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Regarding subreddit mod team changes and the future of r/MoneyMod Announcement

Hello there.

You might've noticed the subreddit's mod list has changed a few times over the last three months, and we'd like to inform you as to why along with our vision for the future of the community.

To start off, my name is Asher, and I along with the other current moderators on the team have been involved in community management for several years, and are going to be handling mod operations on r/Money moving forward.

While we're still investigating the cause, the previous two mod teams were removed for a combination of being inactive (why you were seeing so many low effort/quality posts the last few weeks) and violating Reddit's Moderator Code of Conduct, specifically the part regarding moderating with integrity (R5).

As of this moment, we are working on implementing new ways to ensure transparency in the actions we take to uphold civility and focus on the subreddits central topic, money. This will be done to reduce the risk of anything similar to the previously mentioned behaviors taking place by any individual member on the team in the future. The goal of this subreddit is and has always been to foster a community focused on the discussion of anything related to money and financial moves, and bad actors taking advantage of positions of power impacts everyone involved negatively.

Over the next few days, there will be more changes to the subreddit (formatting, rules and guidelines, and the creation of subreddit-specific wiki pages) to further encourage positive/conducive user activity.

If you have any further questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, feel free to forward them to us directly via Reddit modmail.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and best regards,

u/AsherFennec, u/ARoyaleWithCheese, u/ddftgr2a, u/lmaodaniel, u/Randomperson0012, u/strikingsubsidy27, u/sled603, and u/f0rkster

Pinnedby AsherFennecModerator:V: r/Money Staff
More than $100k in savings and feeling like i can loose it all

Everyone saying that first $100k is the hardest.

I earned more than that, I have a business that earns me $2,500 monthly, and a side job that earns me $8,000 month.

The money sits in my bank account, and I'm sick of my second job that earns me my most money, more than my business, but I feel like if I quit it, I can loose it all somehow.

I'm 26, and my second job sucks all the joy out of me, It's remote but I'm stuck for most of the day in front of my laptop putting out fires as a manager. So other than some weekends (cause a lot of stuff comes up during the weekends) I'm mostly stuck in my house.

Not sure If i'm being a puss and should suck it up or my complaints are fair.

How do I get out of this loop? I only have like 4k invested in crypto and like 4k in stocks / etf.

Any tips and feedback is appreciated.

How do I make $5k in 3 months?

A bit about me: Im a software engineering student on summer break for the next three months. I have set a goal to make $5k in this period. I am ready to dedicate my full time towards this goal. Here are my skills:

-Full stack web development with MERN stack -Copywriting(made a couple hundred dollars with this previously)

Im a fast learner and can learn other skills if necessary. Please advise me on what I can do to achieve my goal. I’m looking for things that I can do online/remotely. Thanks

Edit: forgot to mention im from a third world country lol. Cant really work make this much working at restaurants here

How many people in here donate plasma for money?

Just curious to see the numbers, I know people who make like $6000 a year donating twice a week

I want to turn 5000 into 10,000+ over this summer

I’m 16 years old, and I have all the summer to work on anything I can, what are some ways that I can use this $5000 as a tool in order to invest into something which can double or triple it. I’m willing to spend $1000 dollars at one time

25(f) burnt out working 7 days a week. Looking for advice

Not sure if this is the right subreddit to post on about this, but I’ll give it a go. I’m 25 living in Orlando,Florida. Housing has gotten pretty expensive since covid days and wages haven’t changed much in comparison.

For example, I live in a relatively inexpensive area and pay $850 for my room with 3 other roommates. No car payment, my car insurance is $189 a month. I also have smaller bills like phone and wifi etc but they are pretty minuscule. I work 3 jobs, 7 days a week. One of the jobs is an internship where I’m paid pretty low but the long term reward of staying there and getting promoted to a salary position makes this job most important for me. The other two are at restaurants. Last pay period I only made $800. I had to pay rent the same day and basically feel fucked over by this system.

I’m extremely burnt out going on month 4 of working 7 days a week.

My dream is to become an architect and I am going back to school for that. This is a non negotiable. I MUST be able to create a schedule where I am making more money in less time. What can I do? I have an associates degree and my internship is at a design firm which is why it’s so important for me to keep that job. It is 5 days a week and my restaurant jobs are Friday Saturday and Sunday.

I’m exhausted and I don’t want to ruin my chances at returning to school by being burnt out. I just don’t know where the time is. This feels like a problem of time. Please help me figure it out! I cannot afford to quit any of my jobs and still pay for rent.

What to do with inheritance? Get a house? Or start a business?

So I have a big family 4 kids. I’ve been working in pizza the last 10 years I manage a shop making about $50-60k/ year. It’s been my goal to open my own my boss owns about 6 stores and says I can own a part of any of them or the new ones he’s opening soon. I also have a friend that wants to start a restaurant with me too. But I also want a house I’m sick of renting apartments and the kids deserves a house. I’ll be getting $40k and I have another $10k in savings. What y’all think? Or should I just do nothing keep renting and put it all into a hysa for a few years?

