Roberts. A shit stain on American jurisprudence.

“Tox screens are expensive” so women do not need to know with what substance they were drugged.

The “principles of medicine” very conveniently bend to matters of cost and convenience.

The “principles of medicine” are focused on symptom management rather than treating the whole patient. Can they walk? Yes? Good. Now walk out the door so we can get busy charging the next “patient”.

They probably thought, when push comes to shove, the “checks & balances” will work. Who knew that safeguard was always just the goodwill of whoever was in the seat.

What a shameful legacy for Roberts. The Chief Justice who permitted his court to embrace extremism and corruption and actively work to destroy democracy and the fabric of this country.

What he deems appropriate — where he and his ilk can tolerate seeing a black person. Wouldn’t want them becoming uppity you know.

Well when you marry this young, you’re getting a barely formed adult male. Of course you’re his “mom” and he’s training you early to accept how useless a partner he is. He works 25-30 hours, you pay for groceries, do all the housework and cooking and he’s a “picky eater”? Actually, you’re not his “mom”. You’re a mug. Being taken advantage of.

The way to “make him understand” is to attach consequences to his bs behavior and set some boundaries if your marriage is to grow beyond playing house for now.

I’m getting the feeling i should cross my fingers, toes and eyes hoping the return flight is as nice.

Flew Qantas for the first time USA to Oz and the flight was great. Great service, nice meal, as comfortable as economy gets. My only gripe was the meager weight allowance on the 1 checked bag - 23kg…

Fingers crossed the return flight is just as ok.

The Supreme Court acknowledging it is corrupt. The Chief Justice is a hack.

At this point it feels like you’re getting petty revenge on us with the there, their, they’re thing.

What did we do to you?

Parody products based on a trademarked logo could attract a lot of negative attention.

Also, OP would have to defend the “fair use” position legally = attorney fees etc. it’s not like Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy 😁

Is he not used to his height and weight?

How could he not understand?

If it’s some other “episode”, then you leaving will be the kick in the pants he needs to get it together for his discord chick.

He’s not pining for you. He’s exploiting you. That’s not “love”. That’s not an “episode”.

When you have to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to try and figure out whether someone is into you, they’re not.


Those anti-Castro groups thought this isn’t great time to cash in on America’s paranoia heightened sense of security so let’s just aim the mania at Cuba. Two birds as it were.

Not being sad would be a good way to thank him for his efforts.

Imagine after doing all that for someone to not only help them but your little family unit - your daughter and him included - for you to just end up being sad.

Be happy. Thank him in little ways. In big ways. Living the life you both want for your family will be thanks a plenty for your very awesome husband.

It applies to your comment:

Forcing diets on someone who doesn’t need them is not one.

Who says the thin twin is “healthy”?

Also, OP is sadly mistaken that’s proving the nutritional value of the family’s meals is putting them all on a “diet”. It’s just healthy eating.