Hello everyone first post here I'm looking for some help. I currently have 114k saved up in a JP Morgan account avg 8% per year. I recently purchased 3.5 acres in Colorado. The property is in a HOA neighborhood that burned down in 2012. They have slowly been rebuilding and a bunch of the houses around me are worth over half a million and are not anything special. As of this time my girlfriend and I live in a custom built military truck that serves as our house. We love this live style but are always trying to make more money. My question is what would you do in this situation? I am thinking of building a simple 1000sqft house with a 4 car garage and then selling for 500k+ that would mean I would need to pull about 70k for materials. I can do 90% of the work myself as I am a contractor. Is it worth the loss of 70k for a year to then maybe make 500k?