I need to make money

I have really amateur skills in 3D modelling, I can photoshop and I have all the adobe applications and I am decent at most of them.

I'm 16 years old and want to stay focused in school but summers coming up and I want to make a decent amount of money without having a set time to work since I'm studying extra over the summer, what can I do?

how would i go about making £50,000 at a fast rate at 16?, i mean incredibly fast, i know that this may seem like an outlandish question but i fear that my life may depend upon it. i will try and answer all comments the best i can when i see them.

the need for money is because of my own health issues, i cant get treatment and it seems that the only thing people care about is money so it make sense to me to try and make it a priority, i have a computer if that helps you answer my question

How trustworthy are these online-only HYSA's with no physical branches?

Would you put $25k in them or should I find one that's near me and has a physical location with a good repuation and has been in business a long time? Just shopping around. Thank you! Much apprecated!

Passive income

Hey guys. I have an internship over the summer, and I was wondering what else could I do to create some more income with that money? Like a side hustle or something.


What are some HYSAS with fdic insured, no minimum, and highest interest.

How to sell quickly

Got multiple grills for $200, they retail for $400 at Best Buy, Lowe’s, etc… This was due to a price error if you’re wondering.

How can I sell them quickly? Selling them for $250-$300, they’re all brand new unopened shipped directly from the store. I’ve listed them on Facebook marketplace already. Not sure where else to try to sell them.

Any advice would be appreciated.


How do you decide which bank to use to open IRA retirement account with?

Digital products

Has anyone had success selling digital products? I’m trying to get into it, so I’m learning. I heard you don’t have to create your own digital products, you can buy and resell… is this true? If you’ve had success, would you mind sharing your experiences? I’m a single mom trying to make extra money. Thank you

Question about back door IRA’s and making too much to qualify?

Hi! I have two contract jobs that I am working. Together they will be about $105,000 a year before taxes. I am also working part time for a few months which will add up to around about $130,000 for the year. I am not totally sure because I also do pet sitting on the side (does this qualify as the income)? I am just overall confused about “making too much” to contribute to an IRA. What happens if you contribute the max (7k) and then find out at the end of the year that you made over $160k (which I believe is the max?) do you get penalized?

I haven’t opened an IRA yet but I really think I should. I just saw though that there’s an income limit and if anyone has any insight, I would appreciate it.

Post grad finance advice needed

Looking for some financial advice. A little background, I am 2 years post-college graduating. My current salary is $62,500 (not including taxes, BCBSM health insurance) my company does 6% 401K matching.

I have zero student loans or CC debt, and typically spend about $1950/month between groceries, rent, gas, utilities, weekend fun. I have a pretty strict monthly budget I follow to track any excess spending or to adjust how much I budget per week. I have about $30,000 currently in my savings.

What’s some advice on continuing to save money, eventually I want to move out of my apartment and into a house, but I don’t want to be in a position where I’m counting Pennie’s at the end of each month or having to skip out on a weekend happy hour with friends to afford basic necessities. I didn’t have a lot of financial mentorship growing up, so any help or advice is appreciated!

23M Advice for side/extra income!

About to begin an HVAC career, currently have a couple months left until I finish school with my EPA certification. I wanted to know what kind of options there are for some extra income on top of having a career! Open to any suggestion, thank you!

Need Advice

I graduated college last month and only owe $6788 in loans. I also have a college savings fund from my family worth $5000. I feel like my two best options are:

  1. Combine $1788 of my own money with the $5k savings and pay it off.

  2. Invest the $5k to try and allow it to grow before paying off the loans.

I’m leaning towards option 1, however haven’t had an account with a couple grand in it like this before and worry that I’ll miss out on the chance to grow that money if I pay it all off right now.

I need some help

I have a pension worth 280k right now. I haven’t put anything into it to match the employer.

How can I borrow from it ? Like for a home ? do I need to get a divorce to be able to borrow ?

Someone help

Should I sell?

I bought my condo in 2022 for 185k at a 3% interest rate. I actually used the cash from the selling of my grandparents house to purchase the property before refinancing with my local credit union.

The area has been extremely quiet and I’ve had no complaints while being here. I just don’t feel very attached to this place and obviously know it’s not my forever home. The condo is located right behind a run down mall that was recently torn down and a huge shopping plaza will be built in its place for summer of 2025. The plaza is rumored to be bringing in a Target so it might be bringing in quite a bit more traffic.

I’ve been seeing so many people talk about not selling when you have an interest rate this low. So I’m a little torn on what to do. The comps in my area for condos that have sold recently are upwards of 220k-270k. Those condos that sold are sometimes on a top or bottom floor with another owner either above or below them and some don’t have a basement. I don’t have anyone below or above me. I have a finished basement. So I’m guessing I can get between 230k-240k since my Zestimate is 245k.

What would you do? 🤔