Hi, I come from a Horrible family. The whole dynamic is sick. And finally around a month ago I decided to Cut them Off. My mother always turns my siblings against me of something happened between her and I and this time I've had it . I went NC with Al of them and dad too. When do your family and extended family stop calling and texting telling you "it's your mother," or "God will punish you" my dad posted on his IG about parents and how to be good to them!! I was thinking is he forreal??? They absurd me so many times ! And now I am a 38 years old mother and they still disrespect me and talk to me like I'm nothing. He defended my younger brother for talking to me like shit ! Don't want to get in details but I finally got the strength to cut them off and I don't want to back up How long it took you guys to finally be at peace? Dis the calls stop? Are you better now??