My partner has done it twice, in two totally different industries. It was part of his salary negotiation. A quick google search will tell you its pretty common.

Ask for another week of PTO. At least that’s something.

St. Louis (university city) it does get hot in the summer though.

Met too! We just celebrated 13 years on Friday. We met on POF back when online dating was still taboo.

I used to take Krav Maga. They taught on the floor and self defense scenarios. Like if a person grabbed you from behind you do this, etc.

That looks beautiful. I was always worry about lights blues looking like that 90’s country blue, but this looks amazing!

They didn’t get offended. They probably don’t have time to go through older applicants. Apply to them. They might recognize your name and contact you quicker.

I wonder if you could hire an estate sale service for something like this or would they tell you it needs to be gone through first?

I hope it works out. FMLA still counts as employed so if you do leave you won’t have gaps in employment on your resume. Good luck!

I wouldn’t tell them at all, it’s none of their business. As long as you can start on the start date.

Doesn’t matter if they back out after you tell them about FMLA. Can you prove it? Would you even want to take the time to pursue that?

Keep your house and rent it to a good family at an affordable rate.

PNW is where I would go.

How exactly does it fuck it up for others? ADA is between your employer, you and your doctor. You don’t get a handicap plate or disability benefits.

When I started my job my CFS/POTS/MCAS was not affecting my work performance. By law, I do not have to tell an employer about a disability if I do not need accommodations. At the time I was hired, I did not.

Things changed my hr lady suggested ADA accommodation and I am healthier WFH full time.

ETA: Anxiety. Depression. Toxic Stress. Can also be reasons for ADA accommodations. If you don’t want RTO you should have every right to do whatever you can to stay home and be healthy. It can be about prevention. Health isn’t just physical.

A shit ton of land with water and mineral rights. PNW baybeeeee

I mean you can get CFS from COVID. You can have crippling anxiety from the pandemic.

CFS can cause cognitive impairments that make it difficult to drive, complete certain job functions. Longer hours and stress from a commute can exacerbate that.

Anxiety/Depression can get worse from stress. Most ppl dealt with toxic stress during the pandemic. I’m sure RTO would make it worse. It would for me if I had to.

We used to be hybrid. Then I got my ADA. After about 6 months of me emailing an ADA request to WFH on my weekly office day, my whole department went back to FT remote. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Let me rephrase. There is no “fix,” bc there is nothing wrong with you. CPTSD is your brains natural response to prolonged trauma.

All the things that come out as symptoms now, were created during the trauma as a defense mechanism.

Your brain did everything right to get you through it. Now that your safe it needs to recalibrate. That takes time.

Find what works for you. Whether it’s therapy, meditation, religion. For me, it’s psychedelics and brain tap.

I still have ups and downs- which is NORMAL. Everyone whether they have trauma or not, has ups and downs. No one is happy all the time, that would be insane.

There is no “fix.” Healing is a life long journey with ups and downs.

New member!

Link to the dress please!

Brush your hair gently before the shower. Wash and condition with product that is not labeled, “no poo.” I use Nexus Humectress or what ever most days.

While you hair is still soaking before you step out of the shower, put oil in you hands and sort of scrunch bottom up.

When you get out of the shower put a ton of leave in conditioner in it. I use Marc Anthony grow long.

Don’t wash your hair every day but re-wet it daily. Add leave in conditioner as needed.

You don’t have to explain to us, they are your kids. Name them whatever tf you want. NTA