Career Guidance

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Should I report my coworker to HR for making me uncomfortable?nsfwTexas

My coworker keeps contacting me outside of work trying to be overly friendly and is sharing some really intense personal information that I just can’t handle.

She (23) is having a sexual relationship with one of our directors (65) and has shared screenshots of them sexting, among other things. I have repeatedly told her to not share this info with me but she is insistent on telling me these things anyways.

Last night I was asleep with my s/o and she tries to FaceTime me at 1 am, waking both of us up. She was trying to call to tell me that she was caught kissing him at a work happy hour and is now receiving messages from other coworkers of thier disapproval. I don’t want her to talk to me anymore! I feel like this is harassment? She won’t respect my boundaries but I can’t block her number because we work together.

She is also just generally creepy. She is too touchy feely, and also kindof a stalker. She sent me a photo of my ex once out of the blue for no reason, which scared the shit out of me. She is also desperately trying to find my address and keeps saying that she will find it soon in a joking way. I am very uncomfortable and idk what to do.

My fear is that if I upset her I will face retaliation since she is involved in upper management. Should I go to HR? How do I approach this?

Update: I have sent a very dry text message stating that I no longer want communication with her unless it is a work related issue that needs my assistance. She did not take it well at first and proceeded to continue texting me. After ignoring her for a while she came back around and apologized and said that she will respect my boundary. We will see.

I have emailed some local employment lawyers for consult in the event that she tells this director about the situation and i have to involve HR for retaliation. I have saved all interactions via screenshot and am prepared for an HR case if needed. I am still not entirely sure how I will be able to work directly with her in the future considering the other strange occurrences. I’m very uncomfortable still and feel like I have a target on my back now. If anything changes I will update.

In the meantime, I’m looking for another job. Too many issues at this office, it is inbred and poorly managed. This is one of several issues that have occurred here, this one just directly involved me this time so I couldn’t ignore it.

What to do with a degree I no longer want?

I’m almost done with my associate degree in accounting, but this isn’t something I want to continue.

Anyone ever feel like no job they work is satisfying to them?Advice

I’m getting to a point in life where I’ve worked a lot of jobs in different areas and just can’t seem to find my niche or somewhere that’d i actually enjoy staying at long term

Best career path?

Hello! I am 24f haven’t done any schooling yet other then high school. I’ve just been working minimum wage jobs obviously. I am very passionate about music production, singing, and just music in general. But this career path is very unpredictable. I also am very passionate about natural homeopathic medicine and healing the naturally. More am into the music thing but yeah like I said unpredictable. I also enjoy any type of art like drawing, painting, digital art. I feel like the only way for me to succeed with the creative stuff is with social media. But I am not good at social media marketing stuff. Any advice of what to do. I don’t wanna be working minimum jobs for my whole life and want more time to work on stuff I truly love ya know as we all do lol.

What is a Good Career for Those Who are Not Great With People?Advice

Hi all,

Most of my work experience has been in retail and customer service. I am desperately seeking to transition away from these types of roles because I am absolutely burnt out from dealing with rude and dramatic customers, and also from just having to accept such treatment and being unable to really do anything about it without risking some sort of disciplinary action. I'm also generally more reserved and not into that fake friendliness and small talk that is often required in the service industry (in fact I've had some previous managers tell me that I could be more outgoing lol).

I'm ideally looking for a role that is more suited for reserved and businesslike people and doesn't require interacting with the general public. I've been applying to full time administrative assistant roles to at least get started with a great company, but I often receive the feedback that they are looking for someone with more experience.

If it's helpful, I did fairly recently earn a Business Administration degree. While in school, I also worked as a tutor for a while and actually enjoyed that role, so I wouldn't be opposed to something similar full time.

Any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated.

What should I do with my life?

