Those mothers are generally empty/narcissistic NTs. They take the children characteristics and transform it into their whole personality and media persona. It's the same with parents of children good in sports or pageant moms. In the case of autism, it can reach levels of Munchausen by proxy. They objectify their offspring to gain social status and it's disgusting.

My father is a "closeted hoarder" (he pretends he's organized but has another house exclusively for his hoarding). When he was married to my mother he had a room in the house for his hoarding, it was isane - car parts inside our home, piles of old newspapers and magazines, old furniture... Mixed with dirt and cat poo.... yet he shamed me for not having my things organized when I was a 8 y.o.

He or my mother never taught me how to organize things (actually they taught me about messy environments) and expected me to be organized because "what will people think seeing your stuff like that?" WTF? I cleaned a lot of their messes growing up and I ended up being very organized. The only thing I want is distance from those crazy hypocrites.

Totally agree! I thought it was just me seeing this scene as being so toxic, but your comment was very validating. I just do my thing in solitude now... Which is actually a very goth thing to do :D

Oh, no... They're definitely not.

Yep... That it. When I finally could see my upbringing and relations for what they were, the MD stopped (we all have some daydreaming as human beings, but it's no longer maladaptive for me). But then came depression and a lot of repressed suffering that reveled CPTSD and undiagnosed autism. At least it's reality and every difficult inch I progress is real.

Bom, aí é uma falha delas. Porque muitas pessoas têm o hábito de tirarem validação ao se colocarem como mártires. Elas tomam toda responsabilidade para si e assim se fazem necessárias e indispensáveis, o que dá uma satisfação no ego.

Essas mães que coloquem o marido para colaborar como iguais e os atribuam responsabilidades adequadas aos filhos (algo que será fundamental no desenvolvimento deles). E se não aguenta o estresse de uma vida adulta nos padrões sociais majoritários, vá se tratar e faça escolhas compatíveis com seu nível de energia (tipo não ter filhos). Nada justifica ser "surtada", chata e controladora.

Oh yes... Good sounds should be loud. Bad sounds should make head bash the wall.

Aposto que vai ficar mais esperto daí pra frente se não quiser comer nos cacos de cerâmica. Tem gente que só funciona assim.

In my country we treat mould by applying a mix of bleach and water. Spray the mix and let it dry. Repeat if necessary (be mindful of wearing a mask ant take breaks because this stuff is potent). After that, you can try to scrub it with detergent. I recommend painting it with anti mould paint because you said the room is poorly ventilated, so it will probably come back.

I'm 39 and I mainly listen to bands from my preteens (like grunge and some pop bands) and rock from my teenage years until college. I also listen to songs from the 80s and 70s.

I have almost no idea what's going on in music these days, except from very specific cases. I catch myself not recognizing about 80% of artists I see on YouTube Shorts and other media... honestly I don't think I'm missing on anything great since the little I hear from it is shitty.

That's too rare in here to see someone with actually good enough parents. That's a worthy deed to carry as a legacy - being conscientious to the point of putting real effort in being better for your children.

Tem um negócio que se chama narcisista comunal. São os narcisistas de igreja, grupos, ONGs. Eles tiram suprimento narcísico posando de santo nesses espaços (onde eles fazem parecer que são sempre os mais fervorosos, dedicados, sacrificados). Em casa, como todo bom narcisista, eles são esse câncer que você descreveu.

Seu namorado tem jeito de ser um facilitador dela, talvez seja o filho dourado por ela estar com esse ciúme todo de você e estar te colocando para baixo como uma potencial concorrente que precisa ser eliminada.

Mine spent the money on an endless house renovation that had the sole purpose of owning the prettiest house on our street. Said renovation lasted 20+ years.

Yep... I'm 39 and when I see 20 something guys, I see just kids I wouldn't have much to talk about and that look too juvenile to be attractive even if I can recognize they are somewhat handsome.

I'm pretty chill with odors because I'm more of a sensation seeker. It only gets me when I'm in meltdown/burnout, then it's normally what most people consider bad smells that are exacerbated by my perception like stinky breath (it's unbearable and it puts me into a raging mood), dirty bathrooms, my own body odor...

Fala 4 idiomas, passou em concurso público, faz faculdade... E escreve "pra mim conseguir"?

Já cai nessa... A pessoa está usando a conversa pra quando se sente sozinha ou para alimentar o ego. Quem está interessado irá propor ou concordar com a proposta de encontro no máximo em algumas semanas.

Well, then you need to use this as reference and carry your own soap from now on.

With me it's a mix of self-gaslighting and minimiation by ignoring my needs and the consequences of not taking care of myself. It never ends well and I'm forced to face my reality when I'm finally and certainly in burnout.

By stability they mean they receive a fat check from the government each month for the rest of their lives.

Faz o teste - deixa ela tomar a iniciativa de puxar o próximo assunto.

It is extremely expensive and that contributes to the aggravation of mental health. Early on therapy becomes a senseless cycle that could've been avoided by other far cheaper and effective measures such as self education, hobbies, relaxation techniques...

One of the most appealing situations to dissociate is when our health is tested. It's good to have a mental shelter against this kind of discomfort until things get better.

When being delulu is no longer a good solulu