This is kind of what I was wondering when I posted this, the woman with him specifically said it's not usually his personality but he's changing as he gets older. Thanks for the input!

Elderly neighbour behaves like a child during parking disupteL

My housemate and I are in our twenties and live in a unit block with a remote controlled gate and allocated parking spaces. It's pretty common for residents and tradespeople to park in the shared driveway inside or outside the gate for short periods of time while loading/unloading large items since there's very rarely available street parking nearby and everyone is usually pretty chill about it.

My housemate and I are moving and figured a way to get both of our cars into the car park to load with boxes/furniture so we don't have to be constantly shuffling cars. Our car spot is the one at the farthest end of the car park, next to the building. My car was parked there, and my housemate was parked behind me, which doesn't block the driveway or any other parking spot, only the one that belongs to me. We've spoken to the owners of the two closest parking spots about it, and they said it's totally fine because we only do it for short periods of time and anyway it doesn't block them getting in or out of their spots.

This morning while we were inside getting boxes, our elderly neighbour from three spots down took offence to the fact that my housemate's car wasn't in an allocated bay. So, he decided to park across two other unit's parking spaces to block us in. We came outside, finished packing, and tried to get out around his car, but there wasn't enough room, so we found out whose car it was and my housemate went to knock on the door.

First, he refused to open his door to speak to her, so my housemate, who is Deaf, came to get me because she couldn't hear what he was saying with the door between them but she could hear that he was yelling and she wasnt comfortable. I went to talk to him and he also yelled at me through the door and wouldn't open it to speak to me until I specifically asked if he could so we could work it out face to face.

Then he initially refused to move his car, and kept saying he was going to call the police and have us fined, despite the fact that he was also parked illegally. I pointed that out and he told me it was different for him because "he's an owner". His daughter/granddaughter had to come out and convince him to just move his car into his unobstructed car spot so my housemate could leave.

He finally came outside and started pointing at the "no visitor parking" signs. I apologised and told him that we do live there, and we are moving out, hence why we needed to have both cars there, to pack. He refused to believe me. I have met this man several times, and introduced myself by name and unit number, and I say hello everytime I see him around, but I guess he didn't remember my face because he was convinced we were guests, and demanding to know who we were visiting and how we got through the gate. I said we used our gate remote. He kept talking over me and asking where we'd gotten a gate remote and who had given to us. I said: "The real estate, because we live here." and asked if he would like to come to our unit and see all the moving boxes inside to prove that we were who we said we were, and he just walked off.

He finally got in his car and moved it into his parking spot, and my housemate left in her car, and I waited for him to finish very, very slowly parking so I could apologise again and thank him for working it out. While I was waiting his daughter/granddaughter came outside and apologised to me for his behaviour, and I explained why were parked like that and she was really nice and understanding.

When he finally finished parking I went up to him, said thank you and sorry, it won't happen again. He blew straight past me and didn't acknowledge that I was standing there speaking to him at all. It really felt like the way a little kid storms off after losing an argument and I was pretty shocked to have a fully grown adult behave so rudely when I was being polite and thanking him, even though he was the only problem in the situation.

The kicker is: my housemate's car was nowhere near his parking spot, and not obstructing anything, it just wasn't in an allocated bay. His car, however, was blocking the driveway, two of the neighbour's car parking spots, and at least four cars, but since he's an owner and we're just lowly renters, he fully believed we were the ones in the wrong.

Tbh I think it needs work. Here's my two cents:

I think you could work on the flow and sentence structure as it reads very stilted and doesn't come across as particuarly lyrical. I don't know much about lyrical writing but if that's what you're aiming for, I'd suggest finding examples you want to emulate and picking them apart to figure out what makes good lyrical writing and why it works.

I also dont think it's the strongest opener for a story because you're giving a lot of exposition about the setting before you're getting the audience hooked on the story. Maybe try starting with something to get the audience intrigued or invested in the characters and/or plot first, and then go into the setting.

Most importantly, the "gyspy" thing is weird, that word is sometimes considered a slur. If it's not your culture, it's good form to research the culture you're writing about and aim for a sensitive portrayal.

Maybe if you're not used to going hungry it does. Eventually you learn to tune it out. Source: I'm poor.

What you wear over the bikini to or from the beach eg a baggy shirt or a loose dress

possible theory - Arya's warging
Moderator removed post

Hi firstly it's not too much to ask for at all. I think everyone is way stronger than they think they are and capable of handling and healing from extreme trauma.

Idk if it's applicable to your situation, but here's some things that helped me:

Not overthinking it; just making plans and doing them.

At the same time, accepting that a worst case scenario is thereotically possible but unlikely, and if it does happen, I'm capable of handling it, taking care of myself in the aftermath, and leaning on people I trust for support.

Reading up on and training my emotional regulation skills to keep calm and deal with stressful situations.

Not overwhelming myself by doing a bunch of stuff that felt unsafe too quickly. Starting small and building up to stuff that was panic-inducing.

Going into things with a positive outlook but always prioritising safety and being prepared. Not letting fear make me freeze in uncomfortable situations and keeping a cool head, which again is emotional regulation.