So I am a 21 year-old male. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m currently starting school. All my life I have been in the trades such as concrete, demo, heavy equipment operation, snow removal, welding, carpentry, I’ve done a little bit of everything. I have a deep desire to be successful and and extremely hard working toward something that I want. I’m in a weird spot in my life now where I want to make good money close to 100,000 a year but I’m not sure what direction to go in. When I was 18 or 17 getting out of school I was really interested in welding. I got a job in welding, and I’ve been there for three years. Starting out at that job as a bottom of the barrel worker doing hard labor I eventually transitioned into being a machinist/welder/heavy equipment operator. I am going back to school and I’m going to be studying CAD. I’ve had an interest in computers for the past two years now, but I am in a certain position where I have to take care of my family and I can’t just drop work and start going to school. Me, my father and my brother have a small masonry company and I’m currently getting the licensing and insurance and legal stuff squared away so we can do everything 100% legit. I’m the type of person that just wants to be able to take care of my family and doesn’t wanna see them worry about money so I’m willing to do just about anything as long as I have a bit of interest in it. Before I discovered CAD, I was going to going to school to study to be a radiology technician but the problem with that is it’s a three-year program where after the first year I’d have to work in a hospital for four days out of the week but I can’t just stop working. I don’t have a lot of interest in welding right now just because it looks like the opportunities in MA are low for welding. But if their was more opportunity for it I’d love it, im trying to get into a union right now so im looking forward to that but what do y’all think I should do?

How did you know that you were in the right career?

I'm completely lost right now. I got my BA in English and did three internships before landing my full-time job as a copywriter. It may seem like a success story but I already feel burnt out/ bored. I'm making $18 an hour which is extremely low, and the area's average rent is $3,000. I find writing very satisfactory, but in a very superficial way. It just seems like a dead end career, and I want to find something more fulfilling.

In college, I considerer becoming a dietician because I found nutrition/medical topics interesting. After my writing internships and before my job, I was in trade school for a year (electrical maintenance). I realized I didn't want to do that because of how labor intensive it can be.

Now, I'm considering an expensive radiology tech program nearby, which will be a 2 year degree. I have a sizable savings and could probably pay off my schooling right away (I also paid off my BA since I worked while in school). I don't believe in racking up debt, but I don't think I want to stay on my current path. Especially with how oversaturated the content writing/copywriting field is and how every employer thinks chat gpt can fix everything....

The problem is, I don't know if I trust myself. I'm worried that I am going to want to change my mind AGAIN. So here is my question for people satisfied in their jobs: how did you know you were going in the right direction in your career?

How do I start a non profit?Advice

I need step by step guidance, I don't know much about non profits but I really want to start one on my own. I'd like to start a clean up organization that cleans up the garbage in my city/county and my goal is to go state wide and grow from there. Any advice would be helpful?

Has anyone else felt ghosted by a recruiter and still got the job?

I applied for a large company in late April and through LinkedIn i was able to contact a recruiter. I was able to set up an interview and move on to the technical assesment. I think the assessment went okay, I don't think the answers were wrong but i submitted late and has difficulties with the site. she sent me an email saying that she submitted it to the team and i said thank you ...

Fast forward and I haven't heard anything from the recruiter so I sent two follow up emails and feeling really depressed because I constantly get ghosted after the technical assessment. I just asked if I can get feedback, I don't expect to get the job but idk what I'm doing wrong.

Has anyone felt ghosted and then got the job?

28M IT job 60k feel stuck, what should I do next?

I work a decent job making 60k living in BC. Where I know this pay doesn’t mean shit. I am in service delivery IT and would love to make more but can’t figure out how to grow in my field. Should I switch my core to something else like business analysis or product development or should I go back to school for Law or MBA? Any suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I am simply brainstorming right now.

