolonged.

Fair. I was wrong and misleading there.

Any kernel patch always needed a reboot, but if it's any other kind of patching you never needed to reboot the linux server.


Oh, like the thing linux has been able to do for 30+ years? I'm so excited. I can't wait.

Hello everyone i felt disrespectful by earning 18 per hour so how can i go to 2000 per day?

Maybe your skills are only worth $18/day? There's no context to your post.

Some people are so confidently dumb that they actually see that as being smart. Just nod and change the topic fast with her.

We’ve only agreed to increase a couple hundred since this but he keeps on pushing

See? That was your first mistake. Only agree to what the law says. Now the little money addict wants more.

he keeps on pushing and saying he will have to sell if we don’t agree to pay more.

And then he'll want more, and more, and before you know it you'll be paying one of those ridiculous rents everyone keeps talking about.

he’s paying a very high mortgage and is basically paying for our rent and losing money.

LOL. That's a "him problem".

He's free to raise the rent by the legal amount but anything beyond that don't cooperate. He's not your friend. He'll sell anyway and you'll be screwed. Maybe start making a contingency plan for where you'll live when he does eventually sell.

Insurance: Oh wait, you said you were commuting 18kms 1-way to work? But your policy is rated for 1-15km 1-way. Claim denied for misrepresentation."

I don't know what all the fuss was about. The lights turned green so I accelerated and drove off with my Nissan Kicks.