Entitled People

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Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub)M
Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub)Mod Post

So… some heavy news today. How can I lighten the mood… Music recommendations!

It’s almost 1 AM here and I’m desperately trying to get this out so please excuse any formatting mistakes or half-formed thoughts.

Where I’m At

Recommended listening: World’s Smallest Violin by AJR

I was going to give you a bit longer of a rundown of my life’s story here, but I’ll give enough here to explain why it’s just the cliff notes. The first thing I want to make clear is that I never asked nor expected to become the head mod of three subreddits with a combined total of 1.8 million subscribers; it just sort of happened one day as the moderators above me drifted away.

I also originally had a more detailed breakdown of my medical story here but it boils down to this: I've been nauseous every day for the last 2.5 years culminating in not-quite-brain surgery three weeks ago. This leads up to Reddit making their third-party API changes clear the day before my birthday while I'm still suffering from splitting headaches from the aforementioned surgery. Fun!

Where Reddit’s At

Recommended listening: Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears or Pompeii by Bastille

I was planning on writing something here myself but you should really just go and read 📣 Had a call with Reddit to discuss pricing. Bad news for third-party apps, their announced pricing is close to Twitter's pricing, and Apollo would have to pay Reddit $20 million per year to keep running as-is. by u/iamthatis, the developer of Apollo.

You should also read An open letter on the state of affairs regarding the API pricing and third party apps and how that will impact moderators and communities. by u/BuckRowdy

The Future of My Subreddits

Recommended listening: Let It Go by Idina Menzel

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet and I’m too drained to be sure of myself right now anyways, but Reddit killing off u/ljdawson’s Sync would take a lot of my enthusiasm with it. There’s rumbling of other moderators leaving the site or setting subs to private or protected. There’s a lot to consider and it’s almost 1 AM here.

How to Fill the Void

Don't want to use Reddit without a third-party client? Did you favorite subreddit shut down? Well, we're here to help!

Recommended listening: Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder

  • I’ll be publishing code on GitHub as UndarkAido. I have a Discord library, a selfhosted wallpaper server, a rewrite of Minecraft Plus!, and more
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a fantastic game that I’ve already sunk a ton of time into while I’ve been recovering from surgery
  • I’ve been slowing down on Destiny 2 and Hearthstone but boy can they suck up time if you let them
  • Brandon Sanderson’s secret project books have been fantastic so far. I need to finish the Alcatraz Smedry series then figure out where to start with his Cosmere books
  • I’m probably due to revisit and fill in what I missed from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books. My favorite book of his is Night Watch
  • I completely forgot I’d bought the second book of Brandon Mull’s Beyonders trilogy after r/tipofmytongue helped me find it again
  • I’m looking forward to season 2 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds later this month

I’ll include other moderator's recommendations here as they respond to me.

Pinnedby AidoboyModerator
Subreddit Protest Poll (Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself))S
Subreddit Protest Poll (Reddit is killing third-party applications (and itself))Announcement.

Recommended listening: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

I meant to make this earlier in the week and then this morning (with a “Dawn of the Final Day'' joke) but that didn’t end up happening as I’ve been busy and my surgery headaches backslid a bit (They’ve been better though!) Context for what’s going on is in my previous post for those who missed it or are new to this discussion on r/EntitledParents: "Happy Birthday to Me, I guess (The State of the Sub)"

So, Reddit’s actually going through with it. Third-party apps are getting spotty and sometime today or tomorrow I’m sure they’ll be completely cut off. If you’re not disappointed by this, you’re missing the point. Reddit claims that only 3% of users use third-party apps but what that statistic glosses over is that only about 10% of users comment on posts made by an even smaller 1% of the user base. Moderators are an even tinier fraction. In the coming months, expect to see a general decline in the quality of the site as long-time posters are driven away and the scabs that the admins use to replace the protesting “landed gentry” (a.k.a. What Spez calls mods who know what they’re doing) moderate poorly or are simply spread too thin.

Anyway, on the heart of the matter: the admins have made it clear that things will be changing, whether we like it or not. Here’s your chance to influence how: https://forms.gle/LAXPvcncoNofBPUR9

Edit: Leave entries blank for a 'no' entry, spam will be filtered out.

Pinnedby AidoboyModerator
Our neighbors have been having pool parties at our pool while we are not home for years.M

A few years ago my husband and I purchased a house with a pool. Now we are acquainted with most of our neighbors but definitely not close friends with any of them. They all seem nice but well just don't have much in common other where we live. Nextdoor to the right is a family of six, twin daughters attending the local university, high school age son and a young elementary school age daughter maybe first or second grade and the parents.

Now normally we open the pool in early May and leave it keep it open until the end of October. But this year our weather was off and we had a very cool and very wet month of May and then June went straight to 100+ temperatures. I am currently on a medication that makes it difficult for me to tolerate being in the sun and heat for an extended time. Plus we have been helping two extended family members who are having health issues. So because of this we haven't had our pool opened yet this year.

Normally we go to the family lake house for a week during each of the three major holidays, but we didn't go for Memorial Day because there was flooding around the lake this year, and because a family member was just discharged from the hospital yesterday and July 4th being a Thursday this year we decided to stay home this week and be available to help this family member.

Now several times in June the little girl nextdoor has seen either my husband or myself outside and she has asked when we are opening the pool. We first told her maybe later, but the last time (yesterday) she asked and I said we are probably just not going to open it this year, and she started crying. Now we have never had any of the neighbors over to use our pool so I didn't understand why she was crying over us not opening our pool.

Well I spoke with the neighbor on the left later and apparently our neighbors on the right have been having a small family party at our pool every 4th of July when we are gone. They have always cleaned up really well afterwards and because we have scheduled pool maintenance and weekly yard service occasionally things are moved around in our yard and we never thought much about it.

The neighbor on the left thought we had given the other neighbors permission to use our pool. We did give them permission to retrieve any balls or toys that ended up in our yard, but never permission to use our pool especially when we are not at home. We have a special latch on the gate and my husband did show the neighbor how to open the gate to retrieve his kids toys.

So now my husband, who loves gadgets, is going to have several more cameras installed around the exterior of our house, covering the gate and pool area. And have the gate latch made where we can grant remote access for the pool service and yardmen. Luckily we have a friend who does cameras and home automation systems.

I'm annoyed our neighbors have been using our pool without permission, but my husband is happy I am letting him get more gadgets around the house. Now do we confront the neighbors and let them know we know they have been using our pool, or just wait and see if they say anything about our new security cameras?

I bought a kids suitcase on Marketplace. Previous owner left some stuff in it and asked me to return and pay for postageS

A few weeks ago I bought a kids suitcase on Marketplace for my 2yo. The previous owner was asking for x amount and I made an offer. My offer was accepted and I drove to their place paid the money and got the suitcase. A few days ago I opened the suitcase to clean it as we are soon going on holidays and wanted to pack. Inside I found a couple of things that obviously dont belong to me, so i took a pic and send it to the previous owner saying something like "Hey, i hope you are well, i found these things...what do you want to do with them. Want them back?" They replied they forgot to check and that yes would like them back. So I went back saying I would send them by post and they can pay on delivery. Their response was that they dont get home until late so they wouldnt be able to pay upon delivery. I then suggested to pick up from my house or for them to arrange courrier and i would make myself available for the courrier to pick up. They replied that since I had paid less what they were asking for, it was only fair I pay for postage. I replied that wasnt going to happen, that i had made an offer they accepted and they could have declined it but they didnt. I also said that i was doing the decent thing by letting them know i found those things and i wasnt going to go out of my way aand pay for something it wasnt my responsibility. They then asked me to bin them. I DID 😁😁😁

Bullies picked on my mother in high school. So she gave them a good reason not to mess with her ever againS

My mother is a frail like an old woman beyond her years now. But in her youth she was a strong but poor farm girl. Not even money for shampoo. She could both dish it out and take it. I sadly don't know this story in great detail as she told it to me last week while laughing. But back in the 80s during her final years of high school, she dealt with a couple of bullies. The typical mean girl stereotypes of the time. Entitled, condescending, and plastered in hairspray.

