Not that I care if I'm banned in some area if this platform. I'm just curious to know if there is a way to find that out if one is banned.

That fly clearly wanted to die. Walked right into the shredder.

We cut that chord years ago. Get Roku. A ton of free stuff. Tubi app on there is one of the best. Roku TV is great too. All free.

I did this for a ceiling vent fan in bathroom. Worked like a charm. Good luck OP

If he doesn't take care of the child he is. It was his choice to plant the seed, therefore his and the mothers obligation to at least get that child to 18.

NTA. Yes yes ... you are definitely missing something... and I would say you will miss a life full of heartache and bullshit if you don't let that back into your life.

That's wild. Thank you for sharing.

Good to go. It's great to see builders who transfer the weight of decks to the wood and not just count on the shear strength of 4 or 6 nails.

I wish it were never done to me and my son and one of my grandsons. I tried to provide info about that before my grandson was chopped, but the info and me were ignored.

Does her fience know she spent the night with your x?

Writings on the wall. Why take the risk any further of trading your time and not getting compensation for it?

It comes down to diet imo. I try not to add things to the body that feed it... just like parasites. Look into diets. Increasing your bodies good biome to over take the freeloaders is pretty much key imo. I pretty much eat to survive anymore instead of living to eat.

Not saying we cannot get totally free from it but let's face it... That stuff is a living organism that wants to survive too. So I've tried to make my environment (body) not so conducive to it. Injesting consistently things like organic garlic, ginger, oregano, etc...

EDIT: Did not do binders at that time when I first dealt with it. I know those things are said to help and want to actually get good binders.

Don't overlook it. That is how I got infected with the stuff. If you get it on your finger or it settles on an ear plug, that is how it gets introduced to that nice warm space. Which we all know is what it likes. I used iodine ear drops, which seem to have broken its hold within my ear. It had ventured it into my system from it, so it's been a long journey. Don't think we can ever fully get rid of it.

They both did a great job! Kudos to them.

Suprised no airbags. Seems a pretty good jolt.

😄 the ooool hide the baseball trick...