Not only did my therapist pressure me to report my case to CPS when i was in the middle of having a breakdown in her office, she literally told me that my case keeps her up at night (i know my shit is fucked up but damn, tell me im fucked up to my face ig) and she was just a bit out of her depth, as an addiction counselor still getting her trauma counseling degree, and i just dont know why she was selected as my therapist. like when i told her my memory loss makes me dissociate for days at a time she told me to just do that 5 sense trick, for grounding like… girl… i think its a bit more complicated than that….

oh also i went for 1 month so 4 sessions (i didnt get diagnosed till the 3rd session), and all that for a bill that is equivalent to ones month fucking rent. like all that bullshit and they just charge up the ass. when did being mentally ill get so fucking expensive