The two girls mocked her relentlessly, and hit her from time to time. But my mother just bided her time, and waited for the best moment to strike. These girls would sit near her on the bus every day just to mess with her by mocking and hitting. And then one day she struck back all of a sudden. They were sitting in the seat right in front of her, and were mocking her as usual. She waited till they were facing away, and that's when she grabbed their heads and knocked them together like a pair of coconuts.

They were completely unprepared for that. And she knocked them together hard. Which left them crying and screaming. No one did anything to help them either. And my mother just sat back smiling like a boss. The two bully girls didn't go to the principle. And just spent the day with terrible headaches. After that they never messed with her up close, and only mocked my mother from a distance. She didn't see either again after graduation.

Auntie is frustrated because she doesn’t have the access she wants to our sonM

Auntie from husband’s side. Thank god she lives in a different country.

Even from before my child was born, although her relationship with me (also with husband) was not a close one, she started pushing her presence, her gifts, her plans on us. She doesn’t have a grandchild of her own.

I managed to put her into her place politely and things are not happening the way she wished. I thought she would leave us alone and husband would grow a backbone and protect our privacy. He claims he is in between and all he wants is a united family, but I don’t think that means protecting rude people and making myself a doormat. So if I am reacting, I have a reason.

Fortunately, we rarely talk to her now but it seems she still hopes for something, I don’t get what, but my intuition goes crazy. I mean, we have normal relationships with many people and our toddler has enough social life and I’m not worried, but everything with this woman seems to trigger me.

We had a short video conversation a few days ago. The second one we had during this year up to now. Instead of using that time to check up on our kid and have a light talk, or giving information from her side (which rarely happens), she scolded us for not taking the child to her place for vacation (like our business is hers) and she almost scolded me for being around MY kid during the video call. That the kid is distracted my mom and doesn’t want to look as her. When in fact, at his age, you can’t really demand such things. It’s crèche age.

Is she really that creepy or I am just paranoid? Her Facebook feed has many quotes. Analysing them over the past few years since we had our son, all seems to be directed to me. She plays the victim. She thinks she is being used and treated badly and things are taken from her. I’m not stupid. She has plenty of issues but seems to be fixated on our personal life and decisions.

Again, thank god there is a good physical distance between us. I imagine that if I don’t have a position, the next thing that will happen is speaking to my kid behind my back and convincing him different things.

When he was one, we had a video call. Again, she used the time to tell us that she can’t wait for us to bring our son to her place to visit, so she can convince him not to want to mommy and daddy’s place again. I would never ever do that to anyone. How can you be that idiot to need that kind of validation from a small child? From someone else’s child.

Husband think she’s just plain stupid or making bad jokes, with a good intention. And I don’t want to talk to him anymore because he won’t understand. But I tend to believe that it’s not just lack of common sense, it seems to be evil and intentional.

This was a long rant but if anyone has some advice, I’ll be happy to read it.

Stuck up neighbor puts my walking trail on my property on his real estate listing S

So I live in a house with woods behind it. I own the woods behind my house and my next door neighbor house. A few years ago a couple moved in next door. We talked to the man a few times and were friendly, but the first time we talked to him I asked him what he did and he said he worked in the lab at the local university. I think he was a post grad look to be a professor. A number of small things he said make it seem he was really full of himself, you know, the way people in academia get when they don’t get out much and have a bunch of young, inexperienced people around them. He asked what my husband and I did. I work for a local plant and my husband works for a shipping company. He just was like, oh well you have to do what you can to get by. No questions about what we did or if we liked it. He just assumed we had drudging jobs we hated because it wasn’t like his glamorous academia and was super rude about it. Funnily, I have an engineering degree and we are both in management making 6 digs, have good work life balance and benefits, and like our jobs quite a bit. Well, we told him about our trail through the woods that we keep up and said he can go there whenever he wants. Shockingly he and the missus, a nurse, were getting a divorce a year after moving in and selling the house. I looked at the listing and it said there was access to the trail in the woods!I called the listing agent and told them to take that part out as it’s on our private property. Never talked to him about it. Saw him later when he was moving out and asked him how he was doing. He just went on about how he’s doing great but how his ex is sad and she just needs to get over it.

My friend is called racist because of what he named his dog.M

Obligatory statement that this did not happen to me but a friend of mine.

Last year (2023) my friend, let's call him Chris (not his real name) was having an extremely difficult year. So much so that we were all concerned about how much of 2024 we'd be able to enjoy his company, so his roommate decided to go to the local shelter and get him a dog for Christmas to cheer him up. It was a female Bernese Mountain dog that my friend he named Kloof after a dog in a book series he was fond of. This is not the dog on question, but to say it cheered him up is an understatement. However, it soon became clear that the Kloof was having difficulty adjusting. Chris theorized it was because Kloof was a part of a pack of strays that was picked up by the shelter on the previous Halloween and was missing her companions. Because Chris loved dogs to a fault and had the means, he decided to adopt the other three dogs she was picked up with.

They were a female golden retriever mix he named Nifler, a male German shepherd mix he named Luther and a male black Lab mix named Spooky. This seemed to help Kloof adjust and all the dogs quickly seemed happy with their new lot in life.

The problem lies with Spooky. Chris came up with the name Spooky because it was a black dog and was taken in by the shelter on Halloween. He just thought it was a cute name.

Obviously with Chris being the primary caregiver of four rather large dogs (with some help from his roommate), it was impractical to take all of them on a walk at the same time, so he walked two of them, brought them home, then took the other two.

One day, about a month ago, he had taken Kloof and Luther on a walk and then took Nifler and Spooky. While he was out with Nifler and Spooky, he encountered an African-American woman who was walking her dog. Naturally, as dog owners do, the two started gushing over their dogs and, of course the dogs' names came up. When Chris mentioned that the black Lab's name was Spooky, he noticed the woman become stiff. She immediately went on the offensive and asked if he was being funny. Chris, confused, said yeah. Then she immediately tore into him, saying how racist it was to name a black dog Spook. (note she said Spook, not Spooky). Of course, Chris, at the time had no clue what she was talking about and said the dog was found on Halloween, so he thought Spooky was a cute name. She wasn't having it. She said that just because the dog was black, it was no excuse to use Spook, N****r, J******o or any other racial slur.

To say Chris was upset was an understatement. He just shouted at the top of his lungs "THOSE WORDS ARE FOR A RACE, NOT A DOG BREED. HE WAS NAMED BECAUSE OF A HOLIDAY, NOT HIS RACE YOU STUPID B***H. If you think black people are no better than a dog, that's on you not me." Then he walked off.

I'm not saying Chris is right or wrong for how he responded, but I think "wow" is definitely an appropriate response for the interaction.

