I’ve been iron deficient anemic for years. Chewing ice since I was 16, now 32. Over the last year I was diagnosed with UCTD and fibromyalgia. Bloodwork also revealed 8.8 hgb, 11 iron, and 1.5 ferritin. Rheumatologist sent me to hematology for a positive igm antibody indicating anti phospholipid syndrome. He immediately said, let’s see how you feel after an iron infusion. PERFECT, I thought. I started to literally dream of feeling better. The day before my scheduled infusion, I get a ‘courtesy call’ stating my payment of nearly $6,000 would be due at visit. Jaw dropped. No words. I had to cancel my appointment. They said they would look into cheaper options. That was now over a week ago and instead of a cheaper option, today in the mail, I get a payment plan option instead. Is this normal practice? My insurance isn’t the worst, but it’s not the best either. I can’t even imagine paying 6k for an infusion. But at the same time, I can’t imagine living like this much longer either.