Leaving this very shitty situation is NOT throwing in the towel. It’s acting on the self-worth you claim to have and providing you have self-worth by your actions. You gotta reframe this in your head or you’ll never do it.

Same here with both of my brothers and their wives. They have zero interest in me or my life. I stopped trying years ago when I realized I was the only one putting in any effort. It bums me out sometimes. I try to stay in touch with their kids, especially once they’re out of high school.

Had a similar situation a few years ago with a rental apartment. It was a newer build, 4 years old max, and we eventually figured out they were in the basement and coming under the door. The basement of the place was originally going to be finished (stairs going down were carpeted) but the owners decided not to finish it because the rent would have gotten too high or something. The door they had installed was an interior one with a little gap at the bottom. We used the basement quite a bit and while there were some dead ones down there around the window wells we never saw live ones so we just did not think to look there at first. We ended up blocking the gap with a towel the last few months we lived there and the fly situation dramatically reduced. We also started using our Shark wand vac to catch them and then took it outside away from the house and released them as it was so much easier than using a swatter and a lot fewer guts to clean up. The sound of flies buzzing or hitting their bodies against the window makes my skin crawl and makes me feel very ragey so I feel for you!

I grew up on a farm in Wisconsin not far from Iowa and yes, the smell of silage, especially on a hot and humid summer day is absolutely awful.

Had my parents visiting in the fall, I live out of state now. They bicker a lot, always have and it’s almost always my dad starting it and it’s exhausting to be around. It has absolutely been the root cause of my lifelong anxiety struggles. He verbally/emotionally treats my mom like shit and I honestly don’t understand how she’s been with him for so long. Anyway, he started to go on about something super trivial, ragging on my mom of course, I immediately and calmly but sternly said “hey, we are absolutely NOT doing this in my house”. (Of course I said “we” bc I am still weak and struggle to call him out directly). He stopped immediately, tossed his hands in the air a lil bit and grumbled quietly to himself for a second but he did shut the fuck up after that and seemed to keep himself in check the rest of their short visit. It felt good to do that but in a calm way, like an adult should and to model behavior to them that was never modeled to me. But it really bums me out that my mom has endured it for so long and that he seems to have no respect for her or her emotional wellbeing.

That’s a pretty judgey way to describe a minor who is a victim. You might want check yourself a bit there friend. Your gross friend is/was a legal adult who made adult adult choices with adult consequences, that is 100% on them.

Restrooms go out of order all the time and woman might need to use the men’s and vice versa. That’s just one of endless scenarios in which this vending machine in the men’s restroom could be helpful to someone…maybe not you but someone.

Do not go through his cop family. They’ll sweep it under the rug and he’ll never be held accountable. Report to the police properly.

Hey OP, how was the trip and what did you end up doing? I’m planning a trip there with my mother (66) for September and our situations and loosely described preferences are similar to yours. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the options and planning and am super curious on what you ended up doing, what you liked, what you’d do differently. Feel free to share if you’re feeling up to it—thank you in advance!

It’s absolutely BONKERS that your main bummer in this is that “our kid isn’t his first”instead of the blatant lying about having and abandoning an actual child in the first place! If he is the father he could have fought for his legal rights to be present in that kid’s life even if the mother didn’t want him involved. And, either way he should have told you. He’s told a major lie to you and you barely seem bothered by it. You should absolutely see this as a major red flag and revaluate your priorities and self worth.

lol, very very accurate. Plus bandaids, fake nails, vape cartridges and chicken wing bones.

• Microwave grits & 6.5 min eggs • open faced pretzel bun sando. I like to put canned cream corn, maybe some tinnedsmoked trout, 6.5 min eggs, small handful of mixed greens or arugula, olive oil, smoked maldon salt, pepper, dill & goat cheese • frozen ravioli, just boiled on top of some leafy mixed greens, and of course x2 6.5 min eggs on top, olive oil etc.

Dang, that is nearly identical. I wonder if the angle the photo was taken at just makes the towers appear narrower and arches more arched?

I use hand sanitizer for a lot of stains on the counters. No idea how it will work on paint but you could give it a try, test in a small area maybe. I think ours are quartz and we had a giant turmeric situation on it awhile back which put me in a panic but luckily it got it all out. Wine, weed resin, tomato based sauces etc. all have come off easily with that stuff. The lady we bought our place from left a big jar of sanitizer from her open houses when she moved out which we’ve just kept on the counter since and it has saved my butt so many times. Thank you Belinda!

Here’s a post from a different sub where someone had the exact same wallpaper and did an update leaving some of it intact: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mid_Century/s/1250lMIImx

Is it possible they prefer the mugs/cups because they are taller than bowls usually are? I have no idea if that is a thing but I’m a nerd and like to experiment and figure out what their super specific preferences are..they’re just full of little quirks that are like fun little codes to try and crack. But anyway, you could try elevating a bowl to see how they react. And, if you do that, maybe try one that is a normal width and one that is more the width of a mug and see what happens.

I agree here. If you’ve got grease splatter take care of it immediately. Have some Lysol wipes handy and you can have it taken care of in literally a minute. If you let it sit it’s going to take more effort later to take care of. I know Lysol wipes are wasteful, but fuck it, sometimes you need things like that in your life to help simplify it. Make it a rule that you don’t let dirty dishes sit on the counter or in the sink. Take care of them immediately and keep your future self in mind.

Maybe try not keeping his food full at night and instead get an auto feeder that goes off every 30/45 or 60 min for a few hours with small portions each time to keep him distracted. I had a similarish issue years ago and this helped a ton, thankfully.

I worked at a Panera for a summer years ago (like 15 years ago at least) and I was trained to fold or fluff the meat (can’t remember which term they used, but one of those two) in the sandos to look like there was more than there actually was, so I believe this.

Get a tray to put under the dish or fountain to save your floors and have less towels to wash. Then you can just dump out the water