I am 37 M US. I started using weed every once in a while in about my mid 20s. I enjoyed it but never became a regular user until the past year.

I will be honest in the past year I have used it a bit heavily. A lot of experimenting, seeing what works and what doesn't. I only use weed edibles for anyone who is curious.

For a variety of reasons though I want to give up weed until the end of the summer. I plan on going back to using weed in like September or October, but I think I want to begin using it more like once a week only.

To be honest I have enjoyed the past year quite a bit. I am worried I am becoming a bit too dependent upon it. And do not ever want to be fully depended upon anything like that. The biggest change in my life in the past year has been I have been comfortable being single for long periods of time. Weed has allowed me to not feel miserable during nights alone (which for me is of course all of them).

During the past year I have also been able to give up drinking and going to strip clubs and things like that. On the whole I think it has been a good benefit to my life. But I do need to keep it under check.

I am a little bit nervous that by going off it I will start to feel miserable being single again. I have struggled a great deal as an adult always being single. It has only been with weed in the past year or so that I have found some happiness and contentment with being single long term.

I am nervous some of my old unhappiness and misery from being single will come back. Does anyone have any advice about taking a long break from weed? Thank you.