[Massachusetts] - Does Unemployment Contact Current (new) part time employer?[Massachusetts] Question


My friend is on unemployment currently, and is newly working part time. They are reporting their part time wages to unemployment, and still receiving partial benefits.

They are curious: Does unemployment contact their new employer to verify the veracity of the information they have supplied? There has been some confusing communication about whether or not they are eligible to get moved to full time. They are worried that if unemployment contacts the employer, it will be erroneously reported that they declined full time work. (The organization is pretty disorganized.)

Basically, they are not trying to lie to unemployment, but if unemployment contacts their employer, they are worried it will look that way. They are trying to plan for damage control, and basically it would put their mind at ease to know if this is even a concern.

So put simply, our question is: Is unemployment likely contact this new employer to verify whether my friend has turned down hours?

Thanks so much for your help.

I agree the editing is sloppy and rushed.

And it's also why people keep saying they aren't connecting with contestants.

We aren't being given any of the humanizing bits we usually get ... Very little time at the the accomodations, minimal showcasing of burgeoning friendships, and the amount about their home lives also feels measly compared to past seasons. So it makes them all feel way more boring and inert to watch.

Yeah I actually think this season is way less engaging because of the magical elves side of things.

They are not giving us almost any slices of chefs in their off time, and the humanizing segments about their life at home is extremely minimal this season.

I think we feel bored and unimpressed because we are being "sold" their personalities and relationships like we usually are.

This season feels a bit sloppy to me in terms of challenge design and editing choices.

What a nice cover! I loved your spin on it :)

Thanks! At a certain point I found his video harder to use because I'm not experienced to do the preferred strumming he recommended. when I did the simpler modification he recommended that worked for me but then made it hard for me to follow along the video because it was pretty hard for me to match what I was doing to what he was demonstrating, if that makes sense. But I'll go back to that minute in particular and try again!

That was awesome thanks! Great cover and great energy. & I love queer covers of this song in particular


Based on this following section I'm fairly confident what's typed is a 0! But I'm down to experiment and see how an 8 would sound :)

And btw thank you so much! This is very helpful 😊

My only issue with skipping it is it I am singing along then there aren't enough beats essentially if I skip. Is there a standard way people make substitutions like that or would I just mess around and see what sounds okay? I tried doing the G twice to compensate but it didn't sound quite right

Thank you! So if I understand correctly the rest of the song is strumming chords but here you say it's plucking so would I pluck in this order e (held down at 5) a (held down at 7 e (open) a (held down at 2) so like there are 4 "plucks") before moving into the next line of chords?

Thanks for writing back! Can you help me understand why it only says what to do for e and a? Open just means not pushed down on right? So is the implication for these that the other two strings are both also open?

Never too young. In 34 and a lot has changed for me since 28. Things had to get harder before they could get easier, and it all comes back in cycles and still brings me to my knees sometimes. I wouldn't wish what we have to live through on anyone. But if you stay alive and awake to your life and try to really look at where it hurts, in time you learn yourself more, you get braver, you heal a few more things. At least for me. You couldn't pay me to be 28 again, it was so much harder on my nervous system than being 34 is.

I believe people like us deserve more time, our timelines aren't the same for other people. I encourage anyone with our kind of severe childhood trauma to knock a decade off when they evaluate themselves. If you were 18, would you feel like it was too late? Or you were too old? I'm 34 and I am sad about being single and drifting in certain ways but when I ask myself, would it be okay for 24, I realize it would be. The first decade is just for learning how to be alive after so much was robbed from you. This next decade can be where you learn how to best make use of your aliveness πŸ’œ

I am somewhat an example of the "came out functional". I wouldn't really say I'm functional I'm that I'm usually single, and am underemployed. But I survive, have food friendships, create projects and experience some joy in life.

I wish I had a good answer but what I want to say is that I feel it was really random and I have survivors guilt. I see how it turns out for many people raised like me and myself don't understand why it was different for me than them.

The two things I know made a difference for me that not everyone has is proximity to wealth, and a particular friend. I am not wealthy but I am white and raised with good education and access to middle class behavior etx. These things just put me around wealthier people who became my friends and sometimes those friends bail me out. This is incredibly unfair because it's not fair if my friend can pay for therapy one month if im broke and another person's friends couldn't do it for them. It's made a big difference for me. I also have one friend, older, almost like a surrogate parent. He met me when I was 22 and guided me into my 30s. I don't know who I'd be without him.

I want to be narrow in specifically discussing JVP. Not trying to no true Scotsman all your sources so I'll explain.

I am very concerned that JVP itself is the target of a form of antisemitism that holds Jews accountable for the actions of those in real or perceived proximity to us, but that are in fact beyond our control.

So I am concerned to only evaluate JVP based on primary sources about JVP in particular, I do not want to hold them accountable for what's beyond their own actions.

I've seen this post before and I think it's misinformation. A lot of it if you scratch the surface is not even anything JVP did. A lot of it is about what people or orgs who are perceived as being in proximity to JVP has done. For this person's stuff I'd want to see primary sources. You did give me one above about the myth of the Israeli civilian, and for that I am curious to hear what yr follow up thoughts are.

I think this is fine in it's context ~ which is a (true) analysis of Israel's military service in relation to it's nation building project. What part of this is offensive or untrue to you?

Can you bring some receipts? I've been an active participant in several JVP listservs, gatherings etc for 6+ years. I've never once seen them dismiss genuine anti semitism. They actually published an entire anthology about the dangers of anti semitism. I'm speaking from personal experience, I've been immersed for over half a decade and never once seen anything like what you're describing. I am the absolute target audience for JVP messaging, and generally get all there communications.

Personally, I hate feeling rushed, it makes my entire day have too high a stress level. I try to be awake 60-90 minutes before my first appointment if I can help it so I can move slow, check my texts, enjoy my coffee, check socials etc and just feel very relaxed. However, I'm lucky in they my day rarely starts before 10am and often starts at 11.

Rude for no reason, OP is trying to plan a nice experience to share with their wife...

One time yes, every weekend no. Especially if you imagine his whole family is in on it too? They are all covering for him and collectively lying to 2 women? Like technically anything is possible but this I'd call it a far cry from likely or Occam's razor.

I don't think that fits / makes sense with them spending whole weekends together and meeting each other's families?