I know a helicopter pilot with a thumb and index finger on each hand. His name is tweezers

By the look of the bucket height and that it's on a hill I'd say it's operator error. Driving then turning sharply with the bucket way up in the air.

It's sad that both options for the us president are old dudes loosing their minds

She lives two miles from work. The stupid bitch can walk her ass to work

That would be an expensive and disgusting way to get drunk

Classic response from an embarrassed labour voter

Guns don't kill people gays do

One man one jar comes to mind πŸ˜‚

Nice tip I'll keep that in mind πŸ˜‚

I'm concerned you weren't worried by how badly the last government destroyed this country. Any squeeze you are feeling is a direct result of labour spending billions of dollars we didn't have

It's because you are driving too slow and haven't thought to let them past so they make it obvious by following really close

Bullshit. Dog could easily save that 6% by operating more efficiently. Getting rid of some of the ridiculous h&s would be a good start.

It's suprising how well one can operate whilst drunk.

That's what happens when labour is in for so long making shit decisions

Get him off the console and have him help you unload the dishwasher. He will at least be spending time with you then.

He would have had a good time just spending time together just you and him. Get some bikes if you don't already have some. Second hand ones are cheap take him with you to find one each then go on missions around town on them. It can be great fun