Great show! Makes you really invested in the story and characters.

I still have a few unanswered questions though:

  1. How did time travel start if it was a consequence of the plague which happened due to time travel? Katarina ended up inventing a working time travel solution due to the plague happening in order to prevent it. But the plague happened because time travel was invented and the witness was able to orchestrate the whole thing.
  2. Why did the messengers have to travel back in time using Katarina's machine if the witness had access to time travel himself?
  3. Why the house of cedar and pine is used by Olivia? Olivia being the witness doesn't make much sense with the house of cedar and pine as this place was not significant to her as it was to Athan.
  4. Was Athan the witness originally but because he was saved by his parents then Olivia became the witness, or the witness was Olivia all along? If she was the witness all along what is the deal with Athan being treated as the witness by the 12 monkeys?