I just have like 20 forgotten saves to scratch that itch, haha. But your method sounds better.

A man comfortable enough to cry in front of me is honestly a turn on. What the fuck kinda koolaid was this lady forced to drink as a child

Dude, that’s HIS job. He will not see it if you shoved the issues in his face. His issues are in his own face every day and he chooses not to change. This is his choice. Now make yours.

It hit me when I got burnt out from my job in 2021, I just turned 27. I was drawn to an abusive field (I wonder why lol) and just could not do life anymore. That’s when I started seeking an ADHD diagnosis, but a year ago I found a therapist that helped me see that I was abused. I didn’t know I was abused all these years and internalized some very low self-esteem that kept me in shitty situations. I’m almost 30 now, and I’m still at the cusp of burn out at all times, but I found a job and relationship that WON’T abuse me now.

Unfortunately anything we tell this dude is wasted time. You can’t undo sociopathy and lead poisoning.

Substitute teaching, depending on which service you sub through, could be an option. Choose the jobs you want and there are some services that pay a living wage, like Sub Teacher Source.

I was constantly grounded and I did not misbehave much. My emotionally neglectful father married an emotionally abusive woman when I was ten. He stopped parenting me, and looked the other way for the rest of my childhood.

Sounds like she has attachment issues. She’s probably acting immature because she is trying to feel safe in the relationship and is leaning on codependency to do that. Look up anxious attachment. We forget how young 21 really is. I was so unaware of my own abandonment issues at that age; I was just trying to survive.

If I were in this situation, I’d probably ask her to get into therapy and take an attachment type quiz. It can be very eye-opening.

Sounds like my step-mother. She expected all of us kids to maintain a relationship with her and got pissy when we didn’t. Like… you’re the parent… for the rest of your life…

Why do people who don’t like kids marry people with kids?

I’m struggling with the same thing. Working up the courage to be open with my boss. But not sure if that would help

This reeks of delusion. Creating a different reality to excuse the behavior of an indiscriminate killer

Maybe I’m heartless but I broke up with my toxic relationship as soon as quarantine started happening. I could not imagine myself enduring a global pandemic with that person. I moved in with my brother and we made things work.

I was going to see Tame Impala in Vancouver. Haven’t been able to see him live yet :/

I knew this was Sims related when I read “Myshuno Meadows”… I play too much

Maybe capitalists should stop raping the planet and our collective psyches for profit. Maybe then more of us will consider children. I’m not bringing someone into this world and if my options are taken away, I will still refuse becoming a mother by any means necessary.

I just went NC with my abusive step-parent because in a manic state she sent the family group chat some long ass messages. I didn’t read all of it; all I saw was “you’re adults now, get over it” and noped out of there. She’s in the psych hospital right now for her mania and she is probably expecting me to reach out and apologize. Nope, I’m going to give you the same level of understanding and compassion you gave me as a child, which is none.

If he hasn’t already after all this time and a baby, I think he will never marry you. I’m surprised that he’s avoiding those military marriage benefits, honestly. Don’t you get paid significantly more? People marry after only dating a handful of months; my brother married a woman after only dating for 8 months. I know the marriage is not out of wanting those benefits, but it definitely expedited the process. It’s like an open secret in the military that people marry fast because of those benefits

My step-brothers were beat by their dad before my dad married us into their family. I heard about it so much and it made me feel like the neglect and emotional abuse I endured before and after the re-marriage wasn’t as hard as what they went through. I did not address my shit until now in my late twenties.

Different kinds of abuse are just different, and that’s it. Physical and sexual abuse is not worse than what you went through. It is all shitty. There is no hierarchy of trauma.

Man, I don’t do shit. I was always grounded as a child so I never developed a habit of doing anything in my free time. I can’t maintain hobbies or interests as an adult no matter how hard I try. I signed up for a Spanish class in the evenings which has forced me to maintain my skills, but I don’t remember to study outside of it. I’m so frustrated but it is what it is.

I’m very hyper sexual. For the longest time I was using sex to create emotional connections. However, I was unknowingly seeking out avoidants, so those emotional connections never came. Not until I got out of my comfort zone and started dating a securely attached person.

This sounds EXACTLY like my experience. My father married a narcissistic woman when I was ten and she dimmed my light too. I was so silly and happy and gregarious and she turned me into a quiet, self-conscious, socially anxious shell of my former self.

I hope it’s okay, but I would love to chat with you sometime. I haven’t ever had the chance to speak with someone who had a similar experience. My siblings were all assigned different roles as children of narcissistic parents, and I was the only one stuck with the label of scapegoat. I was the only girl and I was literally bullied by my whole family. No one else gets it

I get the same pit! When I realize I’m about to be alone after an event of some sort, it’s one of the most depressing and low feelings I get deep down in my tummy. I was emotionally neglected and alone a lot of my childhood.