FINAL EDIT: Thanks you to all of the folks who provided good suggestions for managing my behavior better. For those suggesting that I am a terrible person or that my wife should divorce me because I reacted badly to this situation, I wish you luck with your bubblegum fantasy view of marriage.

EDIT: The fact that most people are upvoting a comment suggesting that my wife should immediately divorce me over this scenario, tells me all that I need to know about the quality of advice on this sub.

EDIT: People, she sideswiped a pole in a parking lot, and then drove home. I don’t think she even noticed it at first. This was not a car accident in which anyone was injured or in any danger of being injured.

Long story short, my wife sideswiped a yellow pole in a parking lot in our brand new 2024 Subaru. Caused about $3,500 worth of damage. I was pissed, and did not react in a nice way at all. I yelled at her and accused her of not knowing how to drive, even though she has never been in an accident before. I did apologize very shortly after. We talked about it that night and everything is good.

It’s several days later and I still feel pissed about it despite apologizing and making up with her. I know that my reaction made my wife feel even worse than she already did when she hit the pole, but I don’t really know how to react in a healthy way to a situation like that.