I haven't known anyone named "Godzilla" since 1954 (or before that, come to think of it.)

You are right that the left is fear-mongering the hell out of this, but do you really not see a potential path to the end of US democracy if large orange gets in again? EDIT: And by the way, it's not the far left, it's the establishment left doing the fear mongering.

They'll be really fucking sorry they got what they wanted after they get it.

Mostly everyone is right. Everyone but the rich and powerful. But first they have to claim it's the libs only who will suffer.

We'll get the president and policies we deserve, and the ones who vote for it have no clue that they'll suffer too. Goodbye USA. πŸ‘‹

You're not being stupid. I wouldn't respond to things like that. Any response to an attempted scam just gives them leverage, however little it may be.