So today, this happened. I stopped by ALDIs to pick up some milk, there was a man getting milk out of the case next to where I wanted to get to, he took the last half gallon in a box and took the box out of the refrigerator case and threw it down on the floor in front of. where I was trying to get to. I said to him " are you Fuc#ig kidding me?" His response was "there are people here to pick it up, they always go around, and please don't swear in front of my son". Wrong answer, I handed him back the box and told him there was a collection bin less than 5 feet away from him. He looked at me and dropped the box on the floor again. I looked at him and told him he was setting a great role model for his kid since he just demonstrated that it is OK to toss $hit on the floor, because someone will always be there to pick it up. I asked him if his wife allowed him to do this at their home. That's when he told me to mind my own business. I took the box and put it in the bin, so I guess he was right, there is always someone who will clean up after him. It just blew my mind that he thought this was perfectly acceptable behavior.