All those side effects are kinda normal when jumping on antidepressants sadly. :/

Lexapro is one of the softest ones.

I was vomiting projectiles when I tried to jump on Effexor (tablets/solid form, later I realized I only tolerated pills with prolonged action).

If you can't tolerate those sides you can try other medication. Each person's neurochemistry is a unique mix. But maybe give it a week or two. Those side effects can subside by that time.

Do a colonoscopy, please. I don't want to scare you but it can be many things simple like magnesium defficency or complex like colon cancer :/

I'm not OP but:

Sides are much milder than with SNRI.

The majority of people report headache, mild nausea, initial fatique, loss of appetite/increase of appetite, blurred vision. They subside after 2-3 weeks. I tried many antidepressants and Lexapro is probably the safest in terms of side effects. (My worst experience was with Effexor :0)

If it won't just change the dose or medication. I'm on 5 mg as well.

Ironically low doses sometimes can cause more side effects with ssri. It's not about the amount but about how this amount of medication interacts with serotonin receptors. But it's a good thing you started low. Give it a couple of weeks.

You absolutely should try hormonal medication for your periods.

I completely relate.

I chose the infusion route and didn't regret, though it also takes time for the body to process that iron, despite levels of ferritin becoming high pretty fast.

You might want to check your vit D3 level as well. My was 16 (optimal is 80-120) and that added a lot to my fatigue.

I'm on 8000 iu of vit D3+100 mg of K2 + 400 mg of magnesium per day. Taking 50 mg of iron + 500 mg of vit C as maintaining dose. (Per day) + NOW multivitamins / half of pill.

My hairfall finally stabilized. I lose about 30 hairs per day, before iron infusions and vit D I used to lose about 350.

I have had my primary tinnitus since I was 6 y o. I'm 33 now.

But secondary caused by Lexapro disappeared after a week of taking it, yes.

If your testosterone levels are high enough eliminating DHT with Dut won't harm you. But yeah, take it if nothing else works. Good luck.

No idea. I have OSDD (due to trauma) so I dissociate easier and often feel fragmented. Don't know about op

33, can't tolerate alcohol sugars. Wondered for a long time why I feel nasty even after tiny doses of alcohol.

It's a creator thing. I'm an artist with bunch of original characters so yeah I know what OP is talking about.

Your experience is legit. There are tons of hyperfants who are not artists or authors

It costed me 50 $ to visit a hematologist, 100 $ to get two infusions and 20 $ for two procedures.

I'm so sorry, it's so fucking unfair. I swear it's cheaper to make a trip to another country and make infusions there. :/

You might want to try Dutasteride, you can up your dose to 2,5 mg per day (5 pills per day). Often males who don't respond to Fin, respond well to Dut.

If this won't help - then problem lies not in DHT.

I'm a female but I benefited from taking D supplements in terms of hair loss. However I also had 2 iron infusions in March. (I was anemic). I don't know which worked, maybe a combination of iron and vit D.

But then again you have hypothyroidism. It specifically can cause your hair loss, not low vit D. So you also have to take hormones for your thyroid problems.

A combination of thyroid treatment, iron infusions (if you are low on iron) , vit D, Dut can help.

I wouldn't do that but it's my own experience with this med and docs here say different stuff but I guess you should follow your own instructions.

Don't take Xanax more than 2 times per week or you risk to gain addiction. Xanax withdrawals are absolutely debilitating. Doctors in my country warn people not to take it often, doctors in USA rarely warn you about dangerous sides of this med. Stay safe out there 💙

Ssri usually don't have severe withdrawal symptoms. Snri like Effexor do.

My only withdrawal symptom when I went cold turkey off Lexapro after 9 months was extreme anger lol.

Going cold turkey of Effexor almost caused psychotic episode for me.

Anyway be careful, don't miss a dose and taper down if you want to get off the med. Lightheadedness can be caused by anything really. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise not nessecary missing the dose is at fault.

Fatigue, headache, tinnitus, insomnia, mild nausea.

Almost all sides should dissapear for everyone after 2-3 weeks, if not - try to change dose or medicine.

What helped my hair loss is also vit D and iron infusions. You might want to check your ferritin as well and only then think of hormonal reasons for your hair loss.

Glad you're feeling better. 120 is a great level for vit D. I suggest you jump on maintenance dose. People here often tell you need level of 200 but I don't agree. Don't forget you need about a year to fully uncover positive effects of your current D level. Don't overdose

The danger here is that negative effects of low vit D increase very slowly, you don't notice how bad you start to feel.

Same with Iron.

Beautiful name! She's such a sweety <3

Try putting him under your shirt. They like it more and he can memorize your scent better.

Anemia as well results in high platelets as a compensatory mechanism, many reasons for that.

Maybe check your iron? I had both low vit D and anemia. Both these conditions cause similar symptoms.

I felt better after only 4 days of 8000 iu per day. But I was having indescribable bad spine and neuropathic pain before jumping on vit D so I instantly noticed a change.

It can take months for your fatigue and brain fog to go away.

Well what do you think happens if you drink liquid minoxidil?