How a Broken Bone Revealed How Entitled My Ex-Friend wasXL

This took place around 9 years ago, I only remember the time line because it was the year y youngest nephew was born. I became friends with this girl around the time my job had finished rebuilding for a long overdue renovation. When the store reopened, that was when we met and became friends. We were friends for maybe roughly a year, if not a little longer than that.

Some of my family that met her, didn't really like her from the get go. Though, I was blind to it, as I try to see the good in people, as sad as that is. But, over time I had started to notice a few things.

Such as when she had broken her arm, she couldn't do some things due to the kind of cast that she had. Which, wasn't water proof so it made it hard for her to do dishes. So, I had offered to help with her dishes. Though the day I was supposed to come over, I was called into work and I needed the money.

So, I thought that she'd be asleep still so I'd go over after my shift so I went to work and didn't call. Now, I started, and still think I should have said something and I felt bad. But what made it worse was that after that, she bitched, and moaned about it to coworkers all day. It had started to cause stress in me to build up as well as guilt and two of my cousins came in that day. (We're about the same age so we get along) they asked me how I'm doing and they noticed how quiet I was.

When they saw that they asked if I was okay. I had just shrugged and they knew something was wrong. Asked again and that was when I broke down in tears. Pulled me aside and asked me what happened and I had told them everything. They said that it was a jerk thing to even keep bringing it up to work of my 'friend'. When she saw I was in tears she apologized and said that she knows I couldn't stay mad at her long or something along those lines. I don't remember it.

After that, I thought that maybe things were okay again.

Though it seemed that it wasn't as I had thought.

Another thing, she was dating my best friend from high school (well my best guy friend) One day, he and I ran into each other and chatted for a bit, he let me know that he was going to break up with her. Didn't go into detail about why and just wanted to give me a heads up. He also asked me not to say anything to her which, I agreed as it wasn't my place anyway to say anything to her like that.

So, I had kept it to myself and didn't say anything that would indicate that they were going to last or not last if that makes sense?

Well he didn't do it right away because of circumstances, such as her grandparent passing away. As my friend didn't want to do anything that would only worsen her pain. So, in September, she video called me and she was just down right in tears. I don't recall everything that was said, or what she said before I ended up saying this...

'Um... I kind of knew that J (friend) was going to break up with you for a while...'

Moment I said that, she glared at me and hung up. I felt guilt over that and gave her space for the time being. After that, I went to bed as it was late at night, and I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

When morning came, I got up, got ready and was going out to hand out resumes as I wanted to get out of my job for a few reasons. One was due to lack of scheduled hours, how I was treated sometimes ect. Well, before I left my brother's home (was living with him here when I worked and back at mom's and our stepdad's home in the country when I didn't work because I lost my apartment, that is another story) I was asked if I could come into work for a shift.

I declined because I wanted to do this when I could. Plus, I didn't think I could mentally handle too many people after the night before. After that, I went out to hand out resumes to places where I knew they were hiring. As I did, I saw my friend at a McDonalds and frowned. So, I texted her if she was still mad at me and left it at that.

After that, I started to bike past a Tim Hortans to make my way to a pet store (love animals, helped with an animal rescue for years) Well, there was a big line in the drive thru and as I'm biking past, a car is coming out and we didn't see each other due to a truck that was in the line. It had one of those big dome things on the truck bed so we didn't see each other.

Thankfully, he wasn't going fast or anything when leaving but well, he hit the back tire of my bike which knocked me down. I fell on the ground, landing on my left arm and my leg was caught in the frame of the bike.

While I'm on the ground, I'm just kind of blinking going like 'what the fuck just happened?' Though, I just kind of laugh, as that is one of my coping mechanisms with pain. Or at least with what little pain I was feeling at the time. People came out to check up on me to make sure I was okay, I was. I just asked if someone could get my bike off of me so I could try to get up.

They do, so I try to move as I didn't feel anything in my back that would indicate pain or anything like that. I've falling on my shoulder before from riding my bike, going faster than I was, and only hurt my shoulder a bit. Though, as I tried to push myself up, I fell back down. I'm just like 'What the hell?' I look up at those around me and asked if I could have help. My arm couldn't support my weight.

I get help up, moved over so I'm no longer impeding traffic which I didn't mind. I didn't want to block anyone anyway. Anyway, an ambulance is called for me, I'm just sitting and relaxing and with how I couldn't move my arm from it's bent position I'm thinking 'I think I broke my arm'. The guy is apologizing over and over again for hitting me and I'm just like 'it's okay, we didn't see each other.'

A worker came out and asked if I was okay and I said yeah. I'm just waiting for an ambulance at that point, then they asked me for my information since I was hurt on their property. So I'm thinking, fair, and do so. Then they asked me if I wanted them to hold onto my bike for me and I asked if it isn't too much trouble. I'll ask my uncle to come get it for me.

They take my bike for me and put it where it would be safe.

Well, I get taken to the hospital after that, well after I spoke to the police as well since where I live you can't bike on the sidewalk with tires the size I had. So, that was fun. Anyway, once I get to the hospital, I'm in the waiting room debating on calling my mom or not. Pros, she won't kick my ass, cons, she'll kick my ass.

So, I called and asked my mom if she was still visiting my brother. She was and asked why. I still remember the convo.

'Hey mom, you still in town?'

'Yeah, why?'

'... I'm at the hospital.'

'What?! Why?!'

'... I was hit by a car.'

'How did you get there?!'


'I'm on my way.'

So, after being in the waiting room for hours, among hours, I think I got there around... noon? One? I got out after 6 and didn't have my pain meds yet. Went to my job to let them know I'll have to be off for a bit till I get my cast, had broken both bones in my left elbow. So, once that was done, we went to my brother's place just to rest for a bit and that was when I got a reply back from my friend.

She texted that she was still mad at me for hiding that I knew about my friend breaking up with her before hand.

I don't remember all of what she texted but I had asked her if she could chew me out later, that I was hit by a car and broke my arm.

Well, she just kept going on and on. I'm getting fed up, glare at my phone and send this, its not verbatim but it's close.

'Look, I get that you're mad at me but I was hit by a fucking car, just got out of the hospital after being in there for longer than five hours, and I don't have anything for my fucking pain. Just bitch at me later damn it!'

After that I shut my phone off I think and just relaxed. Got my meds filled out and then went to my parents place in the country. Though, while I was off work, my 'friend' was bitching about me to coworkers both inside and outside of work. Even to the bus driver, who knew my mom, aunt and uncle as her own kid used to play with them when they were kids. The bus driver told her to shut the fuck up.

I only found that out because a coworker who I've known since I started let me know. Telling me that she had even asked our manager to keep an eye out for her because of what she was saying. Such as calling me a bitch and the like. After my first shift back she pretty much ignored me which I didn't mind, I was still in pain and the cast I had was pretty heavy as it went from my hand, past my elbow up my bicep.

When my shift was done and I was in the car with my mom and heading back home, she called me and started to go on a spiel. I can't remember it but just her saying that she was upset and that I should have said something. I had her on speaker phone so mom heard everything and got fed up.

Mom told her off, saying that it wasn't my business to tell her in the first place. Plus, it was most likely that she wouldn't have believed me anyway! Also that she knows that she was talking shit about me behind my back to coworkers and anyone that she could who wasn't even involved in our problems. Then said that if she did anything to my cat, that there would be hell to pay!