I grew up super isolated and was always told the world was a terrible place full of awful people, which is bullshit imo, and I had to re-socialise myself in my late teens/early 20s like a reactive dog when I left home. For what it's worth I found a world full of joy & kindness where I can dance and have fun and forget to be afraid.

Hope this helps somehow and good luck!

Thank you!! This definately helps heaps, I appreciate it!!

Thank you!! This is a really reassuring response, I appreciate it. I think I will try to get into a gender affirming GP sooner rather than later as you suggest, even if it's just to talk about my options with, that feels like very wise advice.

Thank you so much for taking the time to type this out! This is pretty exact to the response I was hoping to get, and I really appreciate it.

I've found some good resources about how to go about finding a trans friendly GP to go through the initial hoops with (TransHub, etc) including some that practise informed consent. Can I ask if you found talking to a psychiatrist beneficial to the process?

I've been treated by a psychologist for PTSD and depression, and overall tbh I've found that embracing my gender identity has been a really useful part of improving my mental health, I'm just a bit wary of the system in general.

My work really the only part I'm kinda worried about. I'm an archaeologist, and I've been trying to break into the consulting industry for about a year via doing fieldwork on casual contracts for various companies, which are competitive and can be inconsistent. Getting work pretty much relies on having a good reputation. My goal currently is to gather as much information as I can re: transitioning, so (fingers crossed) if I can get a full time position that brings more stability, I'll be ready to transition. Plus, I'd have the financial freedom to cover non-bulk billed appointments, etc.

On that note, can I ask what the out of pocket costs were like for you during your transition? I absolutely understand of you're not comfortable answering (or answering publicly).

I'm also definitely not the type to formally come out, and I dont think it's super necessary. My ex partner started HRT and living openly as trans without ever really "coming out" (they told close friends and immediate family, and let everyone else just figure it out) and I think that's the coolest possible way to go about it. I'd like to eventually do something similar.

I've also known people on E who had semi regular appointments to monitor their hormone levels and other health concerns relating to transitioning. Is it the same when you're transitioning to male? I generally try to avoid going to the doctor as much as possible, I'll have to prepare myself if it's going to become a part of my life lmao.

Again thank you so much for answering my questions!! Reading through this response feels very reassuring and honestly boosted my confidence heaps. Congratulations on your transition, I wish you all the best!

Transitioning as a professional young adult

Hi! I'm gathering information about medically transitioning to prepare myself, and I wanted to make a post here to find out if there's anyone here who has had a similar experience and is willing to share.

I'm 24, nonbinary ftm. I've known that I'm trans for a long time but never been in a position where I could do anything about it. However, this has been changing in the last few years. From 2022, I've been slowly socially transitioning among friends and it's been going pretty well, and I'm looking to medically transition at some point within the next few years.

For context, my situation is that I live in Sydney and am working on building a career in my field (environmental sciences adjacent). I'm not out at work and I don't intend to come out as trans in the workplace anytime soon, because I'd prefer to be established in my career before I do so, although the industry is generally pretty LGBT friendly. I don't have any family, so that's not a concern. My friends are generally pretty supportive.

My ideal transition would be to go on a low or low-ish dose of T while generally maintaining my current presentation. I use they/them pronouns with friends, and he/they pronouns online, and she/her at work. One day I'd like to be he/they in all spheres of my life, but I'm not looking for an abrupt transition. I'd like to slowly experience my transition before sharing it with others; I'm a pretty private person, and I prefer to process things on my own before I share them.

I have longish hair and still wear makeup and feminine clothes fairly frequently. I like these things about myself and don't particularly want to change them (I think my ideal self is a very effeminate man lmao). I do however have some concerns that my presentation will deter medical professionals from giving me gender affirming care, and medically transitioning is something I want to eventually do.

I am also aware that my presentation deters some of my friends from using my pronouns, but to be honest I'm not really bothered by being misgendered at this point. Being trans has always been something that I engage with for my own confidence and happiness, and not for anyone else. At this point I am not interested in seeking surgery or changing my legal gender, although I would like to change my legal name at some point in the future.

In addition, I have been treated for mental health concerns unrelated to being trans in the last few years, and I have some anxiety that this could be a barrier for me when I seek medical transition.

Ideally, I want to begin HRT within the next year and decide on my own schedule and terms how I share this update with people around me. Has anyone here had a similar journey in their transition? If so, how did you find accessing medical care, and how did it effect your personal life and experiences at work?

tbh I've been feeling like this a lot lately too. idk if it's the holidays or what but I kinda think that people without trauma fundamentally lack the empathy to understand us on the other side. hit me up if you ever wanna just talk with someone though ✌🏻

imo, engage. talk to people first. ask coworkers about their weekends, remember things they've said and use it to strike up conversations. human interaction is a two-way street. sometimes you have to initiate. it's scary but it's worth it!! good luck!!

Lmao okay mate. This is just how I dealt with them as a kid/teen at my parent's place... I never had any issues. Thought I'd offer an alternative in case OP can't shell out for insect spray.

