As a boy, no one cares about you unless you're useful to them.

No one cares if you're sad or angry or even hurt. You gotta take it and move on with your life.

I'm not a super IRL extrovert but I'd be willing meet and talk. 28M.

If anything and you're more willing or into video games I'd gladly play games with you.

he said because when “men see girls in skirts they want to rip them off and eff them” 

When someone says something like this, they're telling on themselves.

I'm going to save you the trouble. She's probably already having an emotional affair and just wants to tell you so she doesn't need to feel bad about all the cheating shes done and probably going to do.

The why has nothing to do with you. If there was any problem in the relationship or was unhappy she could've brought it up to you to work on it or like other healthy people, divorce.

Unfortunately theres a good chance marriage is already over and you're just waiting for one of you to start the process.

Crazy how this nearly 40 year old man is already using your unborn baby to manipulate and hurt you. Notice how you're too old for the dolls. Not he's too old to know better than to throw away something important to his partner.

Unfortunately, no one is going to recommend you stay together. Less people are going to recommend you keep the child. Mostly because you do not want to be tied to this man.

In truth? He doesn't care about you. His intentions were heartless. They were good but only for him because he doesn't care what you think or feel.

That should immediately raise flags as to how he's going to be as a parent if he's willing to do this to his pregnant partner.

I didn't ask about just the last conversation, though. I asked if he would be okay with all the context you've posted.

Do you think your boyfriend would be happy if he knew everything you posted here?

That should answer your question. If he'd be okay with it. Perfect. If he wouldn't be happy, that's a no. If he'd be indifferent. Then it's a risk.

"Okay" is subjective and largely depends on who you are dating and how you want the relationship to work.

Say he was in a similar position. Would you be happy he reached out to an old situationship?

This is something you probably just need to deal with Ideally with therapy if you can. You are realizing you may have gotten taken advantage of or maybe you're not the person you thought you were and are troubled with morals you wouldn't normally break. It happens.

Sure if you feel you need to tell him then sure. But really there's no need. It's entirely a you problem. If you want to share it with him you can.

I dont think you're considering all the factors. The 70k also wouldn't be a "loss" but a risk investment.

70k is for the materials, but how are you accounting for all the time you're going to spend building the place? How are you going to account for issues you may run into with the HOA?

Youre not just investing 70k to potentially get a profit upward of 430k. Youre investing your time which is imo far more valuable.

Assuming you keep your normal job. Is your plan to do work every day after your job or to work every off day essentially working 7 days a week for a year. Just things to consider.


If yall can't afford 2 rooms between the 6 of you, yall can't afford the bachelor trip.

Spa visit is a bit more realistic. But obviously, things to consider are that everybody's body is different. Don't be surprised if they don't comp the entire thing.

You'd think they deal with this fairly, often considering the nature of the work.

Lol, that's not a reasonable ask. It's so unreasonable that it reads as obvious satire. At least I'm hoping it is because of how ridiculous it is.

Depreciating assets are never considered investments. There are exceptions to the rule. They are not the rule.

1 being the lowest 5 being highest.

1/5. Sure, you're probably doing well or hopefully amazing financially. But financial position isn't just about working. It's about having a good work life balance. What's the point in saving all that money if let's say you never have time for yourself or others.

Maybe that is fun for you. But nah it's insane you're working that much.

Yea the only changed that needs to be met is "our debt".

You guys are supposed to be a team and the hurt is because she's not a team player.

Killing is still often times more optimal than cocooning. Especially when a human obviously has a knife or axe or fire poker.

Balance. You can set a budget on dating and still work towards your goal.

I need a GM like you at my property. Or even just a manager.

Was going to reply to post but its better to reply to this comment. I work FD at a 4 star hotel and it really depends on management.

If management is very stern and stubborn unfortunately none of this would warrant any discount. Crazy I know but that's how my property is. Free meal or comped parking with an offer to have the room serviced again is what you'd likely get at my property.

I'm not saying this to do anything other than say it really does depend on who you talk to and how you talk to them. Also depends on the hotel you're staying at.


You're not the first person to run into this issue. The main issue is that, quite frankly, too many people have rewards/points /certificates. So yes, unless it's a non desirable room or non desirable location or a non desirable time. Someone else used their reward or cert before you.

I dont know if Hyatt or Hilton has the same issue. I reckon they do.

You're 18. Use your credit card like a debit card and you'll just grow your credit.

According to chase I have a 777 credit score and on myfico its allegedly above 800. Never had debt. Always used my credit card like a debit card regardless of how much money I spent.

Close to 7 years on oldest account and now I have so much credit I don't even break into 5% utilization anymore unless I go on vacation or something. Even then I lose like 1-5 points until its paid off then I get them back instantly.

You may love your job, but unfortunately, it doesn't sound like its working out for you monetarily.

I dont know what field you're in. But the trick is to try to climb not just at the job you're in but look around online for similar positions that pay more or even manager positions.

You lose nothing by applying and putting yourself out there. If you try to choose to stay unfortunately you already know it's not gonna work out long term.

Alternatively also think about your budget. The 50$ a week isn't going to be whats killing you while living with 4 people.

You're focusing on things you can see. Not the things you aren't seeing. You see people buying new clothes or going on trips but do you know if they're saving for retirement or able to pay their bills?

If you stay around this sub you'll see people often buy/live outside their means. Then get shocked when they can't afford their lives or to retire.