In the two months I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen a city have such utter disregard for driving etiquette. Parking wherever and whenever they please, not following marked lines, driving recklessly at crazy speeds down the freeway, using the shoulder lane as an actual lane, not letting one merge, stopping in the middle of the freeway after a minor accident, stopping in the middle of the freeway to yell at someone who just honked at them, motorcyclists who use the bike lane, busting u-turns whenever and wherever they feel like it…. The list could go on and on but it’s never been so nerve wracking that any day, something could happen to you or your car. And then the nerve of these idiots to lash at you as if YOU’RE in the wrong, after you’ve called attention to their idiocy. I’m ashamed of these people who represent our capital. I’m already embarrassed by those who govern us. I’d expect more from these people. Maybe all of DC is one big virus that spreads stupidity to all those it can reach.