need help reading chords (am a beginner!)

Hey all I am very new to ukulele. Trying to understand how to read this. The regular chords lole c5, or Am etc I understand how to read.

However I don't understand what I am supposed to do at the part that says e5 a7 e0 a2. Because of how it's written and my lack of background I am finding it impossible to Google because I don't know how to describe it other than just typing those letters in which gets me nowhere.

Are these chords and if so do you know why he doesn't include an explanatory chart for them like the others? If anyone can assist I'd appreciate help deciphering these as it's the only part of the instructions I can't comprehend.

Thanks so much! This is the first time in my life I am learning any instrument or musical notation of any kind, so my apologies if this a very rudimentary question.