Good for you, you did a really difficult and an incredibly brave thing today. You deserve so much better, and I wish you all the best moving forwards πŸ’œ

They're paper wasps. They're super common and not very aggressive, but they do pack a decent sting. Spray them with the garden hose and knock the nest down with a broom while it's wet. Do it quick & make sure to smush the larvae inside the nest too.

You're correct that circumcision is an issue. However, bringing it up as a comparable issue in a conversation about medical sexual assult is neither polite nor appropriate, and it adds nothing to the conversation. If you want to engage in a conversation about circumsion, consider making your own post.

You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't end his life, indirectly or not; he did that completely to himself. You were a kid. It's not your fault, and your hands are completely clean. You deserve to forgive yourself and find peace, no matter how long it takes. You deserve to be happy, safe, and thriving.

Man you're embarassing yourself...plenty of people don't have alarms or socket covers. When I was a kid, our car seats came out of someone else's garbage bins. If it bothers you so much, consider donating to a reputable charity this Christmas. Even twenty bucks helps.

For me, the point is that it'd be a damn waste if I quit now after trying so hard for so long. Surving this long took so much from me when I had nothing to draw it from. I owe too much to the child I was to not see that effort through. I think one day it will be worth it.

Happy (maybe belated) birthday!!! Hope things get better for you, friend πŸ’œ

Hey, I can only speak for my own experiences and I don't know if it will be helpful, but I'm a "functional" workaholic loner and feel the exact same way that you do most days.

I left my abusive home to go to university after being an unemployed high school drop-out. I left because it was the only option for me. If I hadn't have left, I wouldn't be around anymore. I felt like I had to keep my abused past all a secret to make it anywhere, and it was incredibly isolating, but I'm working through that, and learning to open up and heal.

The reality of it is that having work, hobbies, and a social life (even a small one) is necessary for me to keep surviving in a way that makes me happy. A lot of the time, when I have the days where I want to crawl into bed and stay there, and I get up anyway, it ends up being a really good day.

It hasn't fixed me and it hasn't fixed my life, but it keeps me going, because I really believe that there's a good life out there that's worth living, and that all of the pain and struggle that goes into living it will be worth it someday.

I hope things gets better for you, and I hope you can find a life that makes you genuinely and truly happy, because that and nothing less is what you deserve.

bad timing for going no contact?[Support]

My older brother went no contact with our mother eight years ago. It has always been my intention to do the same thing, but I have never had the opportunity; I'm 24, live out of home, and am relatively stable, but my mother is lives alone doesn't have any family that speaks to her and doesn't maintain friendships, so she has no support system, and relies on me for financial support, emotional support, and to help with her health issues.

Recently she had a medical emergency and told me that I needed to get to her house immediately to take care of her animals while she goes to the hospital. I live almost 200 kms away from her and don't have a car, and it would have taken me over 6 hours to get to her on public transport. I told her not wait if it was an emergency, to call an ambulance, and I would get there as soon as I could. She hung up the phone on me and sent me several text messages telling me I neglect her, and that I am a terrible person, etc. I told her that it was no time to try to manipulate me, and that she needed to call an ambulance, or I would call one for her. She stopped replying to texts and calls, so I called an ambulance for her.

A couple of hours later she picked up the phone, told me she had refused to go with the paramedics, and that I had embarrassed her by sending an ambulance to her house, that it was disgusting of me to expect emergency services to do my job of taking care of her, that I abused her by moving out and not visiting enough, that I am never to speak to her again, and that I am not welcome at her house ever again. She then hung up the phone and sent me several text messages reinstating how disgusting I am, and that she never wants to speak to me again. I said "Ok" and blocked her number.

She spent about a week emailing me 2-3 times every day, telling me that I am disgusting, abusive, that due to my neglect she has to leave her job and surrender her pets, that she will die at home and rot in her bed because of me, that she is going to break into my house to steal my valuables, that she is going to report me to the police for elder abuse and have me sent to prison, that it is my fault we are "fighting" and all she wants is an apology, that she knows I am still her loving daughter and have just been led astray by "bad friends", and that she needs me to go to her and take care of her. I wrote back once informing her I will no longer be speaking to her, and wished her luck seeking help with her mental health.

I've been dreaming about going no contact for years and this seems like a good of an opportunity as I'll ever get to do so, but I'm still concerned about her health issues and the welfare of her animals. However the situation she is in is entirely the consequences of her own actions, and I've been trying to improve our relationship for years, and gotten nowhere. She expects me to be at her beck & call whenever she needs something, but had to call me on my last birthday and ask how old I am, and then complained about how terrible her life is without me living with her for an hour. She does not understand why my brother won't speak to her, and refuses to acknowledge she has ever been anything but a perfect parent.

Ever since I moved out, she only speaks to me when she needs something or to ask for money. I've had the realization that there is nothing in our relationship that can ever be salvaged and all I'm doing is hurting myself by trying. I still feel like I'm abandoning her to suffer through her health issues alone by going no contact even though she initiated it. I just wish that it could have happened when she was more stable, but she has never been stable. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

I've got the same phone and the exact same thing happens when I walk through a particular spot outside the building I work in. Phone completely turns itself off, I have no clue why lmao

I sleep with a diving knife under a pillow. sometimes I need to hold onto it to be able to sleep lol