She was looking after my cat for me because my stepdad was allergic to cats, and he was kind of in the mind set that animals didn't belong inside the house (He was a farmer so that was how he was raised)

After I got home, she texted me saying how could I think that she would hurt my cat among other things. Then, she said if I didn't get my cat that weekend, she was putting her in the shelter. Of course, I'm freaking out and panicking to the point of going into a panic attack.

I found my cat, I've had her since 2014 and she is pretty much my child, and still is. So, I'm calling my friend, begging him to get my cat for me because of what I told. He said that he'd get her for me and not to worry. I thank him for it and trying to calm down.

Though, she had also called the cops on my mom because, I won't lie, mom did kind of threatened her. It was only because when I called her (with mom's phone as I was paying for minutes and was low) I don't remember again what was said, I was in hysterics I think by that point. Mom threatened her that if anything happened to my cat, she would find a way into the apartment building, that she knows people there, and would rip her face off and glue it to the cheek of her ass!

Yeah, cops got called.

But, when mom explained everything, he didn't give a warning, understood and said that if any other call was made to us then to let him know. Even asked later if I got my cat to a safe location which I did.

Though my ex-friend told my friend that I owed her 10 dollars because of my cat's water dish as per agreement. Which, I said I'd pay ONLY if her power bill went up, as the cat's water dish was electric. When I found that out, I went to him and gave him 20 for the 10 he lost, but also for picking up my cat. He also loved my cat while looking after her, called her his little co-piolet as she would lay on his bed when he gamed.

After that mom and I were getting texts from unknown numbers which, I knew was her. As she had used an app on her phone before to text me with unknown numbers and the like. Sadly I couldn't prove it was her since again, the app hid her number by giving a different one. I was getting sickened with those texts so, when I got a new phone I changed my number in the process. Mom had also changed her number as well.

But wait! There's more!

Long after that, I got my cast off, finished physio and was just having a normal shift at work. I was front running, pretty much getting orders on trays or in bags. Well, who walks in? Yup, my ex-friend along with her new friend. (They're also not friends anymore, they had a fight that resulted in her wanting to ditch the friend in the country, on the side of the road, at night, ex-friend got punched in the face afterwards for getting in her new friends face constantly while yelling at her) This happened maybe a couple years later? I don't remember when.

Well, she sees me and I don't really say anything to her. I just tray her and her friends food and say the name and go back to my tasks. When she sits down, she's crying and on the phone with my friend J, who only really talked to her when he wanted rides to get smokes. He wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole haha.

Anyway, she's crying that I was giving her a dirty and angry look.

'She was glaring at me and I don't know why!'

His answer?

'Well, you were talking shit about her behind her back and threatened to put her cat in a shelter months after she was back stabbed by her friend from high school as she lost her apartment.'

She could only say 'oh... right...'

Yeah, and another thing?

The friend that while I had been back stabbed, he did apologize, got his life back together and we're kind of talking again well he told me something interesting. Turns out, she had been thinking of putting my cat in a shelter for a little while before our fight. When he heard that, he just said 'I may not be talking to OP or like her right now, but I won't stand by or be near someone who would do that to someone that is supposed to be their friend'

Also, my friend J, had told me that she had been jealous of our relationship. Despite the fact that J and I were like siblings and that was how we saw each other only. But, she was trying to ruin our relationship through means that I don't know or remember at this point.

Years after that, she messaged J and asked him if he'd ask me if I would ever meet with her so she could apologize to me. He felt bad for even asking me that thinking he betrayed me in some way. I said just told him 'Dude, it would have only been betraying me if you gave her my new number'. Which he thought it over and agreed with me on that.

Never met with her, I'm just thinking 'nope, you threatened my cat, talked shit about me at work, told your friend that I was the reason why you lost your job? Fuck that, you can feel guilt for it for all I care.'

Yeah, she quit working because I told the GM what was happening. She took away ex-friends shifts but what I said was just the final straw. Because she was always calling in, always complaining about being sore while working, always wanting to go home ect. Even when she had a broken arm, I could get she didn't want to work but still...

I worked with my arm in a cast, for my left arm when I'm left handed and I still worked! I didn't complain to go home, didn't whine about pain or nothing! Just came up with ways/methods to get through the shift till I could get home. So yeah, the GM took away her shifts, which made her quit. I wasn't the main reason but just the straw that broke the camels back.

I bought a kids suitcase on Marketplace. Previous owner left some stuff in it and asked me to return and pay for postageS

A few weeks ago I bought a kids suitcase on Marketplace for my 2yo. The previous owner was asking for x amount and I made an offer. My offer was accepted and I drove to their place paid the money and got the suitcase. A few days ago I opened the suitcase to clean it as we are soon going on holidays and wanted to pack. Inside I found a couple of things that obviously dont belong to me, so i took a pic and send it to the previous owner saying something like "Hey, i hope you are well, i found these things...what do you want to do with them. Want them back?" They replied they forgot to check and that yes would like them back. So I went back saying I would send them by post and they can pay on delivery. Their response was that they dont get home until late so they wouldnt be able to pay upon delivery. I then suggested to pick up from my house or for them to arrange courrier and i would make myself available for the courrier to pick up. They replied that since I had paid less what they were asking for, it was only fair I pay for postage. I replied that wasnt going to happen, that i had made an offer they accepted and they could have declined it but they didnt. I also said that i was doing the decent thing by letting them know i found those things and i wasnt going to go out of my way aand pay for something it wasnt my responsibility. They then asked me to bin them. I DID 😁😁😁

4th of JulyS

The family and I are at the 4th of July parade. A group of entitled folks decided they are too good to sit on the sidewalk with the rest of us. They took their chairs and are sitting on the meridian in the street. Thus placing them in the middle of the parade!

Entitled woman thinks she should get a discount because her husband worked as a doctorM

Key: Me = me, MA = Manager, EP = the entitled woman

When I was about 16 or 17, I was working at a Coles (BC I'm Australian and needed money) as a register guy. I was doing my usual job and EP comes with a full bag and puts her stuff up. Here's how that went:

EP: (slightly irritated)Could you hurry up? I have an appointment to make. Me: I'm sorry, I'm already trying to go fast, I don't think I could work quicker without your items being ruined. EP: I don't care. I need this to be quick or I'll miss my 4:30 appointment. Me: Uh, it's 3:50, you wouldn't need to worry about speed, this won't take 40 minutes. She gives me a side eye and is silent, until I finish scanning. Me: OK, your total comes to $$$, would you like to pay card or cash? EP: Card, but can I get a discount? My husband is a doctor, and we really need the money. Me: Sorry, but I don't think I can get you a discount for having a doctor as a husband. Also, not to be judgy or anything but don't doctors make around $200,000 a year? I'm sure you would be able to afford a $$$ payment, not to trying to be invasive or anything. EP: (appalled I would make such a statement) EXCUSE ME! At this point she was yelling, and as the usual Karen action, she wanted the manager. The manager came and sorted this out. MA: What seems to be the problem, ma'am? EP: Your worker is being sexist! Me: Woah, I never said anything about gender or anything like that. I just said you couldn't get a discount becau- EP: I DONT GIVE A SHT! MA: Ma'am, please don't tell in here. We don't want to cause a scene. Me: Yeah, I really don't want to cause a scene because you wanted a discount. MA: Oh, she wanted a discount? Is that what this is about? EP: (pretending to cry) NO! THIS MAN WANTED TO HIT ON ME AND I SAID NO, AND HE CALLED ME A BTCH! I have anger issues, and when someone else yells, especially about me, I just flip. Me: MA'AM, BE QUIET! I DONT WANT A SCENE, AND YOU WONT BE GETTING A F*CKING DISCOUNT! As soon as this left my mouth, I immediately apologised like 6x, and then she threatened to call the cops. MA: Ma'am, please leave the store. We don't want screaming people in our shop (something like that) MA told me to go to the break room to calm down, and from what I heard from the other register guy, the girl was taken out by cops, while trying to bite the cops and had makeup pouring out from her eyes crying, and was kicking and screaming like a toddler. Still don't know what happened to her after that.

