They're...buying small amounts of materials to complete small home improvement projects at home, because contractors don't take on those sorts of projects and it's too expensive anyway?

Jen Hegland’s Into the Forest. It’s a well written book about a post apocalyptic set of sisters struggling to survive in the northwest USA immediately after an undefined collapse of modern society.

And then about 3/4 of the way through we get a totally out there OMGWTFBBQ moment which I am not including because I am rubbish at doing that business with the graying over.

Anyone who’s read it knows what I’m talking about though.

Whether or not a baby belongs at a funeral is purely up to the people hosting the funeral.

There is no moral or social objection to infants at funerals as long as they aren’t allowed to disturb the proceedings.

The baby’s father seems to want baby to go and the loved ones of the deceased seem to want baby there. That’s completely legitimate and should not be dismissed out of hand. .

I’m a straight woman who ticks all the boxes for ‘acceptable’ from the GQP other than the fact that I’m not religious, and I’ll be honest. I’m scared. Maybe not specifically for myself. But for my children. My friends. My spouse. My country.

Keep in mind they’re a bunch of loud mouthed little twits. Normal people don’t feel the need to spout off on Facebook or Nextdoor. you’re in a bar…not surprising you’re finding an outsized number of alcoholics there ya know? Wilmington is a purple town but more blue than red.

Don’t interact with morons. Focus on bringing the good, not fighting stupid.

“As long as you don’t fight back while we murder you, we’ll do it very tidily.”

Fuck these fascist traitors.

Every 31 year old says “mommy I am so scared” and every person old enough to have a 31 year old nephew says “he’s not autistic or anything”

Don’t know what you’re on about!

The above commenter is incorrect. If her license was suspended, she has to pay to have it reinstated and retake the driving test. Yes, that is normal practice.

I hope she never behaves so selfishly again.

Bigots are such sad, stupid people, but then I’m not surprised that a fucking college student in Arizona thinks throwing away 73 grand on a pick up is a good plan is also, randomly, a bigot

Yes, I know what the word means. I just didn’t think polite people actually said it. I’m not sure what her documents status has to do with her personhood.

What a silly little truck, for a silly little man

Proctor has been relieved of duty and is no longer being 'transferred'. He cannot currently serve as an officer while the investigation is being conducted.

this absolutely sounds like an issue with how it was billed or your insurance company. you can't 'out of network' a 911 call.

I would argue that their behavior being the reason a guilty person went free would absolutely be a consequence. A moral victory perhaps, but the sort of victory that could be used as jumping point to something a bit more...practical?

Perhaps she is guilty. Don’t know. Don’t care. But a guilty verdict would be a tacit approval card for some serious corruption REGARDLESS of her guilt, and some truly disgusting behavior. I don’t like the thought of a guilty person “getting away with it” but I like the thought of of a corrupt police system not facing consequences even less.

You are underreacting. Church camps are indoctrination. They are not good things.