He had the opportunity to name one of his own kids after himself.

You are welcome. I try to educate people about this …it is absolutely deadly. If I’d been even 20 minutes later at the hospital, my surgeon said I’d likely have had a cardiac arrest on top of the lung collapse. The situation was so dire that they didn’t have time to wait for a regular anaesthesia - had to knock me out with ketamine. As it was, the ER doc and head ER nurse had to act quickly. I was told later that my heart was being crushed by the weight of my lung/expanding air pocket outside my lung. I’m still a bit hazy in the details. Ketamine with an OxyContin chaser is not conducive to fact retention.

It can happens due to a blow to the chest (airbags, sports). It can also happen spontaneously and they have no idea why. Mine was spontaneous. They are incredibly dangerous and life threatening. With a left lung collapse there is the added problem that the collapse has the potential to ‘crush’ your heart. Scary stuff. And, to add to that, you are at increased chance for it to happen again within the next five years.

It is possible that this is her go to because she has difficulty remembering names. I had a coworker do this as well, when I asked her to use my name, she admitted that she couldn't remember it....or most people's.

In the winter of 2010 my left lung collapsed. I had emergency surgery to re-inflate my lung. I was off work for eight weeks, and then another ten weeks at part time hours. I was a recent widow and lived on my own. A family friend lent me a wheelchair and a friend took me where I needed to go (doctor appointments, groceries). One day out grocery shopping a neighbour took it upon himself to call the cops for us illegally parking in a handicap spot and using a stolen wheelchair. Newsflash, I have a permit, I am currently unable to walk outside. The police officer was great and really tore a strip of neighbour. A pleasure to watch from inside my warm, legally parked car.

When my husband passed away, my company CEO was on vacation out of the country. He flew back a week early to attend the funeral. I took six weeks off work (I was exhausted- having worked full time and been my husband's caregiver). I received every paycheque. Went back to work and still had all my PTO and vacation days. That man has my loyalty, because he showed that he really does out our families and well being first. Legend.

Get noise cancelling headphones. If anyone complains that you don't answer when spoken to, cite your inability to work with the music and your headphones are your compromise for the vibe.

This. Don’t share with that therapist or any therapist in the same office or clinic.

I would tell the therapist in no uncertain terms that the letter is a private communication from you mom to you. No one else has a right to its contents. I’m not sure where you are, but you might want to speak to an adult you trust (outside the family) about this. No one has the right to force you to being the letter. If necessary you need your own therapist -different clinic/office from the family therapist.

You need to make sure that he is never left alone with your son.

I’m glad you are standing by, for and up for your dad. Your mom is a jerk. I can’t blame your sibs too much, they are being influenced by your mom. I’m sorry that she is doing this to your dad and trying to use your sibs to gaslight you and your dad. Stay strong.

NTA. He doesn’t care about you. You are better without him in your life. I’m sorry you went through that and am glad you had a good friend who came To help you.

Call the Law Society of Ontario and ask for the Lawyer referral Service ( or search the website). 30 minute free consultation.

I cancelled in November 2023. Returned all equipment and have three emails from Bell confirming it. Paid the last of the pro rata usage. I’m still being billed. They sent me to collections in April. Despite three high level people telling me the charges have been reversed. Got another letter end of April asking me to return my equipment. Hate Bell.

Especially if he is using the drone to look in windows.

Not going to open May 1. Paper still on the windows and construction bin out front.

It’s on the Oakville side of Burloak.

If my company has mandatory training that falls on our day off, they will reschedule or if that isn’t possible, pay us overtime for the training and give us double the time in lieu for later use.

And with the knowledge and consent of HR.