Hope y'all have a better day than I did.

Karen causes a scene at train stationS

I was waiting at the train station this morning and came across an entitled boomer with an 8 year old and her tiny dog arguing with the transit guards because they told her her pet dog wasn’t allowed in the train station, let alone on the train. She, of course, starts arguing with the guards about how she had been told by the transit info line that her dog was allowed on the train and eventually calls the info line and puts them on speaker phone to prove she’s right. The info line ends up putting her through to the woman who had originally told her the dog was allowed.

Info line: “the call was recorded, I had asked if it was a service dog as they are allowed, as I cannot see your dog through the phone, I took your word for it, if you can’t prove to the station guard that it’s a service dog and it’s not got it’s jacket on, it can’t be there”

She clearly didn’t like this very much as she started to swear at the guards, they asked her to please follow them from the station or they would have to phone the police and have her physically removed.

Unfortunately that’s when my train arrived and I didn’t get to see the end of this encounter.

ETA: Because some of you seem to think I don’t have eyes and have gotten my generations confused. The woman had a grey perm and wrinkles. The kid she was with was her grandkid. Grandchildren exist. It’s school holidays here and most parents are working.

She stopped talking to me because I backed out of giving her a rideM

I know the title can apply to cases of emergency, and I wanted to preface by saying that this situation was not an emergency by any means. This occurred earlier this year.

I (23F) use to occasionally hang out with this girl (20F) we’ll call M, whom I met in a culture org I was in at my college. I went to a commuter school so most of my friends (myself included) were local to the area. She lived about 30 minutes away from me, and she didn’t drive as she was hesitant to take the permit test again as she failed her first two attempts. For most of college I was the friend who drives as most of the people I was closest to didn’t have a car. After I graduated, I was no longer the go to ride person as I started working and all. However, M would always be hitting me up asking me if I was going to all sorts of events the culture org I use to be in at my college was hosting, and the answer was always no because I’ve graduated, so it was odd she’d think I’m trying to visit my college every other week.

I eventually got a temp position where I was working remotely from 8-5 and she’d ask every now and then if I was available before 5, which I found odd as I made it clear to her what time I’m working, yet she seemed to think that I can just get off whenever because I’m remote.

She eventually asked me around late January/early February if in late February we could go to a mall that’s about 30 minutes from her house for about an hour then drop her off in the city the college campus is in which is about 20 minutes from that mall. I initially said yes as I had nothing planned around then, but I started planning a happy hour with friends and the date she needed a ride happened to be a day most of my friends are available. My other friends pointed out that what M was asking me to do was too much and one of them offered an alternative of me taking her to my house for a pregame then she can Uber to the city the college is in from there. I brought up this idea to her and she didn’t like it, so I ultimately told her I couldn’t give her a ride after my friends established the day she was asking for the ride was the best day for us to go out.

Since I backed out of giving her a ride, she stopped talking to me as she ended our Snapchat streak, and she has not asked to hangout or asked for a ride somewhere since. I am not too bothered by her not talk to me as I figured she was using me as personal chauffeur. I just find it odd she’s actually upset I told her no as for one I did not owe it to her since this wasn’t an emergency, and she didn’t offer me gas money. She also had enough time to find someone else to give her a ride as I backed out within a week of her asking. I just hope she starts taking into account how much time and money goes into giving rides, as many of my friends were surprised that she had the audacity to ask me to do all that without considering the time and effort that would take me.

Entitled Retired MilitaryS

I just remembered this after speaking with a customer service rep on the phone and she used military terminology.

I was in the military from 1983 to 1986. This took place in the late 80's early 90's. I was in line at a store waiting to be served. There was an older man who was currently being waited on. I don't remember the particulars because it was over 30 years ago but he was berating the clerk because she didn't know military terminology. We were at a store with locations all over the US and we were not on post.

I stepped in and let him have it. He told me that he was a retired Sargeant Major and this is a military town and she needs to know the lingo. I told him that he is in the civilian world right now and they aren't required to know military lingo. If we were on post then yeah they should know the lingo.

Frankly I can't remember the rest because it was so long ago but I always had a partition in my brain. When I was at work I went to the latrine when I was outside of post it was the bathroom.

Entitled man debated cost of gas at the pumpS

I was having a bad day after my bike that I custom built fell out of the back of my truck because I forgot to close the tailgate. It got all messed up and I had to fix it later at home. But it ruined my day. so I just wanted to get gas and go home.

Then while waiting in line at the station, the guy in front of me took absolutely forever. He kept walking away, and when the attendant gave him his change, he just stared at the receipt for a while, then started debating something with the employee, then went over to the office.

The guy who was riding with this dude looked very embarrassed. And looked at me like he was saying sorry. The driver finally came back, then just mulled around the car a bit more before finally getting in. And I think I saw the other guy in the car smack him on the shoulder to get moving. And then he finally did.

I asked the attendant what that was about, and the guy was trying to debate the cost of gas and get the employee to give him a discount to try and some of his money back. It didn't work, so he asked for smaller bills for change instead. Which just took more time. This guy didn't give a crap about anyone in line. Also, this was already the cheapest gas station in town. Who the hell needs to debate prices there?!

What the cost?M

At what point does a narcissist become self aware and see the damage? Likely, never. My ex, with whom I have a very honest communication relationship with, has never been one to see who he is and how he affects the people around him. He is opportunistic to a degree most people would feel immoral about. When I had gone through enough to see what he was. I ended up with cancer but survived. I tell him. I’m allowed to say whatever the hell I want to you. I digress. I kicked him out. He was homeless for a bit. He eventually found another to attach and suck the life out of. A gentle person who was also homeless but inherited his mom’s home in Saratoga California. This is highly valuable. So he moves into the backyard at first and basically nestles his way inside. A year passes and he makes some small improvements. He cannot hold down a job as he cannot get along with someone telling him what to do. It’s ridiculous. He was a roofer by trade for many years. Years ago. So at some point. He convinces the quiet man to sell so they can move to Oregon. My ex travels and finds a house. Does a lot of the negotiating. Well meanwhile the quiet man does not really want to leave but does not know how to voice this. I have warned him many times by now about the demon. He is convinced I’m the crazy one. Naturally. Isn’t that how it always goes. So my ex, the demon, he convinces quiet man to add him to his account so he can “help him” is what he called it. So he did. House in Saratoga sells for 2.3 million. It’s a dumpy house too. So he buys the house in Oregon. 750k cash right. No insurance purchased. This was 10/2021. Fast forward a while. Ex buys an 80k boat gambles on this guys money etc. however prior to leaving the quiet man was convinced by the bank he banked at to remove my ex from account. He created a new account for him and placed some money in it. I remember this because my ex was complaining about the banker. It’s always good to file information away like this. So in may of this year my ex decides he wants to go gamble. What a stunner. He forgets to shut off the grill. Gets back and the house is gone. The boats are gone. The vehicles are gone. Everything is gone. The roommate in the meantime had suffered a couple strokes. He was afraid to jump off the deck. He did make it down. House was already engulfed however. He was airlifted to the hospital but died later as a result of the injuries. So my ex. Calls and tells a mutual friend. I am shocked. But not surprised. He calls me later. My ex. He says. I lost everything. I told him. Someone died how can you even go there. You paid for nothing. He died. So he is lost. He is a “victim” he wants to store whatever tools from a workshop on the property that he still has. I said oh no. So I am worried cuz I know he has gained access to this poor man’s account. I call police the sheriffs the hospital. There was no will no insurance etc. no help. Finally I remember the story about the banker removing his name. I call the bank and begin to explain what happened. This is not something you do daily . I said the quiet man’s name and the person answered the phone. Well guess what. It was the man I hoped still worked there. God moment right. So he said let me look at the account. Sure enough my ex had taken money out. Still driving dudes car that he was driving to casino. Whatcha think? I think it’s negligent manslaughter

