When baby was only 4 days old my boyfriend had to go grab some more canoe siced pads (yay the wonders of post partum). He was lost. Send a photo of the aile "owh boy..." I almost woke the baby because i was giggling so hard. But we managed, he got the right supplies, all is good. Just to say, real men get you that stuff so you can stay home and not go leaking all over the drug store or just feeling misserable or whatever. NTA

For fuck sake woman have some selfrespect. Tell your MIL to fuck of, but more so, get your SO to grow a spine and back you up. He can be a mama's boy or a partner, not both. Do you want this to be your future? And as others have said, dont get pregnant! NTA

This was the case for me. We had thrush a couple of times, then the battle of the bottle. I had to go back to work so he had to take the bottle. When he finally figured it out he wouldnt take the breast anymore. Since i hate pumping with a passion we stopped at about 6 months 🤷🏼‍♀️

About the talk, stay with your own feelings and keep it as neutral/objective as possible. 'You did A, that made me feel B and thus i did C. In order for things to change a would need D' Good luck with the talk and congrats on getting married!

This! It's so close you can walk. Or get a bike and cycle! Don't know if the roads are oke enough to walk or cycle but come on!

Fuck that shit! Its a dog! Not even a medically needed dog, just a dog. Leave it the fuck at home! NTA

I was having contractions for 2 days and was stil at 2-3cm. At that time i was done and wanted all the drugs😅

Mine is almost 10 months and has been on 2 naps since i think a monts of 2-3 ago, maybe even longer. We started with naps/sleep on demand and it naturally grew into 1 big nap in the morning (2-2,5 hours) and a small-ish nap (1hour) in the late afternoon. Then of to bed between 7-8. He is quit busy learning to walk and climb and all that so especially the nights are on and off challeging.

You need to get on the same page with DH and set strong boundaries and more importantly, follow through! If its her house, her rules then you simply dont go there with the Kids and dog 🤷🏼‍♀️ she can come visit at your place/in public if she wants a bond with the Kids.

I always said i wanted kids. Then we moved to a kids friendly neighbourhood, some friends and family got kids. I got to see up close(ish) that it can be really hard having a kid. I had second thoughts. Do i want this, what if i don't, you cant return a baby, etc. My boyfriend was giving me time, not pushing it. Now we have the cutest 9 month old little boy 😊

Owh, and my pregnancy was a walk in the park. Yes your body goes trhough a lot, you will get uncomfortable, some back pain, etc. But its temporarly. Hoping this gives some positive vibes for your girlfriend

I don't really have a song with my LO but you had this cartoon way back, inspector gadget, and sometimes i sing the intro bit "tudududu inspector baby tudududu oohoo"

Wait, she made and brought a birthday cake for him to his sisters birthday? WTF..

Are you in NL? Since we call the granddad opa over here :) anyway, car seats are one of the items we agreed to buy brand new. As someone already said, once they are damaged they are useless and you dont always see it. And with the newest models you know its as up to code as can be. Babies safety comes first!

We actually had this discussion. What to do if you had to make a choice between me or the baby. Its good to have an open conversation about it and see each others side in the matter. So i get your point (we came to the same agreement) but you could have gone a bit more subtle about it. NTA

Even a horse, how?!? 😂

How will he be when the kiddo starts leaving things around and making a mess? And what do you want to teach the kid about treating others? Is this oke behaviour for your kid to see/learn?

How dare you have a private party in your own backyard without inviting your neighbours🫠 NTA

We made all plans under the condition (dont know if that translates well...). Meaning, if labor went oke, if i was feeling up to it, if baby was doing well, etc. Nothing was set in stone and we said that we might cancel last minute if needed. As a friend of mine says; options, not plans. That being said, staying overnight at 4 weeks and heavy/many smokers around would tip my scale to not going.