(Sorry this is long) For context, I go to school full time, work almost full time, and do all the house duties. I also cook every night for my husband and I. My husband is a picky eater so I always ask him what he wants and I make it for the both of us. Very rarely will we eat “quick” meals like a frozen pizza. I always make him homemade food. During the summer, I am taking 9 units while working as an academic mentor teaching students over the summer to prepare them for their next years courses. This obviously requires extensive prep time for lecture planning and creating homework assignments for each one. I am taking 2 six week courses and one 12 week. Right now I am in an engineering class and a statistics class, which requires a lot of lecture time and study time.

A few weeks ago, I was going to get some important paper work done in LA (dual citizenship related). This appointment in LA was early in the morning, and I had a flight at around 5am, which requires me to wake up at 2am to get there on time. This appointment was scheduled on a Friday. I work 9-6 on Thursday. I also have lectures to watch and since it’s a six week course, each session takes about 4 hours of lecture. I have four sessions a week. So, I got home at around 6:30 the Thursday before my appointment in LA, and began watching my lectures and taking notes. Also I should mention now, my husband ONLY works. He works about 25-30 hours a week. I asked him if he could take us to order take out this night.

He replied with “why?”, and I explained to him I had about 3 more hours of lecture to get through, and had to wake up at 2am, and that I worked an 8 hour so I was already exhausted. He seemed to still not understand why I want to get take out. So I said “can you just take us to get something simple like McDonald’s? It’s super close”. He replied “well I want spaghetti. Wouldn’t it take the same amount of time getting McDonald’s than you cooking spaghetti?”

I make my spaghetti and meat sauce from scratch.

I didn’t want to argue with him after everything so I just made it. He didn’t even know I was upset until the next day. I explained to him that I never ask for a break, or really anything from him in general, so when I ask for a break I expect to get it? I ended up getting about an hour of sleep that night with more assignments to do the next day still.

Fast forward to a few days ago. Also, remember how my husband is a picky eater? I never get to make what I want for dinner because he just complains about it. I found a pasta recipe that looked so good and have been debating on making it, and I finally said I was going to do it. My husband likes pasta, so I thought it would be perfect! I told him I was excited to try this and that I was going to go shopping for the ingredients after he left for work. He said okay. I went shopping and got everything (I also pay for all the groceries), and he texted me a couple hours later saying “are you still making pasta? We should get McDonald’s tonight”

I was like ? And said “do you really not want my cooking so bad that you want McDonald’s?” And he said “not what I meant” and I said “what did you mean then?” And he said “why do you get mad at me for not taking you to McDonald’s then get mad for offering to take you to McDonald’s?”

I explained to him exactly why I was upset and how these situations were different, last time I asked for a break, and this time I was excited to make one dinner that I wanted, and it just so happens it’s the same night he wants to take me to McDonald’s? We haven’t talked in a few days and need some advice or guidance. I especially need ways for him to understand why I am upset. During this time we were house and pet sitting for his family and I just moved everything back home after he told me “if you want to get mad at me for offering to take you to McDonald’s go home”. There are a lot of other factors that go into this, like for example, he doesn’t even help me clean up the kitchen after I cook. I feel like his mom and not his partner or wife.


I went over last night to get our pet bunnies that we took to his parents house. He was there. As I was packing, all he did was watch and ask “why are you taking the bunnies?” And I said that I didn’t trust him to take care of them the way I do and have been. He said he has, and I asked if he even changed their litter box once (which I do everyday) and he was silent. I said exactly and packed my shit. I let him know as I was leaving, I said “I am not going to talk to you tonight about our situation. I will not be the one to initiate because I only did in the past. I want you to come to me, come to our house, and want to fix things like I do, so you’re gonna have to show up and be open for talking. You can come tomorrow night.” Which is today. I worked again today, and had a lot of school work. I wished early to have time to talk to him. He went out with his friends. It’s currently 9:35pm and is still at his parents house. I really thought he would care enough about me to just show up.