I've had a pattern in my last few jobs where I get hired for one thing and they eventually end up having me do another.

In the last job, I was hired to be an event planner. But circumstances changed and they had me be an executive assistant instead, because I have experience in it, so it was just convenient for them. It ended up not working out because I hate being an EA, and my strength is in projects and events. I even let them know this ahead of time, but they essentially said just keep trying to be a good EA.

Before that I was hired to be an event director, but actually I was the customer service department for irate customers who felt scammed when the company I was working for didn't live up to their end of the bargain. I was the one who insisted there are absolutely no refunds. Yay πŸ™„

Maybe this has just been bad luck, but for my next role I'd really like to do actual project or event planning and not get suckered into these task-oriented jobs that no one else wants to do.

I am naturally a team player and helper, so it's been tough for me to say no. Plus I don't want to lose the job (there was another time in the past this happened and when I said no, they let me go).

How can I effectively set this boundary from the start?