Be my parent - How should I start over from scratch without support at 30?Advice

I’ll do my best to be brief about the last 10years. I started out in a bad high school with abusive parents. I almost didn’t graduate but with hard work I caught up and got myself into community college. I intended to transfer to a four year college to study Architecture. I spent 3 years at community college studying art and design and left with a graphic design associates degree and a 4.0 gpa. I decided to go to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) which was a huge mistake. Originally, I thought it would be a good option as it’s a highly respected art school. When I got in I quickly learned that I would be struggling badly financially as the professors would tell us to leave class and go buy supplies and be back in an hour, not leaving me anytime to scour for the best deal or find a free option. The other students were wealthier than I could have imagined. That’s okay, I was there to work hard. I soon after learned that their Architecture program was their least funded and it showed. The classes were awful and the professor pulled me out of class one day to ask me for advice. He said I was the only one who understood the assignments and what did I think was wrong with my classmates. The school began warning me that something was wrong with my loans and that if it didn’t get resolved I wouldn’t be able to attend class anymore. I was too young to take out the loan, it was under my mom’s name so she had to be the one to sort it out. I still to this day don’t know what happened but I got booted from school because my mother is evil. I was struggling not to be homeless as I was dependent on the loan money for housing. Many years later I now think my mother gambled my loan money away as it was a private loan that could be used for anything. But I don’t like the idea of being a victim as it leaves me powerless. I blame myself for not working harder and taking advantage of the privilege I had. My next mistake, I moved back in with my parents assuming that’s what parents were for. I could figure out what my next steps were. Wrong. My family situation blew up, the detail’s irrelevant to this question. I was now fearing homelessness and was no longer in Chicago where I atleast had two part time jobs and friends. So I sort of panic made the decision to move in with some roommates off craigslist and I found a job at a hair salon. I began working really hard at the salon working the front desk. I started at $10/hour and in 3 months was making $16. I put so much effort into this job. I was always interested in hair so I started working on getting my hair license, all paid by the salon owner. I suddenly got very sick from both the chemicals at the salon and probably not taking care of my physical health. I spent a year without doctors knowing what was wrong with me and ruling out blood clots, for awhile we thought I could actually die. Once again, I lose my living situation but then the pandemic hits. I started working at a retail shop where the owner agreed to not use chemicals that make me sick or even sell perfume that make me sick. Again, I worked really hard and I’m now the manager. I’ve grown the business. I have a lot of power as I’m not sure the owner would survive without me but I’ve always told him my plan is to leave. 4-5years have flown by and I’m still at this job. It’s not a place that can afford to pay me much. But I’ve spent over 10 years literally just adapting and surviving that I don’t know what I want or what I like. I don’t feel strongly about anything as it hasn’t been an option to in so long. I now realize how important money is because I have no safety net. I have to become strong. The idea of going back to school scares me… the financial burden, the political climate, my health needs, the failure for a well respected school to meet their promises for a great education.

But I want more out of life. I can’t live like this. Currently I’m still on the edge where one wrong move could slip me into homelessness. I’m capable of hard work but I don’t fully know what it’s like to follow through on a solid idea.

I feel like my life is wasting away. My health issues are still a factor otherwise I would have went back to hair.

What career should I look into?

28M. Live in Florida. I have a bachelor’s degree in Health Science, very general degree that wasn’t very intense in the sciences but have some science background. I currently work in an extraction lab for a medical cannabis company. I’ve worked for the company for 5 years and started out at $14 an hour right out of college. I make $21.75 an hour now and really want to make more money. I’m not super interested in science related jobs but I guess I’m open to anything. I want to do something that doesn’t require a lot of manual labor, and more so use my brain for the job. I have arthritis in my hands so doing fine motor stuff isn’t easy. I looked into teaching but teachers are underpaid and kids are crazy now days. I’d rather have a career not working with kids. Are there any certs that might lead to a better job for me? Thought about IT but there are a million different certs and people say the job market is over saturated. Also, I already have quite a bit of student loans so I’m not necessarily looking to go back to school unless it directly leads to a high paying job. I’m at a total loss as to what I should do to move forward in life. I want something stable that I could do for years to come. Also I’m more of an introvert so I want something that doesn’t require a ton of social interaction but honestly I might just have to break out of that if it means making more money. Thoughts?

HR wants me to lie to new hire, who was falsely told he's permanent. How do I navigate this?Advice

I'm a project manager at a company that does manufacturing. About a month ago we hired a project coordinator to tackle the admin part of my job, and take over some responsibilities I haven't had time for.

He's been fantastic. However recently he started saying how he knows he's a temp, that he'll miss this place. When I asked he said it was obvious he was hired temporarily even though his contract says permanent. He said I'm taking a month vacation soon, that the two previous project coordinators weren't here longer than a few months, etc.

I asked my manager and HR about this who had a meeting with me and said they weren't planning on telling me this, but that yes they are going to fire him the day before his probation ends. They said I needed assistance, but said since some big projects were ending they wanted temp help, but couldn't find it, so decided to say it's permanent and then fire them. Apparently they were going to tell me the day of, and have me fire him along with HR present.

The problem is, my manager and HR wants me to keep affirming to the new guy that he's permanent and is here long-term, which is a lie. I'm really not comfortable lying, but my manager has implied we really need his help and can't afford to lose him at this time, but said the CFO firm they hired to help us expand wants to hire and fire as work goes up and down...

How do I proceed? I said I'm really not comfortable with this, insisted we keep him, but my manager doesn't want to budge and the new CFO is firm on this.

Should I go with Work-Life Balance or High Salary?

I'm holding a managerial position at my current company. My salary isn't that high but higher compared to other jobs in my field and I earn enough to buy stuff I want. Food and accommodation is also provided so I don't really spend on needs.

