Agreed that increased speed would be great!

I have a bad back so my coach days for overnights are behind me.

Been taking melatonin and valerian since 2005 😵‍💫

There are usually a few berths that are single-sex on Nightjet trains.That can help mitigate.

People can get assaulted anywhere, unfortunately, so you'll never be able to fully prevent it.

Amazing detail! Thank you for this.

I wish Amtrak's existing overnight trains were more affordable. I've been wanting to do DC to Chicago, but it's like minimum $500-600 ONE WAY.

I flew to Portugal for less than that roundtrip this year...

Thanks! This is the first time I'm hearing about that link.

I'm not sure it's that. I've tried Hydroxyzine at high doses and it does almost nothing for me unfortunately.

racing thoughts and insomnia

What have you found helps you stay asleep?

My main issue, off and on for over a decade now, has been that I can't stay asleep. I'll wake up at 3 or 4 am after I go to be around 11 or 12 at night and am just WIRED. My brain is racing with a million thoughts and I can't go back to sleep.

I took Remeron for years and added some medical marijuana. That worked for a good while, but I quite weed for good about six months ago.

So far, I've tried Ambien and Seroquel. Ambien, even at the highest dosage and with the controlled release, doesn't keep me asleep.

Seroquel does seem to keep me asleep better than Ambien, but I feel like shit the next day. Poor mood, exhausted and lethargic...

What have people found that helps with this particular type of insomnia (waking up with racing thoughts)?

I just started lamictal, so it's early days. My NP also mentioned Abilify.

For every 20 people complaining on Reddit or in the comments of an Instagram Instagram or TikTok, maybe one (and that's being generous) actually does something about it. If we had more people writing to our representatives, that would probably do a whole lot better than just complaining online. But sure you do you

It was primarily out of necessity. Needing to be scrappy so I could get by and save for an emergency fund.

Then I worked in corporate for an apparel company and realized how much of a scam all consumer goods industries are. A shirt they sell for $90 cost only $9 to make, ship, and put on the shelf. It also comes at a huge cost to the environment and to people’s well-being.

I appreciate the conversation this is generating!

Shit has gotten wildly out of hand, but what’s the solution?

  • write to your city council members. Tell them you’re concerned
  • consider getting a dash cam just to document this shit (I’m thinking of getting one for my bike and car)
  • take photos when you see people double parked, in the bike lanes, etc.

It’ll take some effort, but I don’t see how it’ll change if we just scream into the digital void.

I’ve seen several cars basically blow through stop signs recently. It’s insane.

I would have asked for his badge number and filed a formal complaint

Point taken.

Perhaps he, like many others, assumed Biden, the self-declared "transition candidate," wouldn't run again

He made the astute point that Biden does not have the stamina to campaign and I agree.

We would have been far better off if he had announced last year he wouldn't run again. That would have given Democrats time to have primaries and get people behind a new candidate.

Whitmer would have been an excellent choice.

Your answer will likely vary if you were lucky enough to buy a house before 2020 or not.

It's actually linked to an increased risk of psychosis for some people, so not likely this will decrease crime

Can't even go to Rock Creek Park now without smelling weed at some point.

It's really adding to the misery of living in DC

Often with "dealer" tags they probably printed themselves

Sarcasm and dry humor are not the same thing.

I find that Northeners rely heavily on sarcasm that is more "in your face," whereas Southerners actually do dry humor more subtly.

had to stop at week 4 due to hypomaniaStory/Experience

Good news is that I was finally starting to feel relief from my depression.

Bad news it that it eventually made me hypomanic!

I've been struggling with sleep for the past two weeks while doing Monday - Friday TMS sessions. The past week has been particularly bad, with me getting maybe 3 -4 hours a night.

Something clicked yesterday and I thought "oh this cannot be right" when I got 3 hours and still felt SO MUCH energy the next day. Was bouncing off the walls, could hardly concentrate at work, was doing a bunch of home projects at once...

All of that is pretty unusual for me.

I've never been diagnosed with bipolar and have never shown any of the typical signs of a fully manic episode. I'm financially responsible to a T, pretty conservative when it comes to sex, and I don't put myself in risky situations.

The doctor running the TMS clinic had me stop TMS yesterday.

Now I'm mildly concerned about what this means. Like am I bipolar or do I have undiagnosed cyclothymia???

I'm really bummed out because, aside from the sleep issues, TMS was doing me a lot of good. I finally felt motivated again and was feeling more social.

Curious if anyone else had experiences with hypomania like this.

It's been delayed like crazy. NIMBYs challenged it in court, claiming it endangered a rare salamander. Then there were tons of issues with the PPP set up to manage construction. Cost overruns.

It'll probably start running by, I dunno, 2030.

Unfortunately, boomers continually voted for politicians who cut taxes on the wealthy. The majority of them have benefited mightily. They've made out like bandits:

We definitely need to make things better for retirees who NEED the support. For the ones with a strong investment portfolio sitting in their huge, price-inflated homes, I have little sympathy.

Question about "Show Numbers" feature - Microsoft Voice Access

Does anyone know how to get the "show numbers" feature to stay on permanently? It's a feature in Mac's voice access system, but I can't figure it out with Windows. Having to say "show numbers" constantly is so annoying!

I much prefer Mac's system, but my work is making it difficult for me to get one. Any advice is much appreciated!

I love grits!

I recently started eating them with chili and I love the combo. Cheap and filling

Boomers have had it far better than any other living generation. Higher salaries relative to cost of living, WAY cheaper housing, no real student loan debt, insane stock market growth. They have consistently run up the national credit card that subsequent generations will have to pay off for decades to come. Naturally, they will not allow any cuts to THEIR social security benefits. They’ll continue to advocate for raising the retirement age for younger folks when they should have lifted the cap on SS decades ago. This mess is their making.

And then complains about gas prices 🙄