So if you expect your future daughter’s husband to be there for her, why are you accepting this behaviour from your husband? You’re only going to teach your daughter that it’s okay to be treated like shit by men.

I will always suggest an abortion. Sorry you’re an idiot 👍

Can you abort? If he finds out some other way, you may have to share custody with him. Are you sure you want an abusive person in your life permanently?

LOL. You’re out here talking about lying and cheating as ultimate sins when this woman did neither and you’re telling me to have empathy? Get real.

Invasion of privacy isn’t okay. OP is going crazy over something stupid like a woman being paid to have dinners with men. It’s pathetic. She’s the mother of his kid and he clearly had no problem going through her phone. He’s the problem, not her. I hope she leaves him and takes the kid.

You’re making up stats and based on your post history, this is right up your alley. She didn’t do anything wrong. She didn’t even have sex with the men. She was literally paid to be a model.

OP invaded her privacy. That’s the end of it.

Ultimate sin 😂😂😂 whatever man. You keep doing you and catching those liars and cheaters

She’s not? As opposed to the guy that went snooping through her phone and found texts from 3 years ago? Come on

So? If OP can’t get over that she was an escort in whatever fashion, they should break up anyways. She can’t change her past and he invaded her privacy.

You said you’re still pissed days later. So yeah, get over it. And work on your anger issues 👍

lol yeah sure with $100 a month to spend.

If this is real, you’re a dick and get over it. Shit happens.

There are all kinds on Reddit.

So if you only have $100 per month for personal spending, how is she supposed to pay for the repairs?

This has to be rage bait. You don’t have much personal spending money but you have a brand new Subaru?

Well if you read the post, the girlfriend said she never slept with them. So you can relax atop your moral high ground

Asshole Enthusiast [8]

You’re having another kid with this guy because..? The first one destroyed your marriage. Do you think a second one will fix it somehow?

Evelyn climbs into her husband’s lap and puts her head down? She has issues with eating food? Did your friend marry someone who is mentally disabled? This sounds super alarming.

Also, YTA. Evelyn sounds like someone who would cause issues at a wedding. Your fiancée has major issues with her and for good reason. She shouldn’t be invited and your friend needs to understand that.

Oh lord. Your comment history reads like a teenaged boy who creeps girls out and then lashes out online.

Go outside. Read a book. Try talking to someone without insulting them.

Edit: LOL. That reply is amazing. Point proven 😂