For the people that I lost along the way. I tried to just give the basics. My ex burned down the house of the person he was using. He felt entitled to the man’s finances because he figured he earned it somehow. He left a bbq grill on when he left for the casino. When he arrived back home he arrived to a house burned to the ground. There were several new large propane tanks that exploded causing the fire to accelerate quickly. The man that died had suffered strokes over the last 2 years so did not move well. He stayed in house longer than he should have instead of jumping to the ground. The house was built over a 4 car garage on the Rogue River. It was a beautiful home. Entitlement came at a cost to someone else. Their life was taken away due to someone’s extreme sense of entitlement.

https://kobi5.com/news/one-injured-in-grants-pass-house-fire-that-spread-to-vehicles-vegetation-229000/ who

My lovely entitled grandmother part 2L

TLDR: more crazy grandma stories and I cried in a closet. Also I don’t like hippie paintings (no offence to hippies, it’s just not my style)

So I got some more stories about this lady from my mom after posting part 1 (my lovely entitled grandmother) and since wow they’re bad I thought I’d share them too.

  • So when I was a toddler my parents would let me pick out my outfit for the day (since like I’m a toddler so why wouldn’t they?) and whenever this lady came over, she’d actually force me to change into an outfit she liked better even if I told her I didn’t want to. (Again, grandma is arguing with a 2 year old here about clothes, like wtf)

  • The worst of the stories: this lady also loooooved brushing my hair as a toddler apparently. When I was a kid I had really curly hair, and for those who may not know you should never brush out curly hair. This lady would brush my hair so much it’d hurt and I’d ask her to stop. My mom started taking our brush to work with her so this lady couldn’t get it, so then she bought her own to bring instead. Apparently one day my mom came home to my grandma looking annoyed, and my grandma told her something along the lines of me having been bratty or something? My mom goes upstairs to find, again, 2 year old me CRYING IN MY CLOSET because I’d asked grandma to stop brushing my hair and she wouldn’t so I ran and hid from her in my fcking closet. This lady made a toddler cry just because she wanted to brush my damn hair. Yes my mother had a lengthy talk with her after this one.

Now to other things that have happened since the first post:

  • I had my family grad party on Sunday, and her and my grandpa got to the restaurant before the rest of us. There was an uneven number of us, so the table had the extra seat right at the end (so head of the table). She decided she would position herself and my grandpa riiight next to the head of the table chair, with the assumption that I would sit there and therefore sit right next to her all night. Like, yes lady, I definitely would rather sit next to you then, I don’t know, my own damn parents? Or perhaps, my younger cousins that I sit with at every family outing? When I informed her that lol no way was I sitting at the head of the table and would, again, much rather sit with my parents and cousins she actually seemed offended.

  • For this next story I first need to explain how she does gift giving. So you know usually for holidays/birthdays, you’d get someone something they either directly asked for or something you just know would cater to their interests? No no, this lady gets you something that she wants to give you. Which 90% of the time means something that caters to her interests/style and is something you yourself would probably never want in your life. In fact, when it was explained to her by my mother (and rest of the family) that we usually get gifts the person actually asked for, she was offended and thought that made us entitled and bossy. Anyways, now the story. For my graduation, she got me this painting made by her friend with some inspirational quote on it. As well as a whale and a very stylized looking person. I hate to seem ungrateful, but I don’t own anything ocean themed what so ever, and the colours of this painting are incredibly bold and kinda jarring and don’t go with anything I own in the slightest. And while there, she’s literally saying “yeah like you know it matches your wall colour so you could just get a nail and go put it up like right now” and the whole time I’m trying to awkwardly smile and deflect her suggestions. Also I should clarify, the only things on my bedroom walls are my own drawings and a poster of a fat tiger. I don’t even have the wall space for this thing. Howeverrr, it looks exactly like the artwork in her own house.

  • other examples of the gift giving. My mother hates the colour orange. This grandma loves the colour orange. This grandma once bought my mother a bright orange, bead covered hippie looking jacket and actually got offended when my mother kindly refused it. Since this grandma doesn’t really know many of interests of mine (because I can’t tell her) she’ll buy me random shit. The problem is if you spent legit 5 minutes in my room it would be really obvious what I like by my 4 different crystal collections and rabbit stuffed animals. Now for some context, when I buy crystals, they’re often smaller or only slightly larger than a toonie (so like 1x1 inches I guess) and often a shade of blue or purple. This lady bought me a massive pink crystal the size of my entire palm. I had to actually move shit to make space for it on my shelf because I never buy crystals that big. Also for Christmas one year she bought me and both my parents these creepy ass nutcrackers (again, we don’t own anything nutcracker related) and again got offended when we didn’t add them to our yearly Christmas decor.

Also since a lot of people were asking in the last post, I thought I’d clarify here for those who may not have seen my replies where my dad has been for all of this. Basically, he was her only kid, and since she’s a piece of work most of her side of the family doesn’t actually like her. He’s nice to her still because he feels obligated as her only kid and again because she kinda doesn’t have many other people. That side of my family is legit her, my grandpa, and her 100 year old mother who is obviously not the best of company. Obviously he wishes I had a better relationship with her so he doesn’t participate in my mom and I gossiping about her (we don’t do it in front of him but still), but also has kinda given up on trying to get me to like her and has also stopped going along with her demands of making me call her/talk to her more. I think he actually told her at one point smthn along the lines of this being her own bed that she made so she shouldn’t complain about laying in it.

Hopefully I won’t make a part 3 lol

Tales from the pharmacyM

So I work at a pharmacy and after lurking for a while I thought I would share one of my stories. If the response is good I might post more.

