Correct posture, good core strength, muscles in action dont smoosh together the way flab does so their arms and legs hang/stride further away from their bodies making their movements more noticeable.

Absolutely not wrong, great job. Always put the realities of your daughter’s needs above her mother’s emotional wants.

The world needs more people like you.

Kendrick Kid Cudi Ludacris MF DOOM Busta tied with Kanye (mostly music before Donda’s death)

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that he was always dissing someone or the other from the start of his career, listening now is like finding hate filled Easter eggs.

I think he was targeting Drake specifically in songs like King Kunta, King is Dead, Family Ties etc… but so many more work even if he wasn’t intending them for drizzler at time of writing.

To me it shows that K.Dot is the realest, his lyrical storytelling always coming from a place of authenticity, his current body of work shows growth, evolution and maturing but does not contradict itself, rather each record builds on the last, brilliant the way he laid the groundwork for the current beef.

Yep and when they ask about the other present at the party “wow, what a strange request! I don’t remember getting an invite to a canceled party.”

$1.00CAD TD, RBC, Scotiabank, R.B.C, C.I.B.C, P.C Financial cards, ozempic injectors, hair clips, temporary tattoos of wheezy and Lebron. Candy soothers, hot wheels grape Sprinters and hellcats, conversation hearts with short jokes and misunderstood lyrics, drink test strips.

Last thing, my dad started reading the Hobbit and Then LOTR when I was a bit younger than your daughter and my lil bro was 4/5 we loved it, he would do about 1 hour an evening and we had no problem paying attention or loosing the plot. To this day I think he did a better job at Gollums voice than Mr. Serkis.

It is really beautiful, I hope she loves it. The wee free men series by Terry Pratchet is also fantastic for a younger reader

Diana Wynn Jones Engary series is perfect for this age range. Neil Gaiman has listed her as one of his inspirations for YA fantasty. The Graveyard Book by NG is really good.

I loved my breast friend twin pillow, but I am a short roundy so I couldn’t pump and bottle them at the same time.

How’d I have to scroll this far to see the Shining? Everyone Stanning Mr King? (Pun intended)

The Shining, Stand by Me, Shawshank, Dr Sleep, The Greenmile

My C-section and recovery have been the easiest part of parenting so far. My twins are 5 now so I have some distance, and if I could go back I wouldn’t have bothered trying the induction at all.

You consider making all of your neighbours that you like think you are an insane entitled idiot with a dog brainslug nothing?

Mine are 5 now, I would say specific to myself to stop trying to pump/get them to latch and just do formula and enjoy the snuggles and extra sleep. Also don’t worry about housework. Communicate directly with partner about everything, realize that being grumpy is a normal reaction to caring for newborns, and don’t take in the emotional burden of his feelings and try to do everything to avoid a bad mood, it’s about the situation not you asking for help. Last the cliche about the long days and short years (but I might have punched myself in the face for the audacity!)

I have done this, apologize, explain, move on. Self loathing further depletes your patience and ability to regulate.

I get crazy overstimulated by my 5 year old twin boys on the daily, and have been at home with them 24 since I got laid off in December, recently I have started trying grounding myself with a few deep breaths and then intentionally speaking much quieter than whatever noise they are making, and going quieter as they start to get curious about what I am saying and so far it has worked really well to regulate all of us. Their desire to get up in my business seems to derail whatever they have going on, and they match my tone.

I realized how often I was shouting at them about being too loud and gave myself a big 🤦‍♀️.

I was super afraid due to my mom’s horror stories of having spinal taps as a kid she went unmedicated for this reason and was able to deliver me and brother vaginally.

I had twins and knew I would need an epidural either way since the risk of things going sideways is higher so they want to be ready in case, my induction caused fetal distress as soon as light contractions started so I ended up getting it right before the surgery and it was not bad at all.

It was basically like a semi hard pinch then nothing.

The crazy shaking from the drugs in it and the face itching from the drugs and oxygen cannula during recovery were literally the worst part of my delivery, besides my babies being in the NICu, but even that helped me recover really easily physically at least.

Feel like if you are getting enough piss on the floor for that to be an issue it’s probably sticky already