Work itself is okay but too demanding, there's no work-life balance given our 24/7 operations and we live onsite. I get work messages even after work hours and on rest days. Worse, it is giving me anxiety.

I'm thinking of submitting my resignation to take a rest while looking for another one, even thinking of changing career.

Is it better to have work-life balance and worry on funds or have funds but no peace of mind and work-life balance?

Sofware developer courses/bootcamps that guarantee employment afterwards?

Hi guys,

Could you recommend any Sofware developer courses/bootcamps that guarantee employment afterwards?

I’m located in London, UK

I have done this for the past 20 years, would you?

Long story short: 52M with director role here. When i was 32 I found a well paid job in my country linked to a project of the duration of about 3 years. After that, my company moved abroad and I got proposed to join them, so I did for the last 17 years. Meantime, got married and had 2 kids. The job unfortunately requires every 2 years to spend 4 months away on top of countless short trips abroad, sometime on the other side of the world. I work in a deeply committed and busy context, which does not permit me to include my family. The other day i was thinking about this and realised i missed around 2.5 years of life of my family and kids. Countless events, birthdays, vacations, time together. Wife and kids are fine, they are used to this and go on with their life once I am away, grateful i bring enough for them to live comfortably. But Thinking about it hurts and i am no more spring chicken, i am starting to value time more than money.

So, would you be able to do this? Is money and a job you like enough to make it priority and skip family time? Is there really a price for it?

Hello all, can you help me figure out where to go next? Advice

Hello all!

I'll keep this as brief as possible:

I served in the Navy for 6 years as a Gunner's Mate. Hated the organization but loved my actual job, operating and maintaining firearms was a blast (heh), but mostly maintaining.

After getting out, I moved and got a job at a newspaper production facility as a machine operator. Again, love my job! I love being elbow deep inside some mechanical beast making repairs and such. However, I've come to realize that there is absolutely no room for upward mobility here. At all. And right now, I'm making about 18 bucks an hour in a high COL area (Santa Fe, NM) and I can't live off that forever.

Where would y'all recommend I start looking next? I'm really unsure as to where my skillset would actually put me, but I definitely want to continue doing machine operation/maintenance. I love it.

CS Majors, how can one get a job if you didn't land an internship in college?Advice

Could it be worth delaying my college graduation by a semester to get an internship?

What’s next ?

Long story short, I got scammed. I looked up the Apple customer service number on google and I called the number and I ended up getting scammed out of 5k. The number google provided on the search was not the real number. I only had about 6k cash that I been living off because I was laid off my trucking job. I have been applying and applying not landing anything because I have less than a year experience. The job hunt feels endless, it’s been over a month now. Now I’m broke with no motivation to continue. There’s a high chance u won’t get back the money either. And why is google providing false information. I was thinking about suing google but really who’s going to help a minority over 5k? What would you do ?

Should I switch jobs ?

Started a job about 5 months ago as a Technician at a motorcycle shop making 60k a year,not take home. Long story short the management and coworkers are toxic as all get it,they micro manage everything and refuse to change the ways of running things,not to mention the coworkers are just negative and not helpful,we had a meeting about 3 weeks ago about how the servicede department just isn't bringing in money like it should because we don't have enough work,was told I would be put on flat rate as well and it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon ...... any way all saying this I have a offer from a friend who owns a luxury car lot and wants to put me on his sales team,I have a long sales background and was internet manager for a car lot about 8 years ago,he said I could absolutely suck and make more then what I make now.....I've worked hard to get where I'm at Asa mechanic and I'm a dam good one at that but I feel I would make way more money and not be busting my ass and make way more .

Should I switch jobs ?

Started a job about 5 months ago as a Technician at a motorcycle shop making 60k a year,not take home. Long story short the management and coworkers are toxic as all get it,they micro manage everything and refuse to change the ways of running things,not to mention the coworkers are just negative and not helpful,we had a meeting about 3 weeks ago about how the servicede department just isn't bringing in money like it should because we don't have enough work,was told I would be put on flat rate as well and it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon ...... any way all saying this I have a offer from a friend who owns a luxury car lot and wants to put me on his sales team,I have a long sales background and was internet manager for a car lot about 8 years ago,he said I could absolutely suck and make more then what I make now.....I've worked hard to get where I'm at Asa mechanic and I'm a dam good one at that but I feel I would make way more money and not be busting my ass and make way more .