So around 15 years ago, shortly after I started working I had this happen to me. A guy shows up at the pharmacy with a prescription for a new anticoagulant prescribed from a hospital nearby and also wants the anti-reflux drug his doctor has been prescribing for him for years. I take a look at the two prescriptions and realize there is an interaction beween them, and that the states official recommendations are to use another anto-reflux drug that doesn’t have this interaction. Figuring that it would be a bad thing if his anticoagulant stopped working I tell him that I have spotted a possible interaction in his medicine and that I’ll try to call his doctor. In the country where I work the pharmacies play an active part in trying to prevent doctor mistakes so this is pretty normal fare for me and something I find myself doing on a regular basis. And the doctor listens to what I say and I propose changing the medicine and she agrees with me and sends the electronic prescroption while I’m on the phone with her. She says thanks and we hanng up. And I return to the old guy with his new medicine proud of having done my job well… …And he absolutely explodes in my face! He wants the medicine he has had before and he is yelling at how idiotic I am, and how useless the pharmacy is, and how could a standard prescription possibly take so long. I explain to him somewhat shaken the possible implications of using his old medicne and informs him that his doctor has areed to the changes and that the doctor has removed the old prescription from the server. We argue back and forth for a while with him demanding to get his usual medicine and me telling him that his prescription for that is no longer valid. So he storms off without his medicine.

Half an hour later he comes back in triumpantly with a paper prescription for his old medicine. The doctor apparently backed down and gave him his usual one instead of the recommended one. And so after telling me once again how useless I am and how wrong I was he got his medicine and I could go and cry a bit in the kitchen.

Saw one today in the wild, at Wendy'sS

Our family just got back to the US from cruise and had to drive from Florida back home to Tennessee. We made a quick stop at Wendy's for dinner to power through the last 2 hours of our drive home.

We're patiently waiting for our food and in comes this angry man, yelling that they made 2 of his sandwiches wrong. He is shouting on about how his wife had ordered 2 junior bacon cheeseburgers and they gave him 2 junior cheeseburgers.

The manager calmly explained that the woman had in fact ordered 2 junior cheeseburgers and pulled up the transaction to show this. Then professionally stated they wouldn't remake an order because the customer incorrectly ordered their food but it would be $2.33/burger if he wanted the junior bacon cheeseburgers.

The man started raging and threw the burgers at another employee. The manager promptly told him to knock it off because that's a child (the employee was a teenager) and that you don't throw food at children.

My children and husband witnessed everything as well. And my very blunt and direct 5 year old said, "we don't throw food at anyone."

As a mom that didn't want in this confrontation, I was like "shhhhhh."

The man then demanded a refund which she gave him. But hell, I can't believe what I witnessed over 2 Wendy's burgers that his wife ordered wrong.

Sister uncontrollably yells to get what she wantsS

I'm 18 and my sister is 16, she constantly yells at me and my mom when something doesn't go her way. Though she does not do this to my mom, when I don't cater to her demands she hits me and screams: "you're not allowed to touch me!" and blocks doorways until I say what she wants. My mom has spent a ton of money on therapy and rehab but my sister keeps saying she doesn't get enough of it and blames her outbursts on the lack of therapy or meds. What sets me off is that I am going off to college in the fall but I don't want my sister to bully my mom and younger brother while I am gone. For example, the other day I drove to a family reunion with her (bought her coffee and everything) and she yelled about my music choice, then yelled about me not respecting her enough. I know she has some problems mentally, but I don't want my brother to pick up on these behaviors of hers and copy them. Sorry for the rant, my life is great rn, I'm just concerned about my brother and need some advice on how to go about this.

No, you don't get to take all the goddamn couponsS

I used to work as a cashier in a grocery store. On Sundays, we'd get the latest Times papers, and they'd all have coupons in each one.

If you've been a cashier for awhile, you eventually get used to feeling differences in items based on weight or texture. When this woman got in my line, she had one paper, but it was heavier and thicker than it should be. So I checked her paper. Sure enough, over 10 different coupon sections are stuffed inside. I took them all out and put one back inside, which is where my story starts.

Customer: I didn't steal those!

Me: I know, but there's only supposed to be one per paper.

Customer: Well, they were already in there, I should get to keep them!

Me: Sorry, I have to put these back in the other papers, somebody clearly stuffed yours and was going to come back for it.


Me: Don't shout at me. I'm not accusing you of stealing.

Customer: Well, I want those coupons!

Me: That's not gonna happen.

Customer: I wanna talk to your manager you dumb bitch!

Me: Let me know when you find him. I'm sure he'll have something to say about your behavior. I'm not keeping you from buying anything, I'm not stealing the coupons from your paper. I'm taking back the other coupons that don't belong there.

Customer: It's none of your fucking business!

Me: You're talking a lot of shit for someone who said they're not stealing.

She kept cussing at me as she walked away, threatening to wait outside to beat my ass.

To be honest, I hated those damn coupons. But every single week, I threw away so many papers because NONE OF THEM had coupons.

I'd gotten in trouble for several things over the years, this wasn't one of them.


So today, this happened. I stopped by ALDIs to pick up some milk, there was a man getting milk out of the case next to where I wanted to get to, he took the last half gallon in a box and took the box out of the refrigerator case and threw it down on the floor in front of. where I was trying to get to. I said to him " are you Fuc#ig kidding me?" His response was "there are people here to pick it up, they always go around, and please don't swear in front of my son". Wrong answer, I handed him back the box and told him there was a collection bin less than 5 feet away from him. He looked at me and dropped the box on the floor again. I looked at him and told him he was setting a great role model for his kid since he just demonstrated that it is OK to toss $hit on the floor, because someone will always be there to pick it up. I asked him if his wife allowed him to do this at their home. That's when he told me to mind my own business. I took the box and put it in the bin, so I guess he was right, there is always someone who will clean up after him. It just blew my mind that he thought this was perfectly acceptable behavior.

Entitled driver needs more space.M

This happened a number of years ago. For background, I work on a car ferry and am one of the crew members responsible for the loading of the vehicles (I don’t do it alone though and it is a team sport). Before we load vehicles onto the car deck, we receive a loading list of booked traffic for the sailing. If someone is not booked, they can wait on standby to see if we can fit them on. With the deck loaded and the boat almost full, I said we could take a small MG if they didn’t mind the squeeze.

On came the Green 1974 MG-B. (A very nice small car)

After some gentle and slow guidance, it made it on with the smallest of margins.

Cue the shouting from a man in his late 50s/early 60s (I’ll call him entitled arse, EA): “You there….I can’t get out of my car.” There was enough room to open the doors but not all the way, admittedly. This was beside the point, though, because he was standing next to me a few cars away from his when he said it. “What are you going to do about this? It’s a disgrace!” I had to ask him again to repeat his complaint and hope that he would realise how absurd his statement was. He said it again.

I tried to stay composed and remembered that he might have had a bad drive or even a bad day up to this point. His wife was trying to tell him to be quiet and just to be grateful….but no. We were (myself and other crew members) doing our best to help them. As soon as he said to one of the sailors, “I’ve paid for my ticket, I demand a full space, you fucking morons!”, my mind was made up to help this gentleman.

(Cue malicious compliance)

I said to him, “I’m very sorry for your inconvenience, you are of course right, sir. If you would like to get back into your car and just back up a little way, we’ll be able to get you all the space you need.”

EA: “About bloody time.”

Once he was ready, I got one of the sailors to start guiding him from the back of the car.

Op: “Keep it going,” as his car backs up.

Sailor guiding the car: “Keep it going.” (He definitely knew what the plan was.)

The car was backed off of the boat and heading back for the car park.

At this point, EA figured out what was going on and demanded to know what was happening. The sailor said that he would have all the room he needed waiting in the car park for the next boat.

