Ya that’s how you told people who you were

It’s for her brother I think. Oh wait. I think you’re right. Still super weird but not as weird as I thought

Thank you!! You’re the first person to mention this. What sister wants to have anything sexual to do with their brother? This is some incest bs

NTA But ew! Why is a sister getting a stripper for her brother??? That’s gross.

As someone with 3 kids I really respect women (men too but since I’m a woman I’m speaking about us) who know themselves and decide not to have kids. You’ve really got to be all in. We live one life. If kids aren’t in your plans, that’s perfectly valid. Nobody should feel bad about it. I’m glad more and more women are understanding this. Don’t have kids if you don’t want, don’t push other women to have kids if they don’t want. There are plenty of kids in the world. We’re good.

This too. And also for women it’s dangerous late at night.

I must be horrible at negotiating because I can’t get less. Though I gave up trying a few years ago. My car is 2019 so it’s not that old I suppose. That’s a strike against me.

This is what too many people don’t understand. It’s not that we drivers are obsessed with cars, it’s that it’s our reality. Unless public transit becomes more accessible (time, distance, price, ease) then majority of us have no choice but to keep a car.

No matter how many times I see pic #12 it looks like a denim tail. Even though I know it’s a hat.

What does being a mod entail? I was asked to be one but I’m nervous I can’t commit to it and wouldn’t want to let anyone down.

Don’t even get me started on those people

Omg yes!!! They literally all do it!! I’ve even had it happen in emails. Trying to write back in French. Constantly written back to in English. Only one time when living in St Henri I made acquaintances with an alcoholic French guy and we agreed I’d speak French to him and he’d speak English to me. It was so nice!! But then I moved.

And he’s gotten the Anglos. The elderly ones like my dad. It’s so frustrating. First off, majority don’t even vote so the results aren’t actually representative of how we all feel. Secondly, those who are voting are the elderly who get swayed too easily. I have to admit, Legault is charismatic at times. And he does lie well (when you’re not paying attention). So he swindles them. It’s crazy. And depressing.

Everyone vote!!

What has Valerie done? Genuine question. I haven’t followed politics for a while.

Wait…how do you pay 30$? Help! I’m with TD and it’s $100. I don’t understand why. I’m 42 female, good driving record. Live in Lasalle. Why do I pay so much?!

I just left it. Thanks for letting me know. I’m disgusted I was ever there. I had no idea it was that basement dweller neckbeard’s sub. Gonna need a shower after that. 🤮