After EA lost the plot and came out with the usual threats of, “I know the managing director, and I’ll have you sacked!!” and we didn’t look concerned, his wife snapped and went ballistic at him. Following a major dressing down in front of everyone, she made him apologise and ask politely if they could re-board. We said that because his wife was so awesome, that would be fine but to listen to her advice in the future.

Edit: First paragraph removed at suggestion from commenter (Firstly this is my first post here and although not as good as the others, I hope you enjoy it. There are plenty more like this.)

Some clout chaser in the gymM

Honestly, I don't paid much mind to people taking pictures in gym but man some people just can't live without a camera pointing at their face or acting like the public gym is their personal studio, especially the so called influencers who falsely call guys creeps just for glancing at them for 1 second

This happened to me and my Hubby on Friday. Going through the doors and we go to our usual routine, we were at an area where the treadmills are facing the dumbbell rack, I jog on the treadmill and he started lifting. We are just looking at each other, listening music from our earphones, minding our own business as we work out.

In maybe 10 minutes or so, a young woman approached me, we'll call her CG(Camera Girl). The first thing I notice is her attire, wearing a really tight tank top and leggings, like I can see her camel toe. Geez, she better not complain if guys are staring at her. I also notice her phone pointing at me. She was talking to me and I pull out my earphone and step out from the treadmill.

Before I can say anything she suddenly said. "Is he bothering you?"

I was confused by her question, only responded with a "What?"

"Is this man bothering you?"


My Hubby put down the dumbbells and removes his earphones. "Do you need something?"

But CG just snapped at him with an passive aggressive tone. "I'm not asking you." She pointed her phone at him then to me.

"Hey, watch your tone there." It's one thing I really don't like is people being rude, especially towards my Hubby. "And what do you want?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay?" She said in a sickly sweet smile as she points to my Hubby. "This man has been staring at you for a really long time now."

"He's my husband, he can stare at me as long as he wants."

"Listen, it's not okay for a guy to stare at you." I don't know if she purposely ignored what I just said or is she being stupid.

"I don't care, it's not a crime for couples to stare at each other." I'm losing my patience already, and I admit I should be a little more mature but I rudely said. "Now kindly f**k off."

Before I put on my earphone on she holds my hand. "You shouldn't be fine with him staring at you like that. Would you be okay if he is staring at you while you shower?"

I pulled my hand from hers. "Oh I will be more than fine, in fact I would even invite him to join me." CG definitely wasn't expecting that kind of answer. "What, you have a problem with married couple taking a shower together?"

"Listen, I know when someone is a creep, it happened to me dozens of times, is he blackmailing you or something? You don't have to be afraid to tell me."

"Did you pull that conclusion out from your a**? F**k off." I decided that I heard enough. "Seriously, I don't want to hear anymore from you, f**k off, b***h. Mind your own business before I call the staff on you."

At that point she finally get the hint and leaves, but she's still near keeping an eye on us pointing that phone on us, I respond by giving her the middle finger. When I saw my Hubby looking a little conflicted I reassured him. "Hey, don't mind what she said, you did nothing wrong." And so we continue on with our workout session until we're finished

Although nothing big came out of it, the short interaction made a huge impact on our view on the gym. I've skimmed through tiktok and youtube just in case this CG decides to upload, I was thankful that she didn't, at least not yet. But it did show me a rising trend of gym girls filming themselves and catching any gym creep, what perplex me is that a lot of these guys didn't even do anything creepy, they either had a quick glance, passing by, ask them a quick question, spacing out, looking at the camera, or any other normal actions. At this point, I'm actually afraid for my Hubby and managed to come to an agreement to cancel our membership and set up a home gym in our own house

Update: Hi, I like to say thank you to you all for your kind support. This is going to be a minor update

When I said it's too late lot of you insist that it is not too late to make a report. So I did just that, I visited the gym and give them my complaint, explain the situation and why we cancelled our membership. Apparently I'm the second person who complained about CG, and they said they'll reprimand her and threaten to ban her if she continue her antics

I lived in Alabama which I looked up to be a one-party consent regarding recordings, which seems rather unfortunate

I do hope that she have enough sense to realizes that posted her recording will only garner a massive backlash, unless she's a massive masochist for negative comments. But if she did posted then I'll forward it to Joey Swoll along with my side of the story. Thank you guys for telling me about him, the guy's a real MVP

Now I just have to wait if she really going forward with this, otherwise it'll be also great if she didn't as with that we can move one with our lives. I'll update again if there's any development

Coworker thinks it’s okay to show up for work 45 minutes late S

I was working today and I got in on time like everyone else did other than this one girl who strolled in 45 minutes late like nothing was wrong and didn’t bother to tell anyone why she was late. I have 3 managers and not one of them said anything to her about it because they all suck up to her for no reason and she gets away with everything, whereas if I or anyone else were to show up 45 minutes late with no explanation the managers would’ve went mad. It’s one rule for her nd one for everyone else it’s so stupid like I get away with a ton of shit but if I showed up that late I would’ve been fired or some shit like some other person got told of f for being late even though they were there 10 minutes early

my phlebotomist didn’t believe me that i needed to lay down bc i was gonna pass out and thought i was being dramatic (she was instantly proved wrong) TW: (NEEDLES AND BLOOD)M

i’m 18F and so basically i had to get a phlebotomy this morning because i had a bunch of orders from several of my doctors. so this would be a lot of blood (it was like 10 viles lol) i’ve gotten plenty of these before but just not this much. note: i have a history of lightheadedness after vaccines and phlebotomies and i only fully passed out during my first phlebotomy. i’m not afraid of needles or anything it’s just my body’s response to it. anyway so back to the story: my mom and i get there and are waiting and i get called in and i immediately tell the lady that i need to lay down bc this isn’t my first rodeo. she just says ok and brings me back to the room with the reclining chair. after we get to the room, she goes to the computer to enter stuff and this takes way longer than it normally does. as she’s doing all that, i start to get lightheaded already and at this time i am standing up waiting for her to finish so i can get this thing over with. i sit in the chair bc at this point i can’t stand without getting dizzy.

i then tell my mom i feel faint and she tells me to drink water. (i had eaten a full breakfast and drank lots of water prior to the visit) the lady is finally done after 15 minutes of sitting there and my mom asks if she can recline the chair any further. the lady looks at me and rolls her eyes as if i’m being a drama queen but reclines it back anyways. i begin my deep breathing when she begins bc i know i’ll panic if i don’t. i’m more lightheaded during it and it literally felt like it wasn’t going to end. i felt her keep switching tube after tube wondering if that would finally be the last one. once it was done, that’s when it hit me. and this hit me hard. my blood pressure dropped and my blood started pooling in my lower limbs. it got to the point where i couldn’t even wiggle or move my fingers bc they tensed up. i had tunnel vision and was completely pale. i started to go in and out of consciousness and the lady went and got me a cold pack. since i hasn’t come back in over 7 minutes she started yelling for assistance. two more ladies came in and they were way more nicer than the first one. they kept telling my mom it was gonna be alright and giving me more cold packs. i faintly remember mumbling “help” bc i felt so terrible. it was the most terrible i’ve ever felt. the main lady switched up her attitude so quick though bc she started becoming worried and the other two ladies called the ER to come and get me but they said they couldn’t (even though i was already in a hospital) and i eventually came back after 15 minutes but it was so brutal. i hope that lady now believes other patients when they need to lay down lol.

if you relate to feeling like this after phlebotomies or vaccines pls comment bc i don’t